The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 231 All-New York MVP! (Third update!)

Seducing the alien beast and making it attack the person it should attack sounds like a pretty easy job. But Tony soon discovered that was not the case at all.

The Iron Man suit scanned the opponent's body structure and found that the alien beast did not have a wing-like structure, so it probably did not have the ability to fly. However, after he went up and threw two recoil beams to attract the opponent, he realized that he was really running faster than flying!

This is no exaggeration. The alien beast Baigba Zunbrud hung behind Iron Man's butt and pursued him. The movement shook the earth. This thing runs like a Quinjet at full power. Its tens of thousands of tons of weight shattered the streets along the way, and even the high-speed airflow stirred up by its body can be described as devastating. Destroy the land.

The glass where the two passed by was completely shattered, the houses collapsed one after another, and smoke billowed into the sky. If the alien invasion scene just now was like a devil entering a village, then the alien beast racing behind Iron Man is like the end of the world.

God knows the astronomical amount of property damage in New York caused by this battle, but no one has the time to care about this problem now. After all, this is a racial invasion faced by all mankind. If the territorial independence of the earth can be defended at the cost of just one city, then I am afraid that more than 90% of the people in the world will have to raise their hands in approval.

Even the Pentagon now feels that any sacrifice is acceptable. In the movie, the Security Council even came up with the destructive move of dropping a nuclear bomb on Manhattan. This shows how frightened the old men were by this dark mass of Chitauri. As long as the aliens can be driven away, they will probably be happy to return New York to the Indians even if they win this battle.

It seemed like Iron Man was just being chased by Baigba Zumblud to escape, but in fact his escape route was carefully planned.

All fronts in New York received the news. The army and other superheroes consciously compressed the Chitauri's movement space, and promptly informed Stark of the enemy's most concentrated areas and key targets through remote communications. SHIELD and the Pentagon used satellite guidance, combined with New York's evacuation map to help Iron Man avoid areas where people were present, and finally planned the best route.

It can be said that everyone on the New York battlefield participated. This is like fighting a super large team battle. Everyone works together to report points and look out for the wind, trying to create an excellent output environment for their MVP players. Then their MVP - the alien beast Baigba Zumbrud - chased after Iron Man and rolled over like a typhoon. The Chitauri in his path were really miserable and they would die immediately. A large area, killing countless times faster than the entire Avengers combined.

The Chitauri are all crazy. Such a big thing can run and jump at the same time. Imagine that a big guy with more than 30,000 tons can jump to a height of at least tens or hundreds of meters. If it falls down, there will be no place to run. In less than a minute, the Chitauri had killed three to five hundred people, and most of them were still dead.

The Chitauri don't want to provoke this plague god, but they have no choice! First of all, Iron Man has teammates from all over New York who are responsible for reporting points, and there are satellite images to see. The most Chitauri hiding in which streets and alleys cannot escape his eyes.

Then the most fatal part of the problem is that their aircraft cannot fly as fast as Iron Man, nor as fast as the Plague God chasing behind him.

Iron Man turned the corner and collided head-on with a Chitauri transport ship. In terms of size, the transport ship is comparable to the alien beasts, but in Avengers 1, the novice Hulk easily "physically braked" it with just one fist. From this, the impact force should be estimated visually. At most, it only weighs hundreds or thousands of tons, which is definitely incomparable to the alien beasts whose data can easily exceed tens of thousands.

No, Iron Man rushed in front of the transport ship, opened the auxiliary boosters on both sides of his waist, suddenly lowered his height, and cleverly and flexibly got under the belly of the transport ship.

Iron Man had escaped, but these two large groups of tens of meters in size could not be avoided. Baigba Zunbrud's eyes were firmly fixed on Iron Man, who had a faint aura of light. He didn't even want to take another look at the big thing in front of him. The alien beast raised its claws and grabbed it quickly. The sharp steel claws, supported by tens of thousands of tons of wrist strength, cut open the heavy shell of the transport ship like tofu.

Like Baigbazun, this guy's claws also have the terrifying destructive power to break through Ultraman's skin, not to mention this mere transport ship? So in the astonished gazes of all the Chitauri, the alien beast split the battleship apart with one claw. The screams of the huge half-biological, half-mechanical battleship stopped abruptly, and the body split in two began to move under the influence of inertia. It fell at a high speed and smashed a large area among the ruins with a rumble.

However, the alien beast that scrapped the transport ship had no intention of stopping, or rather, it was only blocked for less than half a second, and then continued to chase Iron Man while screaming.

It opened its mouth and blasted out a high-temperature fireball. Iron Man was taken aback and hurriedly moved sideways to evade. The scorching flames flew past his chest armor less than three meters away, burning his chest even through the armor.

Tony gasped. It was such a close call, I almost got hit.

He dodged, but the fireball hit the bottom of an empty building, and the shock wave instantly burned the base of the building. Five or six Chitauri were unfortunately affected by the heat wave and died suddenly on the spot. As the building collapsed under the load, tons of ruins crushed a dozen Chitauri soldiers underneath.

All Chitauri:

MMP, why are we the ones taking advantage of Mao again?

Not only them, but the man in black who summoned the alien beast on the roof also narrowed his eyes to slits at this moment.

He summoned the alien beasts to create a dilemma for someone, to create a problem for the other party to be surrounded by enemies and exhausted. Unexpectedly, Ultraman didn't come out, and all the soldiers were almost wiped out by the alien beasts he summoned.

Now let's look at the situation in New York and observe the counterattack tactics of the human side. This person found that the alien beast he summoned has become the main player of the human side! Their tactic now is to kill the alien beasts in front of the big brother, and then all the super heroes and soldiers in the back will symbolically add some output while shouting 666

This situation is wrong! When Ultraman sees the monsters, shouldn't he immediately come out and fight to the death to protect humans? Shouldn't the correct script be that Ultraman helps humans fight aliens while also distracting himself from fighting alien beasts, and finally dies from exhaustion?

Why don't Ultraman play his cards according to the rules this time? ?

"Forget it." The man snorted heavily, and a deep darkness flashed in his sinister eyes, "In that case, man of light, let me personally see how dazzling your light can be!"

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