The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 166 Who will deal with the aftermath (11th update)

A top-secret laboratory belonging to the military was razed to the ground, and giant creatures were suspected of being involved. The night the news came back, all of Washington exploded.

Using the corpses of alien beasts for human experiments, someone must have given instructions behind Ross's daring to do this, and there were probably people in the senior management who knew about it. But knowing or not is one thing. After the incident is revealed, they still have to try their best to pretend to be angry, surprised, and indignant, because this is politically correct.

You can't sit calmly in a chair while your colleagues are setting off a wave of denunciation, waving to you while drinking tea: "Sit down, sit down, aren't they just a few monsters, what's the big deal? We have something even crazier?" Haven’t you done it before?”

If anyone dares to say that, his time in the White House is probably over.

With such a big mess, someone must come out to deal with the aftermath if something goes wrong. Logically speaking, this matter should be considered the fault of the military, and the military should be responsible for handling the situation. However, the big bosses who secretly instructed and supported Ross all became mute at this time, and they all pretended to be deaf and dumb and pretended not to know. Senior executives with a little normal brains all know that this is a hot potato. Everyone is pushing and pushing, but no one is willing to take it. The Pentagon has been trying to pull each other for a long time without any results, and no one is willing to come out and take this drudgery.

In the end, the White House was helpless. The President had to come to Lu Dan to discuss it, saying, Director Fury, your mothership is relatively close and can be easily dispatched. Why don't you go and clean it up?

Fury doesn't care. Anyway, theoretically at this stage, the SHIELD organization does not exist at all. Their nature and status are very special. Neither the White House nor the Pentagon actually has the authority to directly command them. Therefore, Mr. President can only discuss with him. If Luodan just cites a lack of staff, there is nothing he can do.

But after all, Director Fury was different from those politicians who kicked the ball. He simply agreed to the President's request. However, he also said that it would be difficult to clean up such a huge mess without money. As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, and funds must be in place first before things can be handled easily.

Mr. President is having a big problem of not being able to find a person in charge. Now he just wants to find someone to take over the job. Any conditions are easy to negotiate. So as soon as he heard that Braised Eggs only wanted money, Mr. President immediately agreed. He said that you just go ahead and do it, the funding issue is easy to discuss, I will find a solution!

However, S.H.I.E.L.D. is usually under the responsibility of the World Security Council, and Mr. President obviously does not have much understanding of how S.H.I.E.L.D. operates and Director Fury's acting style. If it were someone from the Council who communicated, they would definitely know this iron rule - you can say anything to Nick Fury, an old fox, but you must not be too frank when it comes to money. Because you never know how much he wants when he opens his mouth.

When the braised egg promised to be on my body, Mr. President finally breathed a sigh of relief. He also thought to himself that Director Fury was really reliable. Those bastards could kick the ball faster than the World Cup players at the critical moment. It was completely Can't count on it. However, at this time, the president did not realize the problem.

Another thing the President didn't know was that he had already arrived at the ruins of the base when Fury called him.

Richard, who was with SHIELD, came over and asked, "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Fury calmly put away the phone, "Mr. President paid for SHIELD to clean up the scene."

Richard couldn't help but look sideways at the braised egg.

Therefore, Fury estimated that the president might ask him to do this work long ago, and even if he didn't ask for it, he actually planned to do so. The failed experiments and remains of alien beasts left behind in General Ross's laboratory must be completely destroyed. Not a single cell can be left. He couldn't sleep without personally confirming the destruction of these things.

Anyway, he is already doing the work, so it would be great if the President calls and is willing to send money. Braised eggs represent money, the more the better, the more the better.

Fury personally inspected the abandoned base and asked Richard about the situation last night. Richard briefly told him about the humanoid alien beasts, and also told him about the monster created by Rose combining the abominable corpse and the alien beast factors. Even Fury couldn't help but be a little surprised when it came to this part. Even he didn't expect Rose to be so crazy.

And when Richard finally mentioned the existence of The One, Fury couldn't calm down.

"The origin of the alien beast?" he asked.

"Theoretically, it should be." Richard nodded, "The One is the ancestor of all alien beasts, and theoretically the most powerful one. It can evolve infinitely by devouring other creatures."

"Infinite evolution?" Fury felt that this word was a bit offensive, "Approximately how strong can it be?"

"I'm not sure either. But try to be optimistic." Richard thought for a moment. "It's definitely no problem to destroy the earth or something."

Fury stared at him with that one eye.

"Be conservative, seriously?" He looked unbelieving, "What about the worst direction?"

"Destruction of the universe." Richard spread his hands, "Please don't look at me like that, I'm not kidding. I'm just trying to tell you that the consequences of letting it grow will be disastrous, and you must solve it as soon as possible. It If you want to grow, you must keep eating, especially if you like to eat people, you SHIELD better pay more attention to it."

Fury nodded: "We will. We will notify you if we find anything."

Although the main work was taken over by Lu Dan, after all, it was the military that brought the trap, and it didn't seem like they were completely indifferent. So as a representative, Brigadier General Tarbot also came to the site in person to supervise the work.

Of course Brigadier General Tarbert had been informed of the situation in Ross's laboratory before. He secretly cursed Rose for having a headache, and at the same time he had to try his best to cover up the matter.

Although a certain lighthouse country claims to be democratic, if something goes wrong and it covers up the country, many of its colleagues around the world will have to be resigned to it. Brigadier Tarbert came to inspect the base. He didn't know whether it was because of his old eyesight or something else, but he didn't seem to see the claw marks on the broken wall, the footprints on the ground, or the armor plates that were obviously deformed by the huge force. He also specially brought a guy who was said to be a survey expert, and he pretended to walk around the scene where even a child could tell something was wrong, and finally came to the conclusion that the explosion was caused by an accident in the laboratory.

Brigadier General Tarbert was a little nervous when he finally mentioned this conclusion to Fury. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a regular organization. God knows if Fury will have a twitch in his head and say that they must be realistic and act according to the regulations. Then Talbot's mission will not be easy to handle.

Fortunately, Fury didn't embarrass him. He just nodded lightly, meaning it's up to you. If you want to explode, you can explode. I can't control it anyway.

Brigadier General Tarbert breathed a sigh of relief, and his work was finally completed. Anyway, he is just a nominal representative, and the rest of the mess will be left to SHIELD to deal with it slowly.

However, Brigadier General Tarbert did not know that although Fury acquiesced to them making up random conclusions about the accident, Fury also intentionally or unintentionally "forgot" to tell them that there was a member of the press at the scene. Although SHIELD doesn't plan to say anything, this media boss doesn't necessarily think so.

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