The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 181 There is a plan (fourth update)

"Speaking of which, are you okay?" Richard asked Tony.

He genuinely cared about Tony. In the past, his impression of Tony Stark was only based on his screen character. In fact, he and Tony didn't have much interaction. But at the end of the battle against The One three hours ago, Iron Man's joining played a key role. The two of them were more or less comrades who had fought side by side, and their relationship had naturally become much closer.

"It's okay." Tony waved his hand, indicating that it was all trivial.

"Really? I heard that your house was blown up and several sets of armor were blown up?"

Not to mention being the person involved, Richard felt distressed just looking at it. That's a mansion with a sea view! There are also five sets of cutting-edge individual armor of inestimable value, as well as an unknown number of expensive supercars. The total of these things probably exceeds Li's entire belongings.

But a certain wealthy owner didn't care: "It's okay, it's just a small amount of money. I've been saying that the house needs to be renovated since last year, and today I can get a better one."

Richard suddenly felt bad.

MD, do you really not take money seriously?

He muttered in a low voice: "Oh, no matter how rich you are, you can't compare to a duck."

"What did you say?" Tony asked.

"Nothing." Richard smiled.

Hey, just say it. You don’t know that if a duck loses a billion dollars every minute, it will take six hundred years to go bankrupt. Your little money is nothing compared to this guy.

As a rule, whenever something big happens, the World Security Council must pull Frill over to ask about the situation, and this time is of course no exception.

"So let's put it bluntly, Director Fury." An old man from the Council sat behind the screen, with his hands crossed and resting on his chin, "As for the monster you rated as 'catastrophic' this time, can nuclear weapons be used to solve it? ?”

here we go again. The secret skill of high-level officials is to use nuclear weapons if they are in trouble. If there are any unsolved problems, they will most likely be solved with one nuclear bomb.

But Fury is not as optimistic as these old men. He said conservatively: "There is no way to know for sure. But we have to consider the possibility that nuclear weapons are also ineffective."

A group of old guys started to make a commotion.

Can’t even handle nuclear weapons? Just kidding? How is it possible that there are creatures in this world that cannot be killed by nuclear bombs?

The old guys whispered to each other for a while, and then the old man who spoke before spoke again: "Okay, Director Fury, just tell me. How much money is needed to solve this trouble?"

Fury rolled his eyes at the old guy. Do you think I come here just to ask for money?

Fury couldn't help but sigh. When will these old guys understand? Some things in the world are not a matter of money at all.

Fury raised his head and said slowly: "Ten billion, this is the minimum standard."

Well, that’s right, some things are not a matter of money, but a matter of lack of money.

Perhaps this incident about the alien beasts really frightened the council and made them feel a little guilty. A group of old guys didn't bargain this time and simply approved his request.

Fury accepted it without any hesitation. Although it is said that with the existing means of mankind, no matter how much money you spend, you may not be able to take down that monster, but since you have this reason, the more money, the better.

"Then the future of mankind will be left to you, Director Fury." The old man sat up straight and said seriously, "We are waiting for your good news."

"You mean," Tony frowned at Richard, "that thing attacked me because of my new armor?"

"I mean there is a great possibility." Richard explained, "Ultraman is equivalent to the natural enemy of the alien beasts, or to be more precise, the nemesis. When the alien beasts sense the presence of light, they will naturally initiate Attack. It may be that your armor has similar characteristics that attract the attack of the alien beasts."

At this point, he paused and looked at Tony suspiciously: "But I haven't figured out how you did it yet. How did you use the suit to simulate an energy reaction similar to Ultraman's light?"

Of course, Tony wouldn't tell anyone about the core technology of the suit (but in fact, even Richard couldn't understand what he said), but he still briefly explained that he had studied the frequency of Ultraman's light, and thus discovered a certain The process of planting new elements.

Richard couldn't help but fell into thinking.

new element? Fragments of light?

This made it impossible for him not to make certain associations.

According to some settings in the original work of Nexus, scattered alien beast factors are very easy to combine with other creatures, and can easily transform any creature they come into contact with into a new alien beast.

The only thing that prevents the alien zombie crisis from erupting in that world is the fragment of light from Noah.

R7 factor, that's the official name of that element. Just like The One, the ancestor of the alien beasts, released the alien beast factor on a large scale in the original work, Noah's light also released the R7 factor on a global scale to inhibit the alien beast factor. It is precisely because of the existence of this light that human civilization has not been destroyed by the infection of the alien beast factor. Later, Nexus's able-bodied candidates were all selected from humans with the highest R7 factor content.

Richard originally thought that there was no such thing as R7 factor in this world, but it seems not to be the case now. Ultraman's light also provides the world with an ultimate line of defense against alien beasts, preventing the alien beast factors from infecting humans in this world into alien beasts. Perhaps the new element that Stark discovered was this kind of thing, and he managed to extract the remaining light from it, and used this power to exert a power that was close to Ultraman in nature.

Sure enough, I still have to say that Stark's black technology is really powerful, and he can actually capture the R7 factor, something that no one has ever done in the original work.

However, in the final analysis, the R7 factor is actually Ultraman's gift to mankind. It was released by Ultraman in order to prevent the alien version of the zombie crisis. Although it also comes with some other positive effects, its fundamental function is to suppress the alien beast factor.

So in essence, this thing can only be said to be a special medicine against alien beasts, and it is not really Ultraman's light. Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that it is absolutely impossible to use this kind of thing to deal with Ultraman back. After all, it is also a fragment derived from light. Since Ultraman can give it, he can also absorb it back.

At this time, Luodan finished a meeting in the room and walked out quickly. He came to Richard and asked straight to the point: "Permission for the use of nuclear bombs has been given by the superiors. How about it? Do you think nuclear weapons are effective on that thing?"

Richard thought for a while: "It may be useful, but it is definitely impossible to rely on this thing to solve the problem. But if possible, it is best to use it. It is definitely better than nothing."

Although The One is very awesome, after all, he does not have special talents like Godzilla. A nuclear explosion is just like taking a hot shower. Richard carefully recalled the movies in which The One appeared and all related settings, and was convinced that the other party did not have the setting to knock off the nuclear fuel to become more powerful, so there was definitely no harm in giving it a shot even if it was useless.

"But there is another question." Fury said, "You just said that the monster can become invisible and intangible, right? Then even if we use nuclear weapons, how can we hit it?"

"I'm not an expert in this field, but I can try to study it." Tony said, "Its ability is phase transformation, which is basically frequency switching. Give me some time, I should be able to design this kind of interference A device of ability.”

For a science guy who said he could make a time travel machine, Richard had no doubt that Tony could make a device that interfered with the phase change device.

"I already have a few ideas about how to defeat this alien beast." Richard said, "Are you interested in hearing about it?"

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