The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 281 Giants (Third update!)

Asgard is a country where technology and magic are integrated without distinction. Although I have seen this place more than once through movies, TV shows and images, the feeling of being there is completely different.

The core of Asgard is a city dominated by gold. The entire city is surrounded by tall city walls equipped with laser turrets. Outside the city walls are endless dense mountain forests. Brilliant light enveloped the entire city, and the sunlight seemed to cover the sci-fi town with a transparent veil. The golden palace stands like a giant in the center of the city, as if it symbolizes the king of gods who commands the gods.

The residents of Asgard are called "Aesir", but the residents here are only at a slightly higher level of life, not really gods per capita. Richard rode the Stone Wings and looked down from the air for a while, and found that the citizens in the streets and alleys actually looked quite ordinary, not much different from those on earth.

The body density of Asgardians is about three times that of humans. They have some physical advantages over humans, but they are not that obvious. If we really wanted to compare, Captain America should have a 50-50 shot against a miscellaneous-level God's Domain soldier... Oh, no, one can fight ten of them.

Blue sky, bright sunshine, laid-back citizens and fresh air, overall Asgard looks quite harmonious...

...Then he seemed to hear the sounds of killing, cursing and weapons clashing.

The Stone Wings followed the sound and flew towards the outside of the city. Not long after crossing the city wall, they saw a bustling battlefield. Asgardian soldiers holding swords and shields lined up in an array, shouting and fighting against a large group of stone giants with bumps all over their bodies, with an average height of five to seven meters. The dust was rising outside the city gate, and the killing was so lively.

Richard spotted Thor in Asgard's array at a glance. The great prince and avenger of God's Domain is as always the main force on the battlefield. He wields Thor's hammer with great force, and he is not weak in the face of giants who are generally two or three times taller than himself. Brother Hammer ran rampant among the giants, hitting a little friend with one blow. Every time he swung the hammer, at least one giant was smashed to pieces.

A cursory glance showed that Sif and the other four fools from the God's Domain who had visited Earth before were also there. As the confidants around Thor, these four people are also quite elite in combat power, and they still managed to survive the siege of several giants at the same time.

As for the remaining Asgardian soldiers, the situation is a bit more difficult. They are naturally at a disadvantage in terms of size and strength. Fighting with the giants requires coordination and skills. If they are not careful, they will be hit with a single blow. Into patties.

The Assad clan in Norse mythology has trouble with the giants all day long. Often Asgard is fighting fire giants today, ice giants tomorrow, and maybe some stone giants and earth giants the day after tomorrow. In short, they are fighting giants.

Marvel's Asgard is actually similar. Fighting with giants is basically a daily routine, and it is the kind of daily task that involves a small fuss every three days and a big fuss five days later. All kinds of giants come from time to time to challenge Asgard's authority as the leader of the nine realms, but most of the time they just brush their presence to make the old brothers in the gods not forget them. With Odin in charge, no one really has a head. He wanted to overthrow Asgard.

But today seems a little different from usual.

The number of stone giants who came today was countless times larger than usual, and their momentum was also more powerful. Normally, everyone would just symbolically kill a few people at each other and then withdraw their troops and go home. But today, these stone giants were more ruthless than the others, and they were more desperate in their charges. There was a strong trend of "If you don't take Asgard today, you will have no face to face them." The fierceness of "fellows and elders".

If this situation continues, there is no telling how long they will continue to fight this battle. From the direction of the palace, Mr. Odin has no visual signs of intending to take action personally. Richard didn't have the time to sit around and wait. Now that he had some friendship with Asgard, he might as well help out with this little favor.

He took out the Evolved Truster directly from the Stone Wings, and a bright light burst out from the transformer. The bright light fell from the sky like a tens of thousands of tons of waterfalls, hitting the ground with a heavy roar, and happened to land in the formation where the giants gathered.

The violent wind carrying the energy shock erupted, and the bodies of the giants located in its center were shattered on the spot, and even the fragments were annihilated in the strong light. The strong light cleared a huge pit with a radius of 100 meters in the middle of the battlefield, and everything in it was swept away.

There was a brief, eerie calm between the heated battles. The Asgardian warriors and giants stopped their weapons one after another, and all cast frightened glances at the silver-white giant who suddenly appeared in the field, not knowing whether he was an enemy or a friend.

As the only people present who had seen Ultraman, Thor and his friends were more surprised.

"Why is he here?" Torchi asked.

The giants were also shocked. They are known as the "Giants" among the Nine Realms. Since ancient times, they have always been the only ones to bully others with their size advantage. Today, for the first time, it is the other way around.

There is a saying that you are not afraid of being ruthless, but you are afraid of meeting someone more ruthless than you. The same applies here. I am not afraid of your height, I am afraid of meeting someone taller than you. The group of "giants" in front of Ultraman are all children in kindergarten, or even in elementary school...

Each of the giants subconsciously retreated and distanced themselves. For a while, no one dared to come forward and take action.

Ordinary giants are too scared to take action, but there are some giants who can handle it.

The heavy footsteps seemed to come from the depths of the mountain forest, sounding like rolling muffled thunder that was approaching. Every piece of gravel on the ground kept bouncing with a muffled sound, and the sound seemed to echo in everyone's ears.

A giant shadow appeared from behind a high mountain, and the giant with blue-gray skin approached slowly. He wore special armor and carried a huge mace on his shoulders. His body was as solid as rock, and his eyes were as red as fire.

This giant is nearly sixty meters tall, and is even a head taller than Nexus in his juvenile form. Coupled with its broad shoulders and strong body, it seems to be half the winner in terms of tonnage.

The stone giants hurriedly backed away, knowingly making way for their boss. The expressions of many Asgardian warriors also changed suddenly, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying when they saw the burly giant shadow. Many people started talking, and Richard heard the word "Ymir" repeated in the mouths of the soldiers.

Then the identity of this giant with extraordinary stature is ready to be revealed.

He is Ymir, the ancestor of all giants in mythology and the strongest giant.

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