The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 162 Highly Dangerous (seventh update)

It is said that military orders are like mountains, and obeying orders is the bounden duty of soldiers. This is probably the same for armies all over the world. But even so, it is definitely impossible to say that there is no resentment in the hearts of the soldiers. None of them dared to look at "Commander Foster" in the eyes, but they were all wondering whether this commander had something to do today. Problem.

After asking the names of the first two lucky people, he stopped asking. Instead, he walked back and forth along the queue several times with his hands behind his back, looking at everyone several times with spine-chilling eyes.

Then he stood at the front of the team and said loudly: "Everyone listens to the order. Anyone who thinks I am handsome, please come out!"

A group of soldiers: "???"


Sir, aren't we looking for a traitor? Can you be more serious?

All the soldiers looked confused. They all looked at each other. For a while, no one came out of the queue. So Richard raised his voice: "Didn't you hear it or something?"

Helpless, even if the commander has a seizure, he is still a colonel after all. It’s not an excessive order anyway, just get out of the queue.

So a group of soldiers came forward from the queue and looked at Richard with a friendly look in their eyes, as if sir, you are so handsome.

However, Richard kept a straight face and said in a cold voice: "Everyone out in line, turn left! Go and run ten laps clockwise on the sports field outside!"

All the soldiers said again: "???"

Richard snorted: "You can tell such a lie without conscience, which shows that you are unprincipled and untrustworthy. If there is a mole in the base, you are the most suspect!"

The soldiers were immediately speechless. Why does it sound so reasonable?

Yes, even an old man like Chief Foster, who has an old face, an ugly face and a big nose, can be cool without conscience. Isn't he the person most suspected of leaking secrets?

However, it seems that the commander is quite self-aware, and he still has an idea of ​​what he looks like.

The group of soldiers went to run around outside speechlessly. Before the remaining soldiers had time to rejoice, they saw the commander's cold gaze directed towards them again.

Just when everyone was feeling something bad, they heard "Chief Foster" ordering in a dark voice: "The rest of you, turn left and run twenty laps counterclockwise around the sports field for me!"

The remaining soldiers: "."

Damn it, sir, you are so awesome! You don't even hide your personal grudges?

And why do we have to run ten more laps than them? Are you handsome? Can't you take care of yourself when you pee?

I don’t know what the officer was up to today, but no one dared to question him. All the soldiers grunted helplessly and ran out to run laps on the sports ground.

General Ross summoned all the remaining people in the base to the opposite room for questioning. No one there knew that "Colonel Foster" had sent all the soldiers here to run around. At this moment, the entire base was empty and no one was left. Richard put his hands in the pockets of his military uniform, walked out of the door, and slowly walked into the elevator at the end of the corridor. After fingerprint scanning and authentication, he pressed the direct button. The button at the bottom of the base.

Watching the elevator floors going down on the electronic display, Richard couldn't help but laugh. Things went very smoothly, it was all in his calculations.

What a fart!

Who could have imagined that things would go so smoothly, it almost made Richard wonder if he was possessed by a European god or if Ultraman had the hidden attribute of Lucky S.

The elevator went down and reached the bottom floor. The elevator door slid open, and there was a huge iron-colored alloy door in front of it. It looked a bit heavy.

Of course there is an electronic lock next to the door. Richard tried to use his palmprint for authentication, but only received a notice that "without authorization, he must seek permission from General Ross himself."

Of course he couldn't go back and look for permission. Richard directly raised the energy blast gun, and an energy blast blasted through the door.

Well, this time he probably attracted the attention of the superiors, but it would still take two or three minutes for Ross to bring the people down, enough for him to take a walk down there.

Outside the door was a long narrow passage with deep darkness on both sides. The only light source came from two light tubes placed on the ground under their feet. The light blue light barely illuminated the cold-colored floor. .

The darkness certainly couldn't cut off Richard's vision. He could clearly see cylindrical cultivation cabins neatly placed in the darkness on both sides of the road. The hatches were tightly sealed, making it impossible to see what was hidden inside.

But he didn't need to see it either. From the moment the elevator door opened and he stepped out into the darkness, Richard's enhanced senses took over.

It felt a bit like the blurry images drawn through sonar. He could sense the twisted, abominable things locked in those cultivation chambers, demons created by human hands.

And at the same moment, the other party obviously felt him.

Light and shadow repel each other. The moment Richard, who possesses the purest light, appears underground, the darkness is also awakened. The doors of all the training cabins burst open under the bombardment of strange force, and the steel plates that were hammered out of shape from the inside flew high and fell to the ground one after another like pieces of scrap iron.

A hand that was as haggard as a zombie stretched out from the training cabin and pressed on the edge of the cabin door, and zombie-like bodies emerged from it.

Richard took a rough look, there were about six. No, seven.

These were originally humans, but they were implanted with alien beast factors. Similar individuals also appeared in the original TV series. Their eyes are hollow, their shapes are distorted, their bodies may have claws or sharp teeth, and some have skin as hardened as a solid rock.

Richard sighed softly.

Once transformed, they are no longer human at all, and there is no possibility of reversing the process. So whether they were soldiers or death row prisoners before, now they are just humanoid alien beasts.

So there is nothing to hesitate in dealing with them. Richard took action directly, raised the energy blast gun and fired. The blue light tore through the darkness and hit a humanoid body, instantly breaking the man into pieces with a twisted roar.

The other people also screamed strangely and rushed forward. One of the two people facing them used their claws and the other used their teeth. They were very powerful, but in the next second they were both knocked away by Richard, howling miserably. Blue light spots.

Although he is possessed by this old man named Mike Foster, this does not affect the ability of the human body. The slightly fat colonel was seen moving back and forth between several figures, his movements as agile and agile as a whirlwind. Several humanoid alien beasts had super strength, but they could only scratch and bite randomly after losing their minds. They were decomposed into light particles one after another without even touching the corners of Richard's clothes.

But it's not over yet. These seven modified individuals were all clearly stated in the data taken by Richard. They were regular individuals similar to super soldiers after implanting alien beast factors, but they were regarded as failures because they lost their minds. Obviously these are not "highly dangerous" things.

In addition, he could also feel that there was something more dangerous and crazier hiding somewhere nearby, like a hungry wolf waiting for an opportunity.

And there is no doubt that the other party agrees to sense his presence. Something was approaching rapidly from the depths of darkness, it was coming with force, like an unstoppable flood.

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