The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 175 Iron Man VS Alien Beast Nosfield

The claws that were sharp enough to cut through steel were only less than half a meter away from Tony's scalp. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he lowered his head and rolled on the spot, I'm afraid his whole body would have been clawed into pieces by the claws.

His eyes widened and he could hardly believe what he was seeing.

The ceiling of the villa was easily cut open like a piece of cardboard, the broken steel bars pierced out from the cracks, and giant claws fell from them, piercing deeply into the floor of the laboratory.

Looking upward along the sharp claw, he saw a black shadow covering the sky. The huge silhouette stretched across the outside of the roof, blocking all light sources with its huge body. Only a pair of vicious and hungry eyes can be seen on the dark outline, like a hungry jackal seeing long-lost food, flashing with joyful eyes filled with murderous intent.

Demonic alien beast Nosfell!

Tony didn't understand how he provoked this guy to chase him all the way to his house to seek revenge, and he had no time to think about it for the time being. His mind went blank for a brief moment, his heart beat like a drum, as if it was about to beat through his chest, and the instinctive fear from deep within his body briefly paralyzed his hands and feet.

The sharp claws were pulled out from the floor and raised high, like a kitchen knife hanging high against the fish on the chopping board.

Originally, this half-second of hesitation might have been enough to directly kill him. Fortunately, the laboratory's defense system took effect at this moment. The floor was lifted, and machine guns and small turrets protruded from the floor and walls of the laboratory. The dense firepower network swept towards the alien beast like a metal storm.

Gunpowder exploded, smoke filled the air, and thousands of bullets clattered to the floor. Although it couldn't cause direct damage, it did attract Northfield's attention. The alien beast roared angrily, and split a firing turret into two halves with its raised claws, without causing any trouble to Stark.

Tony took this opportunity to turn around quickly and ran into the darkness.

Some unknown electromagnetic pulse phenomenon paralyzed most of the electronic equipment, but fortunately Tony was careful. The controllers of the machine guns and automatic turrets were all connected by optical cables and grounded.

If Pepper knew that Tony had set up such an iron barrel-like posture in her home, she would definitely accuse him of being too paranoid, but the facts proved that it was indeed effective. If it weren't for his precautions, he might have died at the claws of the alien beast by now.

Fortunately, the previous six models of Iron Man suits did not have electromagnetic pulse protection, but he added this new function to the Mark 7 armor on a whim.

Mark 7's new Iron Man system was designed by him to be able to fight against things like alien beasts.

Now it's time to test performance.

Ordinary machine gun bullets and artillery shells were of course just like scratching an itch for the alien beast. The alien beast demolished the pile of automatic weapons into pieces and scrap metal with just a few slaps. Then it turned its head back and continued to search for the location of the human who had just escaped by following the scent. It lifted up the roof with its bare hands, fixed its gaze on the darkness in the blind corner of the laboratory, and stretched out its claws toward the darkness.

The azure light pierced the darkness like a sword, whirling and hitting Nosfer's palm. The energy beam blasted the alien beast's palms to pieces, and a burnt smell mixed with blood filled the air.

Northfield was furious and roared wildly. His claws grabbed the wall in the corner with tons of power. The afterimage trailing the tail flame suddenly shot out from under its claws. The steel body flew up quickly along the arms of the alien beast. The two recoil beams were like flying knives that could kill with one hit, piercing through the air. The throat of the alien beast.

The addition of the new element of the arc reactor not only greatly enhances the power of the Iron Man suit's energy weapons, but also increases its lethality against alien beasts geometrically. The recoil beam with the highest power output broke through Northfield's throat like a sharp blade, and the blood from the wound gushed out like a spring.

Northfield groaned in pain, his claws flashed, and he quickly grabbed him on the head. Iron Man activated the booster on his waist and moved a few meters horizontally with a short acceleration. He made a half-circle in mid-air to adjust his posture. He stepped on the flames and circled Northfield's body for a large part of the circle. At the same time, he turned his palms forward. The laser cannons fired intensively at the alien beasts. The powerful light cannons continuously bombarded along the alien beast's skin, only causing the skin and flesh on the left side of Nosfer's body to be torn open, and blood droplets and flesh foam flying everywhere.

It worked! Tony was ecstatic, feeling as if a boulder that had been hanging in his heart for so long had finally fallen to the ground.

Since the last encounter with Garubus, the shadow called the alien beast has been weighing heavily on Tony Stark's heart. He is called a "future scientist". He is a problem solver and is always used to clearing obstacles and paths for mankind to move forward. He hates things that are beyond his understanding, situations that are beyond his control.

Because Tony Stark is such a person, he designed a series of anti-Hulk, anti-Thor, anti-Phoenix, anti-Celestial, etc. armors in the original work. Because that's his job - to find solutions to every problem.

The alien beast is the biggest challenge and the most invincible thing that Iron Man has ever encountered so far. But now he has used his own skills to prove that this monster is not unkillable. He can make it bleed and get injured, and he can also make it die in peace!

However, there is no fuel-efficient lamp in the alien beast, and even an alien beast with weak combat power like Nosfer cannot be underestimated. The ferocious eyes of the alien beast swept across quickly, capturing Iron Man flying at high speed with frightening accuracy. It raised its right palm and slapped Iron Man flying in mid-air with a violent slap. It smashed the remaining northeast corner of the villa with a bang, and the walls and furniture collapsed.

This time, there was actually no direct hit, but the wind pressure caused by it knocked Iron Man down. When Tony emerged from the rubble, he felt dizzy and suffered multiple contusions all over his body. Fortunately, the shock-absorbing technology of his suit was powerful, otherwise he would have lost half his life.

Northfield reluctantly lowered his claws again. A warning sign popped up conspicuously on the computer monitor in front of Tony. His feet started to push forward, and his body accelerated and retreated violently. The claws suddenly grabbed the air, and the shock wave carried the dust waves and spread, blowing apart the remaining structure of the villa.

The afterimage of red gold broke out of the smoke and flew high into the air. The alien beast roared, and its eyes followed the shadow, but it was already too late. The red-hot laser beam swung down from high altitude, like the sharpest blade in the world. The next second, the sharp claws were thrown high, and where the laser flashed, the alien beast's fingers were cut off at the roots.

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