The life-sized Nexus appeared in the middle of the dilapidated street, standing about twenty meters away from Hulk. A breeze blew away the thick smoke and dust on the street, revealing the identities of the two sides in the confrontation. shape.

Well, Richard was quite surprised to bump into Hulk in this place. He had not heard that the military planned to attack the Hulk nearby. He thought that after the incident of hatred, Dr. Banner had either been captured by the military and put in a special cage, or that he had transformed into the Hulk and fled away to follow him again. The military is playing hide-and-seek.

Taking into account the halo attribute bonus of the protagonist as the main character, he feels that the latter is more likely.

But unexpectedly, the doctor didn't go anywhere. Instead, he ran back to the streets of Chicago and played with children. Forget it, he chose the day when Richard's crew was also in this area. I don't know who is more unfortunate for this.

Tony watched the battle with bated breath. Although he had only barely interacted with him a few times, he was aware of Ultraman's terrifying combat power. As he had previously said, the existence of this creature was simply anti-science. Although the opponent has shrunk to human size this time, judging from the energy value, the impact on combat effectiveness will not be too great.

But through the previous fight, he discovered that the irrationality of the Hulk was actually no less unreasonable. At least judging from the effect of the recoil cannon, the hardness of the green hunk's skin was not inferior to that of low-level alien beasts like Northfield. The self-healing ability is also amazing. As for the power, it's hard to say, but in any case, the opponent's power is definitely far greater than that of Iron Man's armor, and its upper limit is immeasurable.

Finally, he shouted at Nexus's back: "This monster is very strong, so be careful."

Unexpectedly, Stark was quite loyal. Richard did not look back, but waved his hand to indicate that he understood.


With a roar that shook the earth, Hulk crashed in a straight line like a tank equipped with turbine acceleration. The soles of his feet crushed the asphalt road to pieces, and a hurricane stirred up behind him. The green fist shadow came roaring with the spiral white airflow!


There was a roar like a landslide, an air wave visible to the naked eye erupted, and the transparent impact shattered every piece of glass along the street on the spot. Countless debris reflected the sun's rays among the flying dust, scattering like glittering ice crystals all over the sky.

Hulk's fist stopped abruptly.

Nexus raised his right hand lightly, his silver palm firmly holding his huge fist. The ground behind his feet shattered exaggeratedly under the terrifying impact, but he himself did not move at all, not even a centimeter.

The Hulk is not an opponent you can underestimate casually. The Hulk in comics and movies usually displays a conventional strength of tens or hundreds of tons, which seems incomparable to Ultraman's arm strength of tens of thousands of tons. But that’s the funniest part about Marvel—his arm strength is designed to have no upper limit.

Normally it seems that the Hulk just throws away a few cars and demolishes a few buildings. However, at critical moments, this man has an impressive record of carrying the entire island of Manhattan with his bare hands and pushing the continental plate with brute force (and this is even while not driving. (In the case of bonuses), the upper limit is also ridiculously high.

Okay, but that’s all for later.

Just like other Avengers, Hulk does not reach full level immediately after being created. It is wrong to look at any Avengers with a static eye. According to the movie timeline, the Avengers haven't even been formed yet, and the Hulk is still in a state similar to that of a toddler. He can't even speak clearly. The only advanced sentence he knows is "Hulk goes smashing."

The Hulk in the novice stage is no match for Nexus in terms of attributes and skills. He only becomes a ghost if he can win.

If it were anyone else, they would have been able to tell from just this one encounter that they were not as powerful as the other person, but Hulk didn't care that much. He roared, swung Nexus's arm away, and then punched Nexus in the face with more force.

He's fast with his punches, but Nexus is faster. Nexus only made a slight sway, and the green fist flew into the air, only breaking a silver afterimage.

Nexus took half a step back with his right foot, clenched his right fist tightly, and accumulated strength into his forearm, as if every muscle was tense.

The Hulk roared and approached, dragging the white cyclone with his heavy fists. The wind from the fists formed an overwhelming vortex, causing the gravel all over the ground to fly up and be crushed into dust under the strong wind pressure.

Before he could swing his fist, Nexus also took action.

It was a punch that came first, and the shadow of the punch was like a silver meteor, domineeringly breaking through the wind and dust curtain, drawing an arc and stabbing towards the Hulk's lower abdomen.


There was no earth-shattering explosion, no sound of houses collapsing, or land being torn apart. There was only a low, muffled sound, like a drumstick hitting a drumhead. The invisible air current spread rapidly, and all the dust particles flying all over the street were suddenly blown away.

Hulk kept his forward leaning posture, and Nexus also kept his punching posture. Both parties stopped their movements in a tacit understanding at the same time, just like a photo captured and frozen by a camera. The picture was still and harmonious.

Half a second later, the Hulk's head tilted, his body softened, and he fell lightly to the ground and fainted.

Tony watched from behind, stunned.

Is this the end?

A group of people like them worked hard to destroy an army and a war machine, and a monster that couldn't even use his Iron Man armor fell down so casually?

Tony didn't know that Ultraman was very powerful, and he had no doubt that he had the ability to subdue the Hulk. But he originally thought that even if he wanted to decide the winner, he would still have to make a few moves, knock down a few buildings and blow up a street, etc., but he never expected that the battle would end with just one punch. This felt uncomfortable. It's like fighting, but more like teaching a naughty child casually.

In fact, in Richard's opinion, things are indeed similar. Educating naughty children is what he is doing.

After all, the current Hulk is actually like a newborn child, a child with strange powers but absolutely not bad nature. It's just that the whole world has been inflicting violence on him since he was born. Every time he comes out to take a breath, he will be greeted by airplanes, tanks, and guns.

Even Dr. Bruce Banner, who was of the same mind as him, once hated him to the core, hated him for ruining his life, and even tried every means to erase the Hulk personality from his body.

So from a certain perspective, Hulk's brutality and violence are excusable. Part of the reason for his destruction was impulsive emotion, and part of it was an instinctive attempt to find his place in the world from this barbaric behavior.

The world treated him with violence and malice, so he responded with violence to the world.

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