The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 174 The Element of Light (Nineteen Updates)

Stark residence, underground laboratory.

Miss Pepper Potts was talking about trivial matters such as contract agreements and financial statements through the virtual screen, while Tony Stark was sitting at the table and was answering, while holding in his hands He was constantly fiddling with a complex mechanical structure. The laser gun slowly cut across the alloy shell, and the flying sparks were reflected on his black goggles.

Pepper closed her mouth and looked at him helplessly for a moment, then asked: "So, Tony, did you hear what I just said?"

"Of course, I'm listening." Tony nodded repeatedly.

"Then what did I just say?"

"Uh stocks?"

"Oh, you actually remembered a word. That's amazing. I'm a little flattered." Pepper sarcastically said.

Tony temporarily took off his goggles, looked at her seriously and said, "Hey, I trust you, okay? I trust you 100% to handle everything. Just handle it according to your own ideas. You don't have to ask my opinion." .”

"Oh." Pepper said dryly, "Then I plan to sell the Stark Group tomorrow."

"No, you wouldn't." Tony shrugged nonchalantly, "It's just like your child. How can a mother sell her child?"

Little Pepper was helpless. In fact, she had known for a long time that Tony wouldn't care about those miscellaneous trivial matters. Ever since Tony was rescued from the Middle East, all his thoughts had been on the armor, and he didn't seem to care about anything else. This phone call she made was just a formality. After all, his name was still hanging on the company building, and there were many things that required his nod.

The official business was over, and Pepper changed the topic: "You look terrible. Tell me the truth, have you not left the laboratory for many days?"

"Don't think too much, I go to bed early and get up early every day." Tony made a serious face.

However, before Pepper could reply, his artificial intelligence butler Jarvis immediately sold the boss: "Sir, it has been 72 hours since you last slept."

Tony said with a dark face: "Shut up, Jarvis. It's none of your business here."

He felt that Lao Jia had become more and more disobedient recently. Was it because he had not been trained for too long? No, was there something wrong with the calibration program?

He secretly decided to give Lao Jia a good repair in the next two days. At the same time, Tony put on a serious face and acted mechanically: "Sorry, you are talking to Tony Stark's holographic projection. The video content has been played. If you have any questions, Please call and leave a message in the voicemail box."

Pepper yelled: "Wait Tony! I haven't finished speaking yet, you can't"

As soon as the screen went black, Pepper's voice stopped abruptly. Tony threw the floating projection screen aside and rubbed the corners of his eyes tiredly.

Pepper was right about one thing, he hadn't left the lab in a long time.

During this period of time, he has been researching new technologies for upgrading the suit, starting from the last encounter with the alien beast.

He never mentioned it to anyone, but the experience really had a big impact on him. Until more than a month ago, he still firmly believed that Iron Man was the ultimate answer to all the problems in the world. Then suddenly, twisted giant creatures and silver giants appeared one after another, using the explosive expansion of data to knock his confidence and worldview away. It was shattered.

He didn't tell Pepper about his worries because he didn't want her to be as anxious as he was. But the truth is, he was terrified. Knowing that there are still a bunch of things out there that the current Iron Man is completely unable to fight against makes him restless.

The new generation of Iron Man armor is designed based on this premise. He collected all the data from the giant's battle, captured every microsecond's energy changes, and drew detailed curves for analysis, especially the final moment when the giant crossed its hands in a cross and released a beam of light.

After countless research and explorations, Tony made a discovery that even he had not expected. After matching the specific frequency of the energy released by Ultraman, he tried to call the Stark Group's satellite to track the energy frequency. As a result, he unexpectedly discovered that the entire Earth's atmosphere seemed to be affected by this similar energy. shrouded.

Of course, this energy scattered around the world is extremely weak, so weak that it can be almost ignored normally, but after Tony made many measurements with precision instruments, he was convinced that this was a power similar to that of Ultraman.

So after a complicated operation, he successfully separated and extracted a certain key new element, and applied this element to the arc reactor technology. Although only very low amounts of trace elements were added, the performance of the arc reactor in all aspects had exploded beyond his imagination. The data obtained during the first test even made Tony suspect that there was something wrong with his computer.

After he applied the new reactor to the MK7 armor that had just been developed, Iron Man immediately received a radical upgrade. Stronger power, superior mobility, and even the reaction speed of the armored neural interaction module have been incredibly improved, which is a true comprehensive upgrade. That's why there was a scene where Iron Man defeated the rookie Doctor Doom in downtown New York.

After that actual combat test, this new Iron Man system was officially completed, but the test also exposed some areas that could be improved, and this is what he is still working on.

The world is not safe.

That's why someone has to stand up and fight.

There was a soft beep from the computer, and Jarvis' gentle voice sounded: "Simulation adjustment successful, sir. The energy loss rate of the suit's hand armor has been reduced by 7.39%."

"Adjust the data and let's do it again. We should be able to get even lower."

The words fell, and before Jarvis could speak, the lights in the laboratory went out with a buzz.

Tony was stunned.

power failure? it's here? Tony Stark's house?

How can this be?

Not only the lights, but every floating screen in the laboratory was also turned off. Darkness quickly occupied the entire space, as if silently announcing that this was its own territory.

There was no movement from the backup engine either. Tony has the impression that he has never encountered a similar situation since he moved here. The probability of such a thing happening should be less than one in a million.

"Jarvis? Are you there?"

Tony heard his voice echoing in the dark laboratory, without any echo.

Then, he seemed to hear footsteps, like the sound of tens of thousands of tons of footsteps hitting the rocks, and even the villa under his feet seemed to tremble slightly at any time.

He began to feel something was wrong.

For a moment, a loud noise echoed in the silent darkness. The ceiling cracked open amidst heavy wails, and a ferocious huge claw tore the roof apart and fell from the sky!

(p.s. Because some book friends mentioned it, I would like to explain it specifically. Iron Man’s upgrade only captures the R7 factor floating in the atmosphere and obtains the attribute of light. The main function is actually to gain an additional bonus to the damage of fighting alien beasts, not to obtain The power of Ultraman, don’t misunderstand...)

The author has reached the 19th update and is about to finish it. Then someone suddenly reminds me that I have forgotten the two guaranteed updates today. . .

Then I looked at the fan list and saw that there were two more big guys with 10,000 rewards before the deadline at 12 o'clock last night. Thanks to the book friends, Drrose and I, for the rewards!

So adding four more updates in total, that’s 25 updates, with 6 chapters left.

Suddenly my liver stopped moving. . .

Originally, I didn’t want to default on my debt and settle it in one fell swoop today, but by morning I just couldn’t get enough of it (surely, as long as you are an author, you can’t get rid of the curse of defaulting on your debt? テ_デ). So there are still six updates left, one to two per day, and it is expected to be paid off within the National Day. . .

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