The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 161 You come to the trial (sixth update)

Richard walked out of the data center and saw that the corridor that was empty just outside the door was now filled with passing soldiers and researchers. Everyone was walking in twos and threes while whispering, and most of them seemed to be discussing what was on the radio. What would a "security breach" mean?

Visually, the bunch of buddies in the toilet cubicle have been discovered. However, the surveillance video has been replaced by him, and the unconscious guys won't wake up for a while. Ross probably doesn't know who the loophole is in yet.

But in fact, Richard was not under any pressure. Anyway, he has already got the evidence he needs. If he wants to leave, he can throw away this body and teleport away at any time. Anyway, he did all the bad things along the way in front of "Colonel Mike Foster". Not afraid of being recognized. When the people in the toilet cubicle wake up, they will all point out that "General Foster" did it.

Richard had already thought about it. After he patted his ass and left, Rose could catch the old guy and interrogate him at will. If you ask for a dime of information, I will lose!

The question now is whether to stay here or leave directly.

He was still a little concerned about the "super high-risk" top-secret project underground in the base. Without confirming it with his own eyes, he always felt instinctively uneasy. He might not be able to sleep thinking about this top-secret content all night after he went back.

After a slight hesitation, he decided to stay a little longer and look for opportunities. Anyway, he can leave anytime he wants, and with the quantum teleportation method, he doesn't have to worry about being seen.

As soon as I turned the first corner out of the house, an old man wearing a military uniform and a mustache walked over with an upright posture. He looked calm and imposing.

Richard recognized at a glance that this was General Thaddeus Ross, the top person in charge of this base and even the military region to which it belonged.

The general walked up to Richard, waved to him, and continued walking forward without looking back. Judging from this, he definitely didn't find any problem with "Colonel Foster", but if Richard didn't follow him now, he would definitely find the problem.

There were people coming and going around and there were surveillance cameras, so he couldn't just knock Rose out and possess him, so he simply followed him to see what he had to say.

When he arrived at the command room, Richard discovered that there were not many people in the base. Counting officers and researchers, there were only about fifty people in total. When they arrived, everyone had already formed a long line in the room.

Richard stood on the side after entering the door. Ross didn't bother him. Instead, he took a step forward, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Everyone, listen, we just found out that there is a traitor in the base. I don't know. Who among you did it for what purpose, but I will find out. I warned you, you should also know what kind of secrets are involved in the research in this base, and since If you choose to do this, you must be aware of it. I promise you, if I find you - and I will definitely do it, by then you will regret your betrayal and pay for it that you never thought possible. I’ve thought about the price!”

Richard stood behind him and nodded slightly. It can be very powerful and frightening, but it's a pity that you frightened the direction. Because that traitor comrade is actually behind you.

After Ross finished speaking, he snorted and raised his voice: "Everyone, count!"

Seeing the general's momentum, everyone didn't dare to neglect him at all, and they all announced the numbers loudly, including the civilian staff in white coats.

After reporting the numbers, the general immediately said: "Anyone who reported an odd number, get out of the queue!"

A group of people walked out of the queue and lined up in front of the general.

"You stay here and I will interrogate you personally. The rest of you follow Colonel Foster next door and he will be in charge of your interrogations."

Richard: "???"

No sir, you are mistaken, I am a traitor!

Isn't it appropriate for you to ask me, a traitor, to interrogate such a group of loyal ministers?

I don't know if it's because Ross has absolute confidence in the loyalty of "Colonel Foster", or maybe because Ross has some secret deal with this old man and he feels that this guy can't rebel. In short, General Ross is relieved. He left this job in the hands of "Colonel Foster".

This was simply a little too smooth, making even Richard, the traitor, feel embarrassed.

But he still coughed twice: "You all heard it. Everyone else, turn left! Walk together!"

The chief had placed such high hopes on him, and he certainly couldn't live up to it. He still had to behave appropriately. He led the group of soldiers into the next room, closed the door, and made everyone stand in a row.

But even so, I have no idea how to interrogate him. First of all, he has never learned similar techniques, and secondly, he is a spy himself. It always feels weird when he interrogates people.

So he thought for a moment and walked to the first soldier on the left side of the queue: "What's your name?"

"Sir, my name is John Davis!"

Richard slapped the soldier across the face: "You have such a sissy voice, haven't you had breakfast!?"

Richard had never been a soldier and didn't know how to deal with it, but he saw that his military training instructors trained a group of rookies in this way during the military training, and now he is just imitating it.

Oh, of course, the military training instructor didn't slap him. And he may have really failed to control his strength this time, so he slapped the big-headed soldier so hard that he was dizzy and in tears.

The soldier held his breath and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Report to the commander! My name is John Davis!"

This time, it was visually observed that he even screamed out with the energy to suck milk, his face turned red from suppressing it (of course, it may have been slapped by Richard), and the sound made his eardrums buzz as he got closer.

Richard nodded with satisfaction and walked to the next person: "What about you? What's your name?"

When the soldier in charge saw the miserable situation of the man in front of him, he couldn't help but keep an eye on it. He came up and used all his strength: "Report to the commander! My name is Jack Thompson!"

This guy may also be gifted. His voice is much louder than the one just now. Even the street aunt who has been practicing the "Hedong Lion's Roar" for decades may be dwarfed by her.

The rest of the people were thinking that they should retaliate loudly enough now, right? As a result, there was only a loud slap in the face, and another slap mark was printed on the face of the big-headed soldier.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Richard snorted, "I'm not deaf yet."

Jack Thompson: "???"

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