The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 190 Do you want to act? (Third update!)

"Cut!" Richard waved the director's little flag and loudly stopped the filming.

Agent Grant Ward turned his head helplessly, with "I tried my best" written all over his face.

A few days ago, Richard led the filming crew of "The Ultraman" to Chicago to shoot the final scene of the Ultraman movie. He remembered that the final battle in the original movie took place in Shinjuku, Japan, but that place was too far away in comparison, and since it was going to be a Western Hollywood movie, the details would have to be modified, so he changed the scene to Chicago.

"No, no, you didn't let go at all, Agent Ward." Richard shook his head repeatedly, "Your expression is too stiff, and the emotion contained in your lines is not full enough. You have to be more immersed in your character and understand the character. His emotions and psychological state should be expressed more vividly."

Ward looked helpless: "Maybe this role is not suitable for me at all."

Speaking of which, Agent Ward still feels baffled. He couldn't figure out how he, a good SHIELD agent - or a fake SHIELD agent - got roped into a pirate ship and made a movie.

Moreover, he seriously doubted whether Producer Li had noticed any problems with his identity and deliberately took advantage of this opportunity to mess with him. Producer Li handed him a script titled "Infernal Affairs" when he came up. When Ward opened it, his heart skipped a beat because he found out that he was going to play an undercover role.

But then Producer Li took the script away and threw it aside, and gave him a copy of the "Ultraman" script. He apologized and said, "Sorry, I just took the wrong one. That one was discarded by the old man." Script, this is the real script.

Ward almost cursed her on the spot. Damn, you got it wrong. Do you know that it’s bad for your heart to shock people like this?

However, when he picked up the new script and read it, Agent Ward couldn't help but feel even more confused.

What the hell? Am I playing Ultraman?

Isn't this appropriate?

"If I say you are suitable, you will be suitable. I don't want you to think that I want you to think so." Richard said a wise saying from his previous life. "Think carefully about the character's emotions and assume the identity of the male protagonist. He is not just Ultra He is just a man, but he is also a soldier who shoulders the responsibility of protecting his home and country, a husband, and a father. Only when these many identities are added together can this character appear complete.

I think your emotional expression should be your specialty, because you are the kind of person with rich emotions. Experience it. "

Richard paused and pointed to Erica on the side: "You have to learn this from her. You see, Miss Natchez's performance just now was quite good."

Erica was speechless. She said to herself, "I have received professional espionage training from the Zhenshun Society. How can my acting skills be comparable to that of anyone?"

However, Miss Natchez didn't know that Agent Ward couldn't act well? He doesn't dare to act!

Who is not a spy? If you really show off your acting skills, you may not know who will win.

Ward looked at Richard with flickering eyes and couldn't help but ask: "Are you serious? Do you really think I can play this role?"

He didn't know what the other party saw in him that made him decide to play this role, but if he had to say it himself, he felt that this role was simply incomparable to him.

He is a spy! A spy of a crazy organization with the ultimate goal of conquering the world. Even if he were to play the role, he should play the crew member who was possessed by an alien beast and betrayed humanity, right? No matter what, it's not his turn to play the role of a great hero who saves the world and brings hope, right?

But Richard did not answer this question directly. He only asked: "In your own opinion, do you want to play this role?"

Ward was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to have never thought about it from this perspective. To be honest, he was completely confused when he was suddenly pulled over for filming, and he didn't even understand the situation. Because the boss told him to go film a scene for that so-and-so, so he came.

But does he want to star in this movie and play the role of Ultraman?

When Agent Ward almost subconsciously thought of the silver figure standing under the sky with no end in sight, he found it hard to say that he didn't want to at all.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Richard patted him on the shoulder: "Actually, this is a very simple thing. As long as you want to do it, you can do it naturally. At least I believe you are suitable. Now the question is, What do you think about it yourself?"

Grant Ward thought for a moment and nodded: "Okay, I'll do my best."

Shooting resumes. Agent Ward seemed to have let go of some baggage after careful consideration, and his performance this time was amazing compared to the previous times. He quickly completed the shot that had failed several times before, and his superb acting skills won unanimous praise from everyone on the set.

Richard patted him on the shoulder and spoke earnestly, "Look, I've told you for a long time that your acting skills are superb, but you still don't believe me."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the studio. A muffled sound like thunder seemed to come from the distant horizon, and it seemed to be vaguely accompanied by a slight shock.

Richard frowned.

What the hell? Could it be that another laboratory accident happened? Or did you run into some super criminal robbing a bank?

Although this sounds quite Marvelous, shouldn't this kind of thing usually happen in New York? This has all come to Chicago. Why isn't it over yet?

But he waved his hand to signal everyone not to mind.

"You continue filming and don't pay attention." He said, "I'll go out and see what's going on."

"Capture the Hulk", General Van Cale had never imagined that this simple task would be so difficult to execute.

The fact that the mission has reached this stage shouldn't even be called a failure, it's simply a complete disaster.

According to the original plan, they cleared and sealed off the space within one mile of the expected battlefield, and specifically selected a remote area as the battlefield to capture the Hulk. But what they never expected was that their weapons and troops were completely insufficient to deal with this green Bigfoot. The opponent destroyed most of their combat power in three strikes, five divided by two, and even the "star player" who came to support "The war machine was beaten to the ground within half a minute and completely disabled.

Colonel Rhodes is very handsome in appearance, and his pose is also in place, and his lines are shouted out with style and momentum. Unfortunately, when he fights with real swords and guns, his level is only a quarter of what he looks like (Friendly Tips) , one east is approximately equal to two minutes)

The disastrous consequence was that the Hulk, who was enraged by them and went berserk, tore open the defense line, broke through the blockade, ran and smashed all the way, and headed straight into the downtown area of ​​Chicago.

General Karl knew that things were serious now. Even if the Hulk hadn't been caught, he would have sent in so many troops. After a while, he didn't know how many civilians would die and how many buildings would be destroyed. There is no doubt that all these losses will be remembered on his head, and his career as a general will probably end here.

The Hulk that rushed into the city did not know what route it was following, and it was smashing all the way. Wherever it passed, the ground was cracked and buildings collapsed, and the movement was quite alarming.

The local police quickly dispatched, but even the regular troops with live ammunition were smashed into a mess by the Hulk. Naturally, the police were helpless to deal with the situation. All the police officers could do was to stop the car, symbolically pull out their small pistols, shoot the Hulk a few times, and then quickly turn around and run away before the other person cast an unkind look at him.

The police were helpless, the soldiers were killed and their armor was abandoned, and even the invincible war machine was easily taken down. At this time, the Hulk is unstoppable!

Hulk stood in the cracked city center, stepped on a deformed car, opened his arms and roared to the sky. The roar was loud, as if to declare that he was the only king in this reinforced concrete jungle!

A strong light lit up, and the beam penetrated the space, shooting directly at Hulk like a javelin piercing the sky. Even the Hulk couldn't bear the powerful energy impact for a moment, and fell over on his back. After several somersaults, he hit the wall of the building hard.

The red-gold body fell from the sky, spraying flames and blowing away the smoke and dust on the ground. Iron Man landed on the ground with a standard "superhero landing", raised his head and locked the big green man not far away.

"I'm here, Rhodes." Tony Stark in the suit said, "Is this the guy you were talking about?"

On the last day, the debt was finally paid off and I felt relaxed~

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