The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 179 The alien beast belonging to Xiaoqiang

Two missiles flew across the sky and slammed into the back of the alien beast The One. Two scorching fireballs exploded on the alien beast's solid back. The flames licked the dark and thick scales, but failed to cause even the slightest damage.

A rain of bullets followed, and dense bullets splashed on The One's body. Two fighter planes passed by each other, their steel wings cutting through the dark smoke. The two pilots wearing Aegis uniforms glanced at Ultraman from the cabin as they passed by. The look in their eyes seemed to say - don't worry, we are watching behind you. !

Richard: "."

Brothers, if you didn't come, I would have escaped by now.

Although he doesn't have any fearless determination to "save everyone", after all, these two SHIELD agents came all the way to help him. If he, the real owner, turned around and slipped away and said, "Come on, brothers, I'll go back and take a nap before coming back." It felt real. There's a point where it's hard to say.

What he didn't expect was that Iron Man, who had just run out of fuel and resources, would fearlessly return to the battlefield again.

The first-generation classic red and gold-colored Mark 3 suit, the Mark 4 with an improved reactor based on the Mark 3, and the Mark 5 designed as a deformable portable briefcase, which has been newly upgraded after solving the problem of palladium element toxins. Mark 6. Four sets of Iron Man armors lined up and flew out from the bottom of the blown-up villa, and each dispersed to different directions.

There is no doubt that all four suits operate under Jarvis's remote control. The four sets of Iron Man armors were full of weapons, including recoil beams, cutting lasers, and dispersed high-explosive warheads. An endless stream of weapons were everywhere, rumbling and saturating the alien beast's body with a saturation bombardment.

The pilots of the Quinjet also had a tacit understanding, and controlled the fighter jet in time to approach, and ferocious firepower poured down overwhelmingly. The firepower network surrounded the alien beast, and the flames and thick smoke from the continuous bombardment almost completely engulfed the alien beast's body.

Although the violent output basically causes zero damage, the light effects are quite gorgeous.

At this time, Tony, who was wearing Mark 7 armor, did not know what kind of emergency treatment he had done to the heavily stained armor. Although the outer shell was still seriously damaged, the reactor energy seemed to have recovered a lot. He flew into the air and glanced at the panting Ultraman: "You don't always want to steal all the limelight by yourself, do you?"

He said, turning to look at the alien beast surrounded by fire.

"Watch it."

Two long tongues of fire spewed out from the soles of the Mark 7 suit, and the Iron Man suit flew straight into the firelight and smoke like breaking through the sky.

Looking at Stark's figure leaping in the fire curtain, Richard smiled silently in his heart.

As expected, he is just as he remembered, a guy who always loves to be cool and show off.

The flashing speed of the crystal on his chest was vaguely accelerating, which meant that the energy in Ultraman's form continued to decrease.

But for some reason, suddenly he didn't feel the need to retreat.

He felt as if right here, right now, he suddenly felt confident that he could defeat The One for no apparent reason.

Although the firepower of the Quinjet and Iron Man is fierce, it is definitely impossible to inflict substantial trauma on an alien beast of The One's level. Mark 3 was broken into three sections by a precise claw strike, and Mark 4 hit a blue blast ejected by The One and was completely destroyed on the spot. Mark No. 6 was casually thrown into his mouth and chewed up as a snack. As for the Mark 5.

The Mark 5's firepower was too weak, and The One simply ignored it. The red portable armor struggled to shoot in various directions and angles, but the alien beast didn't even bother to look at it, as if taking pictures of it casually made it appear worthless.

Although it was only a short moment, Iron Man and Quinjet did win a crucial moment.

Nexus charged up his energy in time, poured energy into his palms, and fired Cross Storm from the raised edges of his palms. The golden beam hit the head of the alien beast The One, causing a violent explosion. Nexus adjusted the angle, and the beam of light cut and swept down its head like a sword, causing the alien beast's skin and flesh to turn up, leaving shocking red-hot wounds on its cheeks and neck, filling the air with There was a roasted smell.

The One was in pain, roared with dull anger, and left the annoying earthlings behind and turned to look at Nexus again. But at this time, it had lost the opportunity and its response was half a beat too slow. Nexus threw out a big move. He kept moving and gyrated with his arms. Ultra-hot golden light spurted out from the flashing crystal on Nexus's chest. It was even more powerful than the cross storm just now. Even more powerful!

Core pulse!

The One was bombarded by the second ultimate move in a row before he could recover at all, and his huge body was knocked back repeatedly. This time, its entire head was blown away by the beam, and burned to ashes in mid-air by the power of the core pulse. Its upper body from its right shoulder to its chest was also penetrated and shattered by energy, leaving only a huge charred black hole.

Throwing out the second big move, this was really the last big move he could throw, and the crystal on his chest flashed more and more frequently.

If The One can still clap his hands and continue to fight like no one is doing this, then he is really out of options. Next, he really had no choice but to pat his butt and walk away.

But don't tell me, this ancestor of the alien beast seems to be alive.

Even though his entire head and half of his body were blown off, and his whole body was eroded by the power of light that could suppress the alien beast's factors to the maximum extent, the signs of this guy's life still didn't disappear. On the contrary, the headless alien beast actually took a step forward, its body swaying like a drunken man, but it was still moving forward and had no intention of falling.

Richard really cursed in his heart. Has this guy unlocked the health lock? Isn’t he even dead?

It's a pity that the previous ultimate beam was blocked by The One and failed to hit. Later, Nexus was injured one after another and had insufficient energy to release the ultimate beam again. In addition, the metal tower field was also breached and lost its power bonus, otherwise it would have been the most promising one-shot kill.

Even Richard, who already knew the abilities of the alien beasts, was stunned. Iron Man and the two Aegis pilots present, as well as Fury and others who were watching the battle remotely through the image of the Quinjet, were all severely shocked at this time. Shocked to the core.

He could eat such a powerful energy shock and survive even having his head blown off. Does this thing belong to Xiaoqiang?

So is there any way to kill this thing in this world?

But fortunately, even if he didn't die, The One's vitality was still greatly weakened by the two consecutive shots just now, and he seemed to be seriously injured. It took two steps forward, swayed, and finally made no move. It only activated a phase-changing ability similar to that of Grugram, and its body gradually became insubstantial until it disappeared without a trace.

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