The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 163 The monster emerging from the cage (eighth update)

The moment Richard blasted open the underground door with one shot, a piercing alarm echoed throughout the base. General Ross, who was still under interrogation, hurriedly stopped what he was doing and ran out. When he looked in the opposite room, he found that it was already empty without half a ghost. The "Colonel Foster" and the man he was responsible for interrogating Half the people were missing.

After looking for it, I discovered that the group of soldiers was running laps on the sports field outside. The team that went out first now is still three laps away.

General Ross immediately realized something was wrong. With a wave of his hand, he asked everyone to bring their weapons and follow him. The two groups of soldiers on the sports field stopped running and followed Ross towards the restricted area under the base.

A group of heavily armed soldiers came to the door aggressively, but suddenly they felt that the ground beneath their feet seemed to shake violently. A powerful and deep voice came from below, so vague that it was almost indistinguishable, as if it was a roar from the deepest part of hell.

Everyone stopped subconsciously. General Ross's face instantly turned pale, as if he had thought of something extremely terrifying. Without any hesitation, he turned his head and loudly ordered: "Retreat! Everyone, get out of the base!"

As the person in charge of the laboratory, it is of course impossible for Ross not to know what kind of demon they hide underneath, a terrifying thing created by mankind's greed to control the ultimate power.

Just as a group of people stumbled out of the base, the entire facility collapsed behind them. As if a demon that had been suppressed for hundreds of years finally escaped, the furious roar broke through the roof and reached into the sky. The steel walls were crushed like foam, the foundation collapsed, and the huge building collapsed.

The giant claw pierced out from the ground, and the steel ground was easily penetrated like a layer of cardboard. The giant earth-yellow shadow broke out, stretching out its thick arms under the night cover, its vicious eyes lit up with scarlet light, and it burst into the sky with a roar that shook the world.

Although the size has increased to nearly 60 meters, the body appearance has gained more characteristics of alien beasts, and the bone spurs on the body have become more shocking, from the appearance and characteristics, this thing is clearly the abomination that caused trouble in New York. The upgraded huge version.

And this is indeed the case. The body of the Abomination has been sealed in General Ross's possession since that incident, and was moved here soon after the Gamma Laboratory was shut down. After discovering that the alien beast factor has a powerful effect in activating physical activity, Ross's group of scientists who are experts at committing suicide came up with a plan to use the abominable corpses as experimental materials. The most terrifying thing is that this plan has also been further modified. The superior of the little expert in committing suicide approved it

They implanted cells containing the alien beast factor into the abominable corpse, and used gamma rays in strictly controlled amounts to replenish energy on a regular basis, thus creating the terrifying artificial alien beast now. The product of the combination of alien beast factor and hatred, an upgraded version of the super gamma alien beast.

The defense turret outside the base was activated immediately, the muzzle flashes flashed one after another, and the heavy shells hit the gamma alien beast's strong skin one after another. Flames and gunpowder smoke exploded on the Abomination one after another, but it was completely ineffective and could not shake its huge body at all.

Hatred roared, flew up and kicked a military jeep at his feet. The body of the vehicle immediately twisted and disintegrated under the terrifying force of the kick. The remaining largest part of the wreckage hit a defensive turret like an arrow, and the barrel was smashed to pieces on the spot.

The several turrets posed no threat at all, and they were all torn into pieces in a matter of seconds. Abomination let out a low roar, raised his fist high, and slammed down with an unknown amount of tens of thousands of tons of punch power. The ground shattered with a roar, and the entire land sank with a bang. Huge ravines spread like sword marks. The surrounding trees continued to sink into the depths of the ravines, and even the terrain seemed to have changed.

Two armed helicopters rose into the air, and the pilots carefully kept a distance from the monster. The order to fire freely was given, and the machine gun whirled and poured out a rain of 12.7 mm bullets. Thousands of bullets were thrown out in the blink of an eye, and they all hit the alien beast's skin, deformed and splashed away. The anti-tank missiles were fired from the tips of the short wings, all aimed at the hated joints and vital points. The flames bloomed one after another. The firelight illuminated the night sky, and the high temperature distorted the light, making the body of the alien beast appear particularly erratic. ferocious.

A roar erupted, and the wind pressure almost blew away the curtain of fire. A blurry black afterimage tore through the fire curtain, spiraled out, drew a beautiful parabola and flew straight towards a helicopter in the sky. The driver hurriedly tried to hide, but it was already too late. The helicopter was hit head-on and instantly turned into a huge fireball in mid-air. The broken propeller rotated and cut through the flames, and countless burning steel fragments rained down.

The pilot of the other helicopter was so frightened that he hurriedly increased the altitude and distanced himself.

But the next second, the monster's scarlet gaze followed him in the direction he avoided, locking their position like the gaze of death.

Then, with everyone looking in disbelief, Hatred bent his legs, and his body weighing tens of thousands of tons jumped directly off the ground! The moment it left the ground, a transparent air ring exploded under its feet, and the surrounding flames were blown away. An earth-yellow shadow nearly sixty meters high rose from the ground, and shot directly at the armed helicopter in mid-air in an extremely anti-scientific manner. The helicopter was smashed to pieces with a slap, and the steel wreckage fell with a gorgeous tail flame.

Hatred fell heavily to the ground, raised his arms and raised his head and roared, as if he was declaring that he was the only master of this world!

A call for help has been sent out, but they obviously can't wait for outside support. In less than a minute, all the troops stationed in the base were wiped out.

Old General Ross climbed out of the jeep with only half of its body left and its butt still on fire. His face was gray and gray, and his cheeks were still stained with blood. He staggered over and looked up at the huge body, the monster made by his own hands.

"You're a soldier, damn it." He yelled, pointing at Hate. "Have you forgotten your oath? Have you forgotten who you are? Who do you fight for, Blonsky? Who do you die for? "

Hatred lowered his head and looked at the old man, and actually stopped for a moment. There seemed to be a trace of confusion in his eyes filled with murderous intent and violence.

This is exactly how they try to control this gamma alien beast - trying to make him believe that he is still a veteran named Emil Blonsky, making him believe that he gave his body for this country, I became like this voluntarily.

This method was indeed effective before today, but for some reason it suddenly went out of control today. Fortunately, the effect of the previous brainwashing didn't seem to be completely gone. Seeing that these few words were effective, Ross quickly began to think about the subsequent lines in his mind, thinking about how to trick him back into the cage.

Then the alien beast slapped Rose and turned him into a meat pie.

Hate: What is this old man mumbling about? are you crazy?

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