The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 165 The Ancestral Alien Beast (Ten Updates)


It's not a metaphor, nor is it an abstract fantasy, but a word that naturally jumped out of Richard's head when he saw the alien beast in front of him.

It has a dark and huge body, eyes like a cold-blooded animal, its long tail whips heavily on the ground, its gums are exposed, and it has a mouth of white sharp teeth.

From the moment this guy appeared, the vibration wave of the alien beast that Richard sensed almost broke through the sky. It was a completely different feeling from any other alien beast. Compared with this guy, even the alien beast transformed from hatred just now looked like a bastard fish.

Richard also recognized this guy's background at a glance.

Although the image is slightly different from the original work, it may be due to the light in the body. It is clearly the first time to see this alien beast, but Richard feels as familiar as seeing an old enemy he has fought against for many years. .

That one is the alien beast code-named "The One" by humans, which means the first one to come to the earth.

It is the ancestor of all alien beasts and the source of darkness.

The alien beast The One opened its black mouth, and a high-heat flame began to brew in its mouth. The flames billowed in his mouth and gradually condensed into the shape of a fireball. The flame contained what seemed to be an endless sea of ​​fire.

Nexus stood up and took a stance, cautiously facing the enemy.

As the ancestor of the alien beasts, The One has almost infinite possibilities and can evolve infinitely by continuously absorbing other creatures. All the alien beasts that appear in Nexus' subsequent works are only derived from its fragments. Fortunately, The One's evolution in the original work was wiped out by Ultraman just in its infancy. If it were allowed to continue to evolve, the consequences would be disastrous.

Considering that this is the ancestral alien beast that God Noah did not hesitate to personally pursue to the earth, perhaps it is possible that this guy is actually on the same level as Noah at his peak state. It's just that when both sides came to the earth, they were both unprecedentedly weak and less than one percent of their normal strength. Noah barely transformed into the form of Nexter, while the alien beast only hurriedly ate some geckos, snakes, Rats, crows, etc. sate their hunger, and they became gigantic and fought against Nexter. In the end, they were blown apart into molecules by Ultraman's big move.

In short, it is actually two god-level bosses (one of whom is suspected of being a god-level boss) who opened a zero-level trumpet to each other and went to the ace showdown in the new area that had just opened the server.

But the One who appeared in front of him now didn't know what level of strength he had, and Richard couldn't figure out what stage of evolution this guy had reached. If you are lucky, the opponent may still be at the level of a newly created account, and a red adult form of Nexus can be abused at will, but if you are unlucky, the opponent may have been developed for many years and will reach full level, so you can just throw up. Bo can give him seconds.

No matter what, don't be careless.

The One slowly opened his ferocious mouth, and scorching flames began to boil in his mouth. A fireball gradually formed in its mouth, as if it contained an entire sea of ​​fire.

Nexus took a stance and concentrated on dealing with it.

And just when he thought a fierce battle was about to begin, The One suddenly turned around, turned his head and spit out a fireball toward his side. Abomination on one side saw the two big guys playing with each other and thought they had forgotten that they were getting up and wanted to sneak away quietly. As a result, a fireball hit the center of the back, causing it to fall to the ground with a loud bang.

Abomination was hit by the fireball and fell to the ground, screaming in pain. I don’t know if the alien beasts can communicate with each other. If they can, Abomination must be shouting: Big brother! Don't talk to your own people!

Richard was stunned, a little confused for a moment.

Are you still a teammate after doing this for a long time?

The One really turned his head and ignored Nexus, as if he had lost interest in him. As it walked toward the abomination, it squeaked its fingers, and its bones made a crisp sound like fried beans.

Abomination shook his head and got up, roared loudly, and rushed forward in a dull manner. The One raised his claws, and the sharp claws like knives suddenly scratched the flesh on Abomination's chest, and black blood flew out.

After the battle with Nexus just now, Abomination was already covered in wounds, and this claw hurt it even more. Abomination angrily raised its fists to fight back, but its proud arm strength was not easy to use in front of The One. The opponent's arm easily pushed away its heavy punch, then he clenched his claws into a fist, and punched it like a cannon on its lower abdomen.

Abomination groaned and backed away, his internal organs seemed to have been moved out of position by the punch. The One then slapped it on the cheek again, making it dizzy and black blood spurted out of its mouth.

Finally, the ancestor of the alien beast pierced its chest with one claw and inserted the other claw into its abdomen. With a low roar, he used both arms to lift the entire abomination above his head, and threw it to the ground hard over his shoulders. The ground was smashed deeply and dust was stirred up.

Abomination fell to the ground, with multiple wounds all over his body open, and black blood gushes out of the wounds like spring water.

The two guys were dog-eat-dog, so Richard had no reason to intervene. But he was always vigilant and watching, always on guard against The One coming back to attack him.

In fact, although The One turned his back to him and seemed not interested in him at all, every second Richard felt as if he could feel this guy's gaze, as if this alien beast had eyes behind it. Staring at him with cold eyes every moment.

The One knelt down next to the immobile Abomination, raised his claws high, and stabbed into the Abomination's flesh with a "chi" sound.

What happens next happens in less than half a second. Richard could clearly see that the abomination's skin and muscles began to disintegrate under the influence of The One, as if it turned into some kind of black fluid and began to extend along The One's arms toward its body.

Abomination howled twice in pain, but soon became silent - indicating that it had completely breathed its last. Its body tissues have been broken down to the cellular level, and the entire body is absorbed and swallowed by The One. The ancestor of the alien beast gradually began to grow khaki armor, and spikes appeared on the back. The entire body seemed to have grown in size again, and its appearance was extremely exaggerated.

It eats the hate.

It happened in less than a breath. Nexus did not hesitate, and immediately crossed his palms at his sides. He quickly gathered energy and crossed his palms into a cross shape. The manic golden beam of light immediately shot out!

Cross storm!

It was definitely too late to gather the energy of the ultimate light. Cross Storm was the most powerful skill he could unleash in the shortest time, and it was the only one that could hope to interrupt The One's feeding before it finished devouring it.

But it was still a step too late. The One turned his head and raised his paws, crossing his arms in front of him for protection. The cross storm exploded on its arm with a loud bang, causing The One to stagger. The forearm was torn apart and filled with white smoke, but it was not able to hurt it.

The torn flesh on his arms was rapidly recovering. The One raised his eyes and glanced at Nexus, but had no intention of fighting. Instead, he opened his mouth like a smile, then slowly retreated, and his figure seemed to disappear into a mist.

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