Richard is right. He wants to get rid of the big trouble of The One as soon as possible, but from The One's standpoint, he also has the same idea. The alien beast had just recovered from the last injury and immediately came back, sniffing the direction of the light and chasing after it.

Following the trajectory of the light, The One quickly chased him into a certain mountain range. From the outside, this is a quite hidden stronghold. Its location is among the mountains, surrounded by dense woods. It is deserted within a hundred miles. A modern base is deeply hidden in this mountain forest. between.

This is where Lu Dan embezzled public funds, right? It is one of the safe strongholds secretly established for a rainy day. This place is far away from urban and densely populated areas, and it is so cleverly disguised that even if you use satellite aerial photography, you can only see a dense natural jungle.

But no matter how clever the disguise is, it can't fool the alien beast The One. It can smell wherever there are people, not to mention that its biggest threat in the world is still hidden in this base, the human being with the purest light.

This is exactly the purpose of its trip - to completely obliterate that target and extinguish that light forever.

The alien beast moved forward among the dense woods. Its huge body kept uprooting the trees as it moved forward, shaking the mountains as if they were groaning with each step.

Not long after, The One arrived outside the Aegis base. It is hidden inside the mountain, and the entrance is cleverly concealed with rocks and trees.

But that didn't work, The One locked in exactly that spot. It opened its mouth, and blue flames began to accumulate in its mouth. The high concentration of energy transformed into the form of flames, and just one blow was enough to burn the base to ashes.

But suddenly, the alien beast instinctively realized that something was wrong. It is an instinct similar to that of a beast, like a tiger that foresees a trap set by a hunter ahead.

The alien beast's premonition was accurate, but it was still a step too late. The golden light seemed to appear out of thin air, turning into an overwhelming net that covered the sky downwards, transforming into a field of light that enveloped The One. The energy-constructed tower field was immediately formed, and the light forcibly dragged the alien beast into the subspace.

The surrounding mountains and forests and the base suddenly disappeared, but Ultraman's figure did not appear. The One glanced around coldly and found that a human-designed missile launcher was fixed on each side, and the angle had already been adjusted to aim at its body.

They were fixed between the rocks on both sides from the beginning, but were cleverly hidden by the environment. Ultraman consciously selected these two launchers when he released the Meta Domain, and brought the missile launchers into the domain along with the alien beasts.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of this, The One couldn't help but sneer.

Does that guy think that this kind of human-made toy can hurt it?

What a joke, is this majestic ancestor of alien beasts just a bastard fish that can be hurt by something like this?

The One canceled the fire charged in his mouth. Instead of taking action, it only looked at the two missile launchers and sneered contemptuously.

Come on, come on, fight like this, if you can lose some skin, I lose.

The transmitter doesn't have any unnecessary mood swings. The moment the target was locked, two missiles, one on the left and one on the right, ignited and flew towards The One, who was standing there with arrogance.

But this time, both missiles were equipped with nuclear warheads.

As if the light and heat that annihilated everything were released instantly, a world-destroying loud noise erupted in a brief moment, and then all sounds seemed to disappear.

The ferocious face of the alien beast was distorted at the moment of the explosion, and its screams and roars were drowned in the explosion. The dark and huge body became blurred, and every line of the body seemed to be erased by the strong and hot light, like a pencil drawing erased by an eraser tool.

Outside the Meita territory, the Aegis combat base.

External cameras have been monitoring the situation outside the base. Even when the alien beasts were dragged into Meta's territory, they were observing the situation through the cameras mounted on the missile launchers. The image did not end until the energy of the nuclear explosion destroyed the transmitter and the camera into debris.

Iron Man, who had already put on armor, was gearing up outside the base. Tony shared the surveillance view through the built-in computer. At this time, he couldn't help but said: "You better tell me that it works now, otherwise I really don't know how to hurt this thing."

When Richard proposed the battle plan before, one of the key points was that Ultraman would assist them in the battle. Tony was naturally confused as to how they were sure that Ultraman would cooperate with their plan, but his doubts were put to rest when Luodan said "confidential" with a straight face.

Anyway, there are so many secrets that Braised Egg hides, and this is not the least of them. Although Stark did not ask questions face to face, with his personality, he would undoubtedly try to break through SHIELD's firewall to find secrets related to "Ultraman". But he was destined to be disappointed, because this braised egg was not written into the SHIELD server at all.

By the way, Fury himself is not in the combat base at the moment, but is hiding on a floating carrier thousands of miles away to supervise the battle.

In his words, the commander cannot be on the front line in person. The commander's duty is to continue to find ways to win the war after losing a battle, and the premise is that he himself cannot die.

So Luodan waved his hand and graciously gave up his secret base to them as a base of operations, and said that comrades, come on, work hard, sir, I will take a step back first.

The director can run away, but there must still be a commander left on site to direct the team's operations. The first candidate that jumped into Lu Dan's mind was naturally Comrade Coulson, the model agent of the year. Unfortunately, the honest man was currently on a mission on the other side of the world, and even if he was transferred back, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

So Lu Dan went to find Agent John Garrett again and said that you performed very well last time in commanding against the Frost Giants, and you had experience in fighting foreign wars. So I leave this mission to you!

Garrett wanted to curse at that moment. He almost couldn't help but emphasize to the director that labor and management are really Hydra! It's an undercover agent! I've been undercover to such an old age that I no longer need any military exploits. Can you please, Director, please stop sending me to die?

But of course you can't say this nonsense. Since the director had come face to face with the order and personally ordered it, Garrett couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take the order and come all the way to direct the battle.

Not only Stark, but most everyone watching the game actually had similar thoughts. Although they have all seen how terrifying the alien beasts are, the confidence built up by years of exposure to high technology and thermal weapons is deep-rooted. In their understanding, there should be no creatures that can withstand nuclear bombs and still survive. No matter how powerful the alien beast is, it is still flesh and blood, and even the skin, flesh and bones will be evaporated by the high temperature of the nuclear explosion.

But alas, they were destined to be surprised.

Just today, all of them will witness the impossible.

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