The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 158 Doesn’t look like a good person (third update)

I remember that Nick Fury didn't say hello to Richard at all when he first came to visit, but appeared on the sofa in his bedroom without anyone noticing. This is a common method used by Fury and many agents. They deliberately create the elusive image of the king of agents to achieve the effect of preemptively striking before anyone speaks, which is conducive to taking the initiative in subsequent conversations.

However, it was obvious that this trick did not have the desired effect the last time he came to Richard's side. Director Fury sat in his bedroom in the dark for more than twenty minutes just to be able to show off. So this time he learned well. Not only did he call in advance to make an appointment for an interview tonight, but he also stopped climbing out of the window when he came to the door at night. Instead, he stood outside the door and rang the doorbell like a normal person.

When he entered, the security guard at the bottom of the building saw his appearance - a black bald head like a stewed egg, a black trench coat that exuded the aura of a "bad element", an eye patch and a shocking mark on his face. Scar, you don’t look like a good person, do you?

The security guard grabbed Fury and prepared to interrogate him until he showed his ID as "FBI Senior Director" before finally letting him go.

Although Lu Dan didn't care on his face, deep down he was extremely unhappy.

Even if Nick Fury came all the way to talk to him in person, how dare this blind little security guard not let him in?

Not even the presidential guard stopped him!

Director Fury held his breath and pressed the doorbell at the door. He pressed it several times before someone finally came out to answer the door. It was Gwen who opened the door, and the little girl was standing at the door looking at Nick Fury, with no intention of letting him in.

"Mr. Li and I have something to talk about. It's very important." Fury said impatiently, "Can you please give me a moment? Thank you."

"I remember you." Gwen said expressionlessly, "You shot me, remember?"

Fury and the little girl who was a head shorter than him looked at each other for a long time. Perhaps he was thinking that he would suffer a loss if he made a move, so he said: "If you want to hear this, then I'm sorry, it was me who didn't do it last time." Okay, okay?”

"It sounds completely insincere." Gwen shrugged and opened the door, "But I won't argue with you."

Fury: "."

Finally he finally met his real master. Richard appeared wearing a kitchen apron, looking like a house cook.

Fury told him the results of the investigation concisely, mentioned the name of General Thaddeus Ross, and implicitly stated that the alien factor obtained by Botu probably came from General Ross.

Richard frowned: "Are you trying to say that General Ross is the person in charge of the relevant experiments?"

"I didn't promise anything. I was just saying that this general might have some tricks up his sleeve." Lu Dan was very thief, so he didn't say anything directly. "You asked me to help you investigate, and this is the result. But I didn't Let you do anything, I don’t know and I’m not interested in knowing what actions you will take next.”

Fury dumped the blame pretty quickly, but Richard didn't care either. All he needed was information, and it was enough for Aegis to help him at this point.

"We have also done some other related investigations, which are all useless information. If you are interested, you can take a look."

Fury said as he took out a special iron-gray USB flash drive from his windbreaker. The shell was engraved with SHIELD's unique eagle emblem.

"You can view it on any device, but be aware that once you finish viewing it, it will execute a self-destruct program and burn itself out on the hardware level."

Richard took it and nodded in understanding.

Although he said so, the information stored here is actually quite critical, and may even be suspected of leaking secrets. It records the address of a top-secret laboratory in charge of General Thaddeus Ross, and also involves the establishment of the military stationed in the laboratory, the identity and rank of the officers, and even the architectural structural diagram.

Luo Dan's investigation work was so thorough that Richard couldn't help but wonder if Luo Dan was going to send a team of agents pretending to be terrorists to directly attack Ross's base if he didn't do it himself.

It would be a lot of fun if a group of Hydra agents pretending to be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were disguised as Hydra and attack military facilities.

But now that he knew the target and address, Richard naturally had no reason to sit idly by. He can be careless about other things, but not about alien beasts. Because this is like his responsibility, his mission, what he is destined to do.

The light of Nexus is equivalent to the natural enemy of the alien beasts. It is a threat that all alien beasts will fear and be attracted by instinct. If he lets those guys mess around and ignores them today, then there is a chance that an artificial alien beast will come to his door early tomorrow morning and knock on the door to bring warmth.

But he didn't intend to just rush into the laboratory with brute force and stupidity. After all, it is a top-secret facility and is a restricted area for the military. Not that it would be difficult to go in directly, but he didn't want to break up with the military government directly unless he had to.

That's stupid, inefficient and unnecessary. Although he has this strength, why should he take action when he can solve the problem with his words? He only needs to sneak into that base, take a few photos or download some experimental data, destroy all their experimental data related to the alien beasts, and finally publish the evidence he obtained through his own media.

This is the benefit of having your own information release channels. As long as you are strong enough, you will not be afraid of pressure from above to block information. Once this kind of news is published, it will definitely be a huge bombshell. Pull out the carrot and bring out the mud. God knows how many high-level officials involved will be ruined by this. As long as the follow-up efforts to add fuel to the flames are done properly, no one at least among the current senior officials will dare to speak out to support similar experimental projects in the future.

Then the next question is how to sneak into this laboratory.

Obviously Richard has not learned any spy skills. It is not impossible to teleport directly into the base, but doing so can easily arouse the other party's alert. After all, his teleportation is essentially quantizing his body and then traveling through subspace. When entering and exiting subspace, there will be certain energy fluctuations, which are not difficult to detect. Not to mention that when using this technique to shuttle, it also comes with a dazzling white light that blinds the 24K titanium alloy dog's eyes. The word "sneak" itself has nothing to do with it.

So, how can we sneak in now without anyone noticing?

Transform directly and use super speed to fly in? It's not impossible, but it's not safe either.

Richard was thinking while checking the information that Fury left for him. When he saw the list of personnel stationed at the base, a bold idea suddenly came to him.

If he catches a random high-ranking officer, wouldn't he be able to come and go as he pleases in his own back garden?

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