The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 189 There are still ten more to fight!

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty, and the same applies to beasts. Dr. Bruce Banner is wanted throughout the country and has been wandering around the world hiding in every corner of the world. Now he rushes back to the United States at the risk of wasting all his efforts and being captured by the military. He even persists after alerting the enemy when entering the country and making such a big fuss. To go on, just to see that Miss Betty Ross.

It stands to reason that Banner should be the happiest person in the world when General Ross kills Banner. The old man sticks behind him like a follower all day long and refuses to relax even if he goes to the end of the world. But after all, the old man can be regarded as his prospective father-in-law and Betty's father. Now that her father is dead, Miss Rose needs comfort the most. Banner feels that he should go back to see her anyway and comfort her in person.

After the previous incident in New York that she hated, Miss Ross witnessed her father's ability to commit suicide. She left New York in anger and moved to Chicago. So after Dr. Banner returned to the country, he lowered his head, took the forged documents and went straight to Chicago.

Dr. Banner has evaded military searches for so many years and is considered self-taught in the field of counter-reconnaissance, but that is more due to the fact that he has been hiding in barren areas like the Middle East for a long time and is difficult to track and conduct reconnaissance. But there is obviously no counter-reconnaissance item among Banner's seven doctorate degrees. In this three-acre area of ​​​​the United States, his self-taught skills are simply not enough to avoid the nose of the US military. They had just arrived in Chicago, and before they even had time to contact the ex-girlfriend they longed for, the U.S. military came overwhelmingly.

What happened next can be imagined by anyone. When you use machine guns and cannons to surround a guy with a gamma monster living inside him and a serious emotional control problem, you have to be prepared to have your jaw dropped.

Banner is a refined and easy-going scholar, but Hulk is not. A certain big green man has always respected the good habit of being silent as much as possible when he can use his hands, and using his hands even when he can use his mouth.

At first, General Carl remained calm and gave Hulk a fierce firepower according to the pre-planned battle plan. The powerful firepower of the tank's main gun instantly surrounded the big green man, and the entire open space was instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

As we all know, when you hit a Hulk with enough firepower, you can get an angry Hulk.

That's exactly what happened next. A roar seemed to break through the sea of ​​​​fire, and the green afterimage was like a fired cannonball. The fire curtain was penetrated in a spiral shape, and the flames shot straight behind the Hulk!

After seeing the Hulk tearing apart the entire tank unit into pieces like a naughty kid tearing down models, General Carl finally became a little moved. He had to start to reflect on whether his assessment of the green monster was a bit too light, but the current situation no longer allowed him to reflect.

The battle can only continue. According to the plan, the armed helicopters immediately surrounded the Hulk who was standing among the wreckage of the tanks.

General Carl analyzed the process and outcome of each battle against the Hulk in the past, and summarized many effective methods. For example, the sonic cannon used by General Ross at the State University of New York was miraculous against the Hulk, so General Carl borrowed this method.

Two sonic cannons, which were stronger than the weapons used by Ross that day, were deployed and used extreme power to double-team the Hulk. The powerful sound wave effectively suppressed the beast for a short time. The Hulk knelt on the ground, covering his ears, and let out bursts of angry roars from deep in his throat.

General Karl took the opportunity to continue giving orders, and the armed helicopters opened fire. The 30mm machine gun and missiles were used repeatedly, and the black smoke and flames of the explosion rose into the sky, engulfing the Hulk in an instant, and even the outline completely disappeared.

As the saying goes, one operation is as fierce as a tiger's, and one's results are zero and five. The army's firepower was strong enough and sufficient, but Hulk, who was in the center of the firepower network, was actually fine. When he rushed out of the fire curtain, there were not even scratches on his green skin. Presumably even if he suffered a minor injury, he would be able to recover within a second with his powerful self-healing ability.

Hulk casually grabbed a large piece of tank wreckage, raised his hand like a shot put, and smashed it down with an armed helicopter in mid-air. Other helicopters saw the situation and hurriedly took off, but it was already too late. The Hulk jumped on the spot, and in an extremely unscientific manner, the Hulk caught up in the air, dismantling a helicopter into scrap metal. Then he used his strength to jump and jumped onto another helicopter, tearing this aircraft to pieces in two or two strokes.

General Karl's eyes almost went straight.

No wonder those old foxes in the Pentagon instantly became old, weak, sick and disabled as soon as they mentioned the word "Hulk". They either couldn't see or couldn't use their ears. It turns out that this job is really difficult!

But this is not scientific!

General Karl felt that his life as a soldier was in vain, and his worldview seemed to have been completely subverted.

Is this thing in front of me really a human being? What kind of mutation would allow a human being to physically carry a missile and dismantle a tank with his bare hands? ? ?

And if the braised egg had a chance at this time, he would definitely smile contemptuously. Haha, it's so rare. I also saw a woman who could dismantle a starship with her bare hands without even saying a word.

The armed helicopter unit was also destroyed. It can be said that this capture operation has been half failed. General Carl had already begun to consider whether it was time to turn around and leave. The afterimage of steel fell at this moment, blocking Hulk like a timely rain.

"This is the war machine piloted by Colonel James Lord of the United States Air Force. That's the end of it, Dr. Banner."

The war machine landed gracefully, and the dust was already rising from the gun barrels all over his body. With the recoil energy cannons in his palms aimed at the Hulk, he appeared quite domineering.

"I have been authorized to use lethal force. Surrender immediately or I will not guarantee your safety, Dr. Banner!" Colonel Rhodes shouted through the armored loudspeaker.

Seeing the war machine helping General Karl felt a little relieved. Sure enough, this colonel is still reliable. None of the damn guys in the Pentagon warned him that this matter was so difficult. Fortunately, he asked the Air Force to borrow a war machine, otherwise I don’t know how he would have died later.

However, half a minute later, before General Karl had time to take a breath, the war machine that was so heroic and full of aura just now was lying on the ground, with arms and legs missing from its armor, and the Gatling on its shoulders was missing. There, electricity was sizzling in the cracked armor plate on the chest.

General Karl suddenly froze on the spot, his expression seemed to be frozen.

Hulk, who had defeated the war machine in a few moments, seemed to have lost interest in the armor and didn't even bother to kill it.

He casually threw away the half-broken Gatling barrel and snorted vaguely from his nose, as if to say: Weak chicken, I can shoot ten more people like you.

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