The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 178 The realm is broken!

Things went a little beyond expectations.

This seems quite reasonable. The One itself is the ancestor of all alien beasts. Other alien beasts are split and evolved from its fragments, so it is not surprising that it can derive the abilities of other alien beasts.

Creating illusions is the ability of the alien beast Garubus, which is also the alien beast that Richard killed at the Stark Expo. If he was prepared in advance, this move wouldn't be too difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that The One would actually do this, and fell into its trap for a moment.

The serrated teeth of the alien beast bit hard on Nexus's shoulder, and the saw teeth were digging in inch by inch under the powerful bite force. The pain spread violently, hitting his nerves violently.

With no time to think, Nexus's still intact left arm hit The One's abdomen with an elbow. The alien beast trembled, but did not let go. It wasn't until he blasted three times with all his strength that The One's clenched teeth were barely loosened. Nexus seized the opportunity, rolled on the spot, and kicked the alien beast's abdomen hard, causing it to take a few steps back.

Nexus did not pursue him. He only kneeled on the ground with his injured right shoulder, trying to adjust his disordered breath.

This guy's teeth are so powerful that even the red adult form's shoulder armor can't stop him. The teeth of the alien beast left deep wounds on his shoulders, and a faint golden light overflowed from the cracks like blood.

It should be said that it is worthy of being The One. It is indeed not on the same level as other alien beasts. And even beyond Richard's expectations, it can actually use the abilities of other alien beasts, which suddenly makes it more difficult.

There was a sharp burning pain in my right shoulder, and my arm was now a little numb. The crystal on Nexus's chest also turned from blue to red, flickering and extinguishing with a crisp and sweet sound, as if it was a warning.

Unlike traditional Ultraman, the crystal on Nexus' chest is not only a timer for calculating energy consumption, but also an indicator light for life. When this crystal goes out, it also means the end of the life of the fittest person.

Of course, Richard didn't have the spirit to fight the alien beasts to the end even if he risked his life. In his opinion, there is no need to worry about having no firewood to keep the green hills. If it cannot be done, then he should take the thirty-six strategies first, go back and think of countermeasures before coming back next time.

After all, he doesn't think he is the kind of protagonist who can explode and cheat in desperate situations. If he can't beat him, he can't beat him. There is no benefit except losing his life in vain if he keeps fighting, and he can't save more people.

Anyway, Ultraman can run very fast. If he can't, he can still jump through space and move instantly. If he wants to leave, no one will be able to keep him.

And just when he was thinking about whether it was time to run away, The One suddenly moved his mouth and seemed to speak out loud.

"I see, that's all you can do?" it said angrily.

Richard was startled.

What the hell? Is it talking to itself?

Although it was a bit surprising, I was relieved after thinking about it. The One is an advanced creature with high intelligence, which is different from the alien beasts derived from the fragments later. In the big movie, it does speak provocatively to Nexter, which is not a big surprise.

"When I just woke up from this world and sensed the existence of light, I thought you had evolved to such an extent." The One said, grinning, "It turns out that's only this level."

Richard chewed on the meaning of its words and obtained a lot of information.

The Ancient One Master once told him that the alien beasts had actually visited the Marvel world long before he traveled through time. But now from The One's words, it sounds like it only woke up after Richard traveled through time. Considering the terrifying ability of self-healing and rebirth of the alien beast, the One in front of him might have recovered from a fragment of the alien beast.

From what it said, it seemed that while Richard was worried about The One's appearance, the other party was also wary of his power. Just like Richard wasn't sure how much The One's strength had recovered, this guy in turn had the same concerns. It was afraid that during its slumber, the light had awakened in Richard's hands to the level of Noah, or at least something close to it, and beating it was like beating a husky, just for fun.

Unfortunately that obviously didn't happen.

"What a pity. If you had given me a little longer, maybe I wouldn't have a chance, but there's no if." The One said ferociously, slowly opening his mouth, "So with this regret and Regret, become a gorgeous stepping stone on my road to resurrection!"

It was as if a blue fireball rapidly expanded in the alien beast's mouth, turning into an impact and shooting out. Nexus was already on guard and rolled on the spot to avoid it. The flames struck the air, but exploded in the sky not far away from the border of the Meita domain. The blue flame spread out of thin air like a domineering impact, leaving cracks under the sky like a hammer hitting a mirror.

The light in Meta's field was obviously dimmed at this moment. He could clearly feel that the power of light was declining and collapsing.

According to TV's explanation, the Meta Field is the field that Ultraman uses to support his body, so the maintenance of the field is of course closely related to the physical condition of the fittest person. Now that his physical strength is being exhausted so much, the Meta Field has naturally become fragile accordingly, with cracks appearing after a single blow from The One.


The One's figure seemed to disappear, and his huge body seemed to suddenly be forced in front of Nexus, like a rampaging bull. Nexus raised his hand to block the attack, but his right arm was injured at this time and the opponent's momentum was too great. His body was forcibly pushed back by the opponent, and his footsteps plowed two deep marks on the ground.

The One roared low, and the sound was like the roar of an engine. It collided with Nexus's body and rushed all the way to the boundary of the realm that was already full of cracks. The space broke with a crisp scream, like glass being shattered, revealing the real world in the external space. Ultraman and the alien beasts broke out of the golden light one after another, and the Meta Realm collapsed behind them.

The One hit Nexus's chest hard with his forehead. The powerful impact made his breath stagnate. He flipped backwards several times before he could barely release the momentum.

The meta field was broken, the crystal on his chest was flashing, and the energy consumption was close to the safety line he expected. It looks like there's nothing left to fight in this fight. Richard assessed the situation and quickly made a calculation in his mind, preparing to retreat now.

At this moment, the roar of the aircraft engine came from far away from the horizon. Two A.D. Shields specialty Quinjet fighters flew in from afar, locking themselves in the direction of The One.

Their "reinforcements" arrived.

(Thank you, Cousin Shuyou, hello. I am the helmsman of Brother Qi’s brother’s reward!)

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