The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 230 Just show off and run away

The alien beast Baigbazun Brud, as its name suggests, is of the same species as Baigbazun who was defeated by Nexus before. It also has sharp claws that can destroy buildings, can also spray high-heat flames, and has stronger jumping and fighting abilities, but it does not have the ability to fly.

The appearance of the alien beasts undoubtedly made the already chaotic scene in the New York battlefield even more heated. At this moment, the whole world is focusing on the situation in New York, and such a big guy attracted everyone's attention as soon as he emerged.

Although the existence of alien beasts is no longer a secret, there are still only a few people who have seen them with their own eyes. The alien beast that suddenly appeared on the battlefield in New York shocked everyone like a depth bomb in an instant, making the heroes and soldiers who were fighting hard on the battlefield feel cold in their hearts.

Damn it, fighting aliens is deadly enough, we don’t have to do this thing anymore, do we?

However, not only the humans but also the Chitauri were shocked at all.

Damn it? What is this thing? Wouldn't it be some kind of divine beast that protects the country of mankind?

Thanos, you old bastard, why didn't you mention that there are so many weird things on earth when you paid?

But the Chitauri soon felt at ease. This big man with all his teeth and claws seemed not to be a human helper. On the contrary, it seemed to have no interest in the aliens flying around in the sky. It turned around and walked towards the shelters and gathering places where humans gathered.

Several Chitauri that occasionally flew into its face were either slapped down or thrown into its mouth and chewed. The Chitauri commander found that their laser guns had no effect on the big man's shell. , and simply ordered the troops to leave it alone and avoid it for the time being.

The Chitauri commander felt more and more depressed. I originally thought that tens of thousands of Chitauri soldiers would be enough to capture a small place like Earth, but they ended up dragging several armies here and still running into obstacles in such a small city. From the beginning of the war to now, their feeling is that they can't afford to offend anyone here in the city, and they can't defeat someone over there. They feel that there are hard bones everywhere that they can't chew on.

They didn't take the initiative to provoke them, and the alien beasts didn't bother them. I don't know if it smelled the scent of humans gathering together, but it swaggered through the battlefield dense with bullets, aiming in the direction of the Bacchus Building guarded by the Fantastic Four.

"The alien beast has appeared! It is heading towards the Bacchus Building now!" shouted a communications agent on the Aegis Mothership. "If this continues, the alien beast will reach the defense line of the Bacchus Building within two minutes!"

Luo Dan quickly winked at Richard. He wanted to say that although he didn't know what your original plan was, it was time for you to go out now, right?

Richard looked at the alien beast with its teeth and claws on the screen, and couldn't help but hold his chin and think for a moment.

Since defeating The One, the frequency of alien beasts has plummeted, and none has appeared in such a long time. As a result, when it comes out now, it happens to be at this terrible stall. Is it a coincidence?

And it stands to reason that most alien beasts are not picky eaters. They can eat anything as long as it is alive. Generally, unless they receive specific instructions, they should destroy everything around them indiscriminately after they appear. But Baig Bazumbrud had a clear purpose after he appeared. He completely ignored the aliens flying around and headed directly towards the Bacchus Building where the crowd gathered. It looked like it was intentional.

It felt like someone deliberately released alien beasts at this stall to lure Ultraman to show up.

Of course, Richard couldn't just sit back and watch Bacchus Tower and the civilians in the entire building being pushed flat by the alien beasts. If the situation forced him to fight, he would not begrudge his physical strength.

But he doesn't think it's reached that point yet.

Asking SHIELD to help connect the connection with Iron Man at the scene, he said: "Can you hear me, Stark? This is the Helicarrier."

"What's going on? It's busy here."

Tony said vaguely as he controlled the armor to engage in aerial combat with a team of Chitauri aces.

"The situation in New York is a mess. Did you all see that thing that just came out? If you have any cards, I think now is the time to show them."

"Actually, we do," Richard said. "Listen up. Remember I told you before that the new elements you added to your reactor were fragments of light?"

"Remember. What?"

"The alien beasts attacked your house before because of the research you were doing. Light is the thing that alien beasts fear and hate the most. They will be instinctively attracted to light and try to attack."

"Yes, I know." Tony said impatiently, "But what do you mean by that now? Well, wait, what do you mean?"

Tony Stark was also a sensible person. Although he was distracted from fighting aerial combat with a group of aliens, he quickly understood what Richard meant.

"That's what it means." Richard said firmly, "Can you do it?"

"Are you kidding? Who do you think I am?"

Tony's confidence suddenly surged again, and he fired a burst of recoil beams from his palms, knocking down the Chitauri chasing him. Following the thrusters under his feet, he accelerated the jet, turned his head and exploded with sound, shooting away in the direction of the Bacchus Building.

The Chitauri who were originally besieging Bacchus Tower saw the dusty alien beasts approaching from a distance, and all of them disappeared like rabbits, leaving only the Fantastic Four and the garrison of Bacchus Tower. Face Baigba Zumbrud directly.

The army's gun muzzles turned, and tons of firepower slammed into the solid shell of Baigba Zumbrud, but it had no effect except for the gorgeous special effects of firelight that shot into the sky.

The Fantastic Four also attack in full force. Human Torch launched several thousand-degree fireballs into the sky and threw them at the alien beast's face. However, the alien beast raised its head and spurted out a larger and more powerful fireball, forcing him back. The force field created by Susan was also torn apart by it. The stone man managed to jump on its neck and punched it, but was slapped by the alien beast and flew dozens of meters away, crashed into a building and disappeared. shadow.

Seeing that the alien beast was approaching the outside of the building, it raised its claws and began to prepare to kill people. At this moment, two blue beams of light struck violently on its forehead, splashing large sparks on the indestructible carapace.

Baigba Zunbrud's footsteps suddenly stopped.

It slowly turned its head and locked its eyes on Iron Man in the air not far away. Its ferocious eyes seemed to say, was it you who did it just now?

Tony swallowed.

"Good, we got its attention. Now execute the second phase of the plan."

Iron Man turned his head and sprayed out from the soles of his feet, dragging the tail flames and flying out without looking back.

".Let's run."

Just run away after pretending to be cool, it’s so exciting!

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