The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 282 Sleeping again?

Ymir, the ancestor of various giant factions in Norse mythology. Norse mythology describes him as "a giant born from the constant intersection of the flames of the Fire Kingdom and the cold winds of the Frost Kingdom". He was born in a chaos shrouded in darkness and fog before the world took shape.

As we all know, there are many discrepancies between the settings of the gods in Norse mythology and Marvel, and there are also a lot of discrepancies about Ymir. But there are at least two things that are the same in both systems. One is that he is the ancestor of all giants, and the other is that he is very tall and known as the strongest giant.

However, it is obvious that when the Nordic giants held the "Selection Conference for the First Giant in the World", they obviously did not include the Giant of Light.

The height of more than 60 meters is enough for Ymir to look down on the giants, and his exaggerated size also provides him with unparalleled confidence. Ymir walked out and saw that the unknown giant opposite him seemed to be one size smaller than himself, and he felt half at ease.

He stood there, assumed an arrogant posture, made a gesture of unknown meaning, and muttered a string of words. It was a pity that Richard had not learned Giant Language and could not understand what he was saying, but looking at his appearance and posture, he speculated that the other party might be expressing ridicule or provocation.

Even if this guy didn't provoke Richard, he didn't intend to talk nonsense. He just wanted to help send these giant soldiers back to ask Odin questions. How could he have time to accompany him slowly?

Nexus kicked his foot and disappeared for half a second before a huge crater exploded under his feet. As if a violent current pushed the silver body forward, the giant Ymir still maintained a posture like a kindergarten carrying a handle. When the silver fist flew in front of him, he had no time to dodge.

The air seemed to be sucked out instantly, and the wind blowing against his face made the giant subconsciously narrow his eyes, and his breath seemed to be blocked. He only had time to reflexively raise the mace in front of him, and the high-speed punch was already coming.

The loud noise shook everyone's eardrums like thunder, causing strong tinnitus in a large area. The air waves that exploded dozens of meters in the air made everyone below feel numb.

The two broken pieces of the mace flew high into the air two to three hundred meters, then turned around and fell back to the ground heavily. The giant Ymir flew over the heads of a large group of giants in an exaggerated manner, and fell down with a rumble, smashing a large group of shrimps, soldiers, crabs and generals into stone cakes.

Except for those people who had already seen Ultraman's power, everyone in the audience, whether they were Asgardian soldiers or stone giants, had extremely wonderful expressions and were speechless for a long time.

Is it said that the giant Ymir is the ancestor of giants and the most powerful giant?

Then where did this giant who punched Ymir to death as if for fun come from?

"Mortals call him 'Ultraman'." Thor smiled and explained to the stunned generals beside him, "The comrade I met in Midgard."

In fact, Thor and Richard are not that familiar, but after all, they have fought twice together, so it seems that there is no problem in calling them comrades. But the point is that it makes him feel more dignified. This is the same as when a big shot gives a speech on TV and you brag to people in front of the screen and say, my brother's roommate's friend's buddy recognizes this big shot.

Ymir was overstretched and punched away. However, he did not die after falling to the ground. He was still groaning and struggling to stand up. His physical strength is worthy of recognition. If this giant ancestor had perfect skills, he might even be able to hold on for ten seconds longer.

But Richard didn't intend to give him this opportunity to show off his skills.

Ymir had just struggled to get up on his knees, and blue lightning had already spread out from the palms of Nexus's hands. There was no extra preparation, Nexus formed a cross with his hands, and Cross Storm fired directly!

The high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius and the powerful destructive power are highly concentrated in this stream of light, like a sharp sword cutting through thorns. The giant Ymir's heart was easily pierced, and blood clots and shattered internal organs flew out. Overbearing energy poured into the giant's body along the wound, filling his internal organs in an instant, and instantly burned his entire body into an empty shell. Golden light finally erupted from the inside out, and the powerful giant ancestor was blown into countless pieces on the spot.

Seeing their boss being blown to pieces and corpses falling from their heads like rain, the giants finally couldn't calm down.

The giants have stone bodies but not stone hearts. Faced with this huge gap in strength, no one would want to continue to seek death. The fighting spirit of the giants disappeared in an instant, and no one knew which clever giant took the lead. The giants suddenly faded away like a wave of rocks.

A group of giants abandoned their helmets and armor, but at least a few people risked their lives to pick up a few fragments of their ancestors and go back. Maybe they thought that at least they would not bury their ancestors with empty coffins when they returned.

The Asgardian camp burst into cheers of victory. The brain circuits of Asgardian warriors are relatively simpler than humans, and their ability to accept new friends is particularly outstanding. In their view, those who have carried guns and fought together are brothers.

Standing in front and watching a large group of giants retreating quickly, Nexus had no intention of pursuing them. He only watched as they retreated, then their whole bodies emitted a faint white light, and they disappeared in place.

Celebrating after the war is an important custom in Asgard. A group of big men cheered and hugged for a while, which was very lively. On weekdays, Thor would definitely be the one making the most noise among everyone, but today he unusually did not join his teammates. Instead, he picked up the hammer and flew into the air, flying towards the direction where Ultraman disappeared not far away. past.

As expected, after flying for a while, he met Richard who was slowly walking over.

Brother Zhui landed with a look of joy on his face: "My friend! I haven't seen you for a while. You were really beautiful when you did that just now. You are a real warrior!"

Richard thought that their relationship didn't seem to have developed to the level of old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, but he didn't mind either. He knew that in Asgard "true warrior" might already be one of the highest praises.

Richard pointed to the direction behind him where the giants had retreated: "Is this usually the case here?"

"Not really. Giants attack from time to time, but they are usually not as ferocious as today. We were a little caught off guard." Thor said angrily, "But this is also our negligence. We should have thought of it earlier. These despicable guys They must have learned about the sleeping king from some unknown source. Asgard's defense power is unprecedentedly empty now, and they just want to take this opportunity to break into Asgard..."

"Wait a minute," Richard raised his hand to interrupt him, frowning and asked, "Is Mr. Odin asleep again?"

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