The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 276 Who is behind the scenes?

The moment Eddie stood up, his whole aura changed, as if he suddenly changed from a sloppy middle-aged man into a ferocious beast. His eyes became dark, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be raised slightly, revealing an overbearing evil aura.

So as expected, Brother Venom is already possessed by Eddie.

If you want to trace the origin of the character, then Venom is actually a villain and a derivative character of the Spider-Man series. However, as time went by and the character's popularity increased, the character of Venom gradually separated from Spider-Man publications and began to get its own independent story.

Until Venom officially had a movie named after himself, the character had completely broken away from the category of supervillain, and even started to transform into a superhero.

The venom in early comics is almost the incarnation of evil. While it brings powerful power to the host, it also affects the host's emotions, making the host irritable, moody, and mentally high. It can also produce dependence similar to drug addiction. It will amplify the dark side of a person's heart, causing people to unknowingly degenerate into something they hate.

However, the Venom that appeared on the movie screen in Deadly Guardian has long been reborn. All the evil characteristics such as affecting emotions and addiction have been deleted by the screenwriter. The new version of Venom is completely arrogant, loves to eat chocolate balls, cares about the host, and even An obedient and sensible cute girl...

Richard visually observed that the furious guy in front of him seemed to be closer to the latter, so he probably wasn't a threat. So he looked at the finger pointing at his nose and said slowly: "Don't get excited, sir, I'm just telling the truth. You see, I am a reasonable person and don't like to use hands. But if you insist on using Solving the problem in a way other than words...that's not impossible."

The moment he spoke the last half of his sentence, his eyes suddenly froze. The invisible aura overwhelmed him overwhelmingly, completely defeating Venom's aura in an instant. Venom looked at the human in front of him through the host's eyes, and it felt like he was staring directly into the scorching sun. He was so frightened that his whole body went weak in an instant, and he retreated into the corner of Eddie's body without any movement.

Eddie was still thinking about how to stop the "atrocities" of his venom, but the control of his body suddenly returned to his own hands. He was stunned and couldn't help asking: "Why did you suddenly stop taking action?"

Venom huddled in the corner of his body depressedly, still speaking harshly: "I could bite off this person's head just now, but I don't want to eat it for some reason. This person is not delicious, let's go quickly, Eddie." "

Eddie: "???"

Do you think you have to be picky when it comes to eating people?

Venom is also depressed at the bottom of his heart. I thought it would be able to do whatever it wanted when it arrived on Earth, but who knew there was such a terrifying guy hidden among humans! At that moment, every cell in its body seemed to be warning it, don't provoke this human being, you will die!

But what else could it say to Eddie? You say this guy is more vicious than me and I choose to follow my heart? Then the symbiote doesn't have any face?

Besides, the time spent with Eddie will be long in the future. What if the host looks down on it and thinks it is a coward...

Eddie wanted to stay and say a few more words, but he couldn't help but the venom kept urging him in his mind, saying, "Let's leave quickly. If we don't leave, we won't be able to catch the last train home." Eddie wanted to say, shouldn’t it be over if we just transform and jump back from the roof? But in the end, he didn't say anything and left in a hurry.

It is said that Drake from the Life Foundation has great hands and eyes, and dreams of playing God all day long. He uses symbiotes to promote human evolution and leads humans to expand their territory and enter the universe. He is completely insane. But this psychopath has so much energy that ordinary media and police don't dare to provoke him. Eddie Brock just asked a few sharp questions, and the next day he was informed by his boss that he could pack up and leave.

But their Planet Daily is no ordinary newspaper. Don't let the news that comes to your door go to waste. After sending away the Venom duo, Richard immediately called the young reporter Cathy.

It has been a long time since I last saw this young intern reporter. She has become a full-time reporter, and her dress has become much more mature, looking like a social lady.

Richard asked: "Do you have any reports that you are following?"

The little girl shook her head: "No. In the past two days, there is only one article about Ultraman "Why the World Needs Ultraman" that the editor asked me to be responsible for, but it is not very urgent..."

"Very well, then I'll leave this task to you."

Richard threw the photo material Eddie had left on the table. The young reporter took it and glanced at it, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Life Foundation? Oh my God, they are... conducting illegal experiments? This is really exciting information, boss."

"Yeah. So you can handle it?"

The young reporter nodded vigorously: "Okay boss, you will see the finished manuscript within three days."

"Give me a day and a half to do it. Go ahead and make it as beautiful as possible."

Although there is no special explanation of the backstage and background of the Life Foundation in the Venom movie, Richard estimates that their company can launch rockets and conduct human experiments, and can even send drones to send killers to stalk Venom on the streets. To play a chase battle, the background must be very good.

Therefore, it is certain that the report will encounter resistance, but it is not the first time that Planet Daily has faced a similar opponent, so Richard did not pay attention to it at first.

However, what happened next was something he never expected.

One day after the task was assigned to Cathy, the pressure from above really came. I don’t know what kind of connections the Life Foundation used to issue ultimatums to Richard through official and unofficial channels.

A big shot in a government agency warned Richard in relatively tactful terms that the foundation was in deep water and Mr. Li had better get out of it if he knew the current situation. Not long after that, another gang of gangsters claiming to be from the "Blue Dragon Society" appeared, threatening and tempting him to stop wading into troubled waters, and even hinted in a demonstrative manner that their gang's backstage was very tough, even Jin Bin. They are all little bastards in their eyes.

Richard wanted to say at that time, is Fisker so miserable now that he has become a unit of measurement for the underworld? Why does it seem like all the street gangsters like to compete with Jin Bin’s name...

Richard had received a lot of threats like this since the founding of the newspaper, and he was already familiar with handling them. According to the usual routine, it would be time for him to personally go out and find someone to "have a friendly tea" at this time, but Richard then thought about it, that's not right, I am now someone with an organization and a back-up, this is such a small thing. Why go out and do it yourself?

After all, he is now the leader of Hydra. Is there anyone in the world who can be tougher than him?

After a phone call, within half a day the details of the Life Foundation were thoroughly investigated by the powerful Hydra agents, and the details were quickly fed back to him.

No wonder the leader of the "Blue Dragon Society" had such a harsh tone. After a long time, they really had someone behind them.

According to the traces of the gang's financial sources discovered by Hydra agents, it was shown that they were supported by a large consortium jointly established by multiple companies; and following the background investigation of the consortium, it was found that they were supported by someone called the "Secret Service Bureau" Supported by a secret government agency; a detailed investigation of the "Secret Service Bureau" revealed that the director of the Bureau was named Carl Jackman, and it was this person who called and threatened Richard; and then the director of the Bureau, Carl Jackman, was A background investigation revealed that he was actually a former senior executive of SHIELD and was transferred to his current position through job changes; a subsequent detailed investigation of his resume in SHIELD revealed that Mr. Jackman was registered Hydra undercover...

Richard: "..."

So after all this fuss, the backstage of this Life Foundation... is it actually me?

(Thanks to book friend drrose for tipping the helmsman!)

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