The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 275 Say it again? (Fourth update! Please subscribe!)

The three young fans, Skye, Fitz, and Simmons, got together and immediately felt like they had found an organization, and they had a heated exchange on the spot.

Fitz told how incredible Ultraman's life form is from the perspective of physics, and Simmons told how incredible Ultraman is as a living being from the biological field. Skye knows nothing about biology or quantum physics, but she thinks Ultraman is handsome! What could be more important than having a good face these days?

Ward couldn't stand it anymore when he saw the three ardent fans gathering together and saying, "I can talk about him all day long." He felt that if things continued like this, the person next to him who already felt good about himself might become drifting off, so he suggested: "Movies are movies, but we can't be too idealistic about reality. After all, the origin of the other party is unknown, and it has not been shown to humans yet. Don’t be too optimistic if you live anything resembling motivation…”

Ward thought that what he said was quite pertinent and sensible, but he didn't want to immediately provoke a counterattack from the three of them.

"I don't think so. I think Ultraman is on our side." Simmons said, "He really helped us turn the tide of the war in New York, didn't he? He has fought side by side with SHIELD more than once."

"That's right." Fitz immediately agreed, "And I heard that Agent Ward, you were also rescued by him, right? As a rescued person, shouldn't you be grateful?"

Skye said she didn’t have much idea, she felt that handsome people would definitely not be bad people...

Ward was speechless and looked sideways at Coulson, who also knew the truth like himself, hinting that he would also come out and say a few words of justice. Unexpectedly, Coulson also nodded slightly: "I also think he should not be an enemy. From the perspective of SHIELD, we have received his help many times. Personally, I also want him to be a trustworthy partner of mankind. "

Ward: "..."

Is it possible that Coulson is also with them?

How could I accidentally join some kind of Austrian Chef Club...

Am I the only one left in this Airbus who is not the chef?

Richard patted Agent Ward's shoulder with a smile and said to everyone: "Even Ultraman cannot fight alone. It is precisely because of everyone's light that he can fight. Human beings have infinite possibilities, as long as they Everyone can keep the light in their hearts, and one day mankind will be able to move forward side by side with Ultraman..."

Richard found that the movie script was much more carefully thought out and the chicken soup lines came right out of his mouth. Ward couldn't help but squint as he listened. Although your chicken soup is full of positive energy, these words coming from your own mouth always feel like you are bragging...

It's always nice to meet fans. It's just a pity that fans don't know who he is, otherwise it would be good to sell autographs or something...

The power changes within the SHIELD branch have been settled, and now Richard only needs to be the hands-off boss. Anyway, the leader he played was originally the kind of leader who never sees the end of the dragon. Every time he appears, he changes his appearance with a substitute and a different face.

The operation of Hydra still maintains its original mechanism. On weekdays, the main affairs are handed over to Garrett and Malik. Unless there are special circumstances, he usually acts as a hands-off shopkeeper.

After finishing all the miscellaneous things, Richard finally found time to go back to his newspaper office to read.

Miss Secretary Stephanie, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, smiled sweetly when she saw him, with a polite and gentle tone of sarcasm: "Mr. Li, I thought you had forgotten your way to the newspaper office."

Richard laughed: "I'm really busy these days, and I haven't had time to take a look..."

Someone feels a little embarrassed. He has been the boss for a long time. During this period, all matters were either decided by him over the phone or handled by the secretary. He really responded to the saying that the secretary would do something, it was okay... Oh, excuse me, it's nothing.

In fact, the editor-in-chief can basically make decisions on all affairs of the newspaper, and the remaining secretaries who he cannot make decisions can also handle it on his behalf. Now that the newspaper is on the right track, it will not matter if he, the boss, continues to paddle. But Mr. Li said that he is a good boss who is responsible and cares about his employees, so he still has to sit in the office when he is free.

So today he returned to his office after a long absence... and caught up on all the TV series he had missed...

As luck would have it, on the day he just came back to "work", a slovenly man in his twenties or thirties, who looked like he had just emerged from a garbage dump, came to the newspaper office and said that he came specially to see him. of. Richard looked at this guy's face that looked like it hadn't been washed for a week. He felt like he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

So he asked straight to the point: "Who are you?"

The man was panting and took a breath before saying: "Sir, I think you should know, or at least have heard of, me. My name is Eddie, Eddie Brock. I am here to reveal some very important information to you. you……"

Eddie Brock?

Richard took one more look at this guy and couldn't help but feel enlightened.

Oh, isn't this guy just that... Venom? No wonder it looks familiar.

Richard remembered which newspaper he seemed to be a star reporter for? He also hosts a talk show named after himself, which should be said to be the best among journalists.

But judging from his sloppy appearance now, it seems that he has probably been fired from his job and the woman has run away. In other words, he is either already possessed by the venom, or is on the way to be possessed by the venom...

Eddie asked mysteriously: "Not long ago, the spacecraft sent by the Life Foundation to an alien planet crashed. I think you should already know about this..."

Richard was stunned: "Ah? Is this the case?"

Eddie narrowed his eyes at him. No, as the boss of a newspaper, don’t you even pay attention to such a big matter? Can it make people feel more reliable?

Richard smiled: "I've been a little too busy recently and haven't paid much attention to current affairs. You continue."

In fact, Planet Daily also reported on the Life Foundation, but Richard was busy fighting monsters and playing coup within Hydra a while ago, so he never had time to pay attention.

However, in this way, Richard has guessed most of Eddie's purpose. It is nothing more than exposing the conspiracy of the Life Foundation and exposing the Foundation's boss, Drake, using homeless people for illegal human experiments just like in the Venom movie.

It makes sense that Eddie would seek out the Daily Planet. After all, the Daily Planet is a newspaper that is famous for speaking out and reporting. Not to mention a mere Life Foundation, even the Pentagon had been tortured by the Daily Planet until it turned into a human being. How could Drake, a capitalist, be considered a green onion?

Eddie also took out photos of a bunch of illegal experiments he took the risk to sneak into the Foundation. From this point of view, he should have met Venom, and Venom's alien symbiote is probably already lurking in his body.

Richard accepted the photo information and nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Bullock, we will take care of it. As for you... I have a suggestion, you'd better go back and take a shower. You smell like the street corner now. It’s like there’s a smelly parasite growing on my body..."

Eddie immediately stood up and pointed at him fiercely as if he was a different person: "Why the hell are you trying to tell me about parasites again?"

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