The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 191 The Invincible Hulk

Of course, Iron Man rushed over after receiving a notification from his friend Colonel Rhodes. Colonel Rhodes's war machine was casually dismantled by the Hulk. Thanks to the Hulk's lack of interest, he saved his life. At that time, the colonel realized that their assessment of the Hulk's combat power was seriously low, and if this continued, the situation might become unmanageable. Therefore, he specifically contacted Tony and solicited a wave of Iron Man's friendly assistance.

The Hulk was left defenseless and blasted away by the recoil energy cannon, but it was certainly not enough to injure him. Soon he staggered up and his eyes instantly locked on Iron Man not far away.

Hulk narrowed his eyes.

Was it this little guy who teased me just now when I was showing off?

Being beaten is a trivial matter. He has rough skin and thick flesh and can't bear the injury anyway, but being slapped in the face when he's pretending is unbearable. The Hulk roared, opened his arms and pounced on Iron Man angrily, as if he was going to tear him apart.

According to the original plot development of the MCU, Iron Man, who has just developed the Mark 7 armor, will definitely not be enough to watch in front of the Hulk. But the current Iron Man is different from the one in the movie. Although the new elements extracted from light do not have the same lethality bonus to the Hulk as it does to the alien beasts, it does not have the same effect on the increase in the power of Iron Man's armor itself and its weapons. neglect.

With the comprehensive enhancement of reactor energy, the current Iron Man is not completely powerless against the Hulk.

Tony raised his hand, and the light cannon of the recoil technology crashed straight into the charging Hulk. The azure energy shock erupted immediately, and the hurricane mixed with recoil energy swept through the neighborhood, sending debris and rubble flying all over the sky.

Hulk was shaken by the recoil cannon, and his momentum slowed down slightly, but this still did not hinder his pace. The big green man rushed in front of Iron Man with great momentum, and his green fist smashed down on his head and face like a copper hammer. This punch was sure to crack Iron Man's helmet like a shell on the spot.

Tony responded just as quickly. Flames shot out from under his feet, propulsion exploded, and his figure instantly escaped from the shadow of the fist. Hulk's terrifying punch punched into the ground with unparalleled force, causing the whole street to sink violently. The road was torn into pieces, and water columns shot up from the broken pipes into the sky, like a fountain.

Iron Man flipped flexibly in mid-air, and a missile roared down and exploded on the Hulk's back. The power of the micro missiles compressed and transformed by Stark's black technology is no less powerful than those of conventional high-explosive warheads. The hot impact caused Hulk to kneel to the ground, and the flames swirled across the skin of his back.


Hulk roared angrily, his arms suddenly lengthened, and he grabbed Iron Man's boots as they flew over his head. Tony increased his thrust output and tried to break free from his hand, but Hulk's hand crushed his titanium alloy boots with just a little force. The internal circuit completely collapsed, and the foot thrusters also extinguished after a burst of electric sparks.

Hulk grabbed his leg and slammed Iron Man to the ground like an iron bar. The armor's shock-absorbing system offset most of the momentum for him, but the shock still made Tony's head buzz with stars.

Hulk raised his fist and was about to smash it down in the face. Tony reacted very quickly, raised his legs and sprayed propelling flames at the Hulk's face. While forcing the opponent back, he also used his own strength to fly back and widen the distance.

He stabilized himself with a backflip under the adjustment of the propellers on his hands, but as soon as he raised his head, he saw Hulk blocking him again. Tony only had time to raise his arms dully to block, and the heavy punch caused his arm armor to crack on the spot, and he flew back in the air, hitting the metal railing on the roadside and deforming it.

Tony felt his head was a little swollen, his armor was damaged in many places, and his whole body ached.

Like many others, he had only heard that Ross had created such a powerful gamma mutant monster before, but even Tony never expected that humans could actually breed such exaggerated monsters.

He stood up awkwardly.

The new energy can upgrade the function and combat effectiveness of his armor, but it cannot enhance the defensive performance of his armor itself. The strength of the Mark 7 armor has been greatly upgraded compared to the old model, but the material used is still gold and titanium alloy after all. It is really hard to be hit by the Hulk's strange power twice.

But the strange thing is that Hulk didn't take this opportunity to continue to pursue the last hit. Instead, he turned his head and continued to smash in the opposite direction. Soon there was another tremor on the street opposite, with lampposts and cars flying in all directions.

Tony was a little strange: "Jarvis, do you think he is fighting someone?"

"I found no one, sir."

Tony frowned, feeling strange in his heart. He felt that this big guy didn't just smash everything he saw, as if he had some kind of purpose.

Tony wanted to continue observing, but the situation did not allow it. He saw a car being thrown high into the air, spinning towards two innocent passers-by on the roadside. He had to get up quickly, raised his hand and fired a recoil cannon, deflecting the car's falling trajectory and saving the two passers-by.

The damage will only increase if this continues, and the Hulk must be subdued first anyway.

Tony flew forward again, spinning around Hulk's body while continuing to output recoil energy. The increased power of the recoil cannon literally burned the Hulk's skin, causing him to howl and stagger back.

Tony took advantage of the situation and pursued him, hitting Hulk in the face with his fists one after another, and at the same time released ultra-high-voltage electric current that caused black smoke to emit from Hulk's body.

The entire army's siege just now failed to cause such damage to Hulk. Iron Man's output alone was greater than that of a division.

However, this also angered Hulk even more. When Tony's fist swung again, he raised his palm and caught it with a "snap". He glared at Iron Man angrily, pinched the opponent's fist, and then smashed Tony's body with a snap of his huge foot. Er was kicked and flew away, and the armor on his arm broke with a "click".

Hulk angrily threw the half of his arm out, glared at Iron Man who fell not far away fiercely as a warning, and then ignored him and turned around.

Iron Man's armor was covered in electricity and severely damaged. He dragged his broken arm to his knees and stood up, gritting his teeth in confusion and looking at the Hulk's back.

When did this big guy become so good-tempered? Do you beat him like this and don't even come over to settle the score?

What on earth does he want to do?

"Sir, the light energy response is close." Jarvis said, displaying the rapidly fluctuating energy data on the screen in front of Tony's helmet. "The value is extremely strong, and there is a matching record in the database."

Tony moved his eyebrows.

That person is here again.

The holy and dazzling white light cut through the entire battlefield, dragging a gorgeous trajectory and landing among the ruined blocks. The life-sized Ultraman fell out of thin air and stood upright in front of the Hulk.

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