The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 283 Celebration Banquet

Odin fell asleep again?

Richard's impression of Odin was that of a sleepy man. Normally, no one in the Nine Worlds dares to disobey the orders given by a bull, but when the critical moment comes, he will fall off the chain. I remember in the original work, some god-level boss came from the Nine Realms. Odin was always trying to fish in the water, or the person who came was too awesome and he couldn't beat him, so he could only give up saying "Twilight of the Gods is coming" every day. Treatment; or maybe the person who came was not as good as him, but he happened to be sleeping during that period...

When Mr. Odin falls asleep, it's different from the way ordinary people doze off. It's called "Odin's Sleep", and it's a skill. There are many effects and effects of this move that I will not go into details here, but its most significant feature is that once the old man closes his eyes, he has to sleep until he wakes up naturally, otherwise it will not work even if Thor thunders near his ears.

But didn’t the old man fall asleep not long ago? Why did he fall asleep again so soon?

Seeing that he seemed puzzled, Thor explained patiently: "This is a normal situation. My father often has to enter 'Odin's Sleep'. The main purpose is to use his Odin power to supplement Asgard's magic power and strengthen Asgard." Garder's defense. But whenever he enters Odin's Sleep, Asgard's power will be unprecedentedly weak, so I need to personally guard him."

Brother Zhui paused and said to himself: "But today's situation is really abnormal. Although there have been many conflicts between us outside the city wall before, it has never been as violent as today, even with Yi. Mirdu rushed over personally. There is no doubt that they want to take advantage of the 'Odin's Sleep' period to attack Asgard. Fortunately, you are here this time, otherwise this victory will inevitably require greater sacrifices..."

Richard frowned and said nothing.

Is Odin's Sleep normal?

There should be nothing wrong with this in itself. After all, Odin in both mythology and Marvel comics is a sleepyhead.

But how long had it been since he last slept? Is Mr. Odin planning to hibernate?

Richard felt that there might be something that Asgard was inconvenient to tell him as an outsider, but he had already vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

The same goes for Odin in the movie. He seems to be a top-notch fighter, but looking at all the movies in the four stages, you will find that this old man is always paddling. Finally, in the Thor 3 movie, the old man died inexplicably without even doing anything. The casualness of his lunch was on par with another big boss in the movie, the Ancient One Master.

All signs indicate that the old man really seems to be unable to hold on any longer.

Immortality is an extremely rare thing in the Marvel system. Only big bosses like the Elders of the Universe and the Creation Gods who can control the energy of the universe are the closest to immortality. In addition, even the arcane who can destroy the nine realms with just a raise of his hand are the ones who can control the energy of the universe. After all, Mr. Ding cannot escape the sanctions of time.

Richard could only estimate in a very pessimistic way that the old man's end was approaching and he would soon be heading west.

Since the old man was not there, Richard could only do the next best thing and discuss it with His Majesty the Prince. So he briefly explained the purpose of his visit, mentioned that he destroyed Skadi's Hammer in the Antarctic, and wanted to ask Mr. Odin to confirm whether Jörmungandr, which was sealed by him back then, was safe and whether the seal was It needs to be reinforced or something.

Jormungandr is Thor's old enemy in mythology, and both parties are destined to perish together, so Thor has naturally heard of this story. Richard's description quickly attracted his attention. Unfortunately, Thor said that only his father Odin knew where the serpent was sealed, so this matter had to wait until the old man woke up.

Richard asked the old man how long he would have to sleep? You're not going to sleep like this for ten and a half years or something, right? Thor waved his hand and said, don't worry, our dad is not that lazy. He only sleeps for a week at most and will get up soon.

Thor also kindly invited him to stay and participate in the victory celebration after the war. Post-war celebrations are the most important aspect of the fighting nation Asgard. Even if the sky falls, the banquet cannot be skipped. Thor said that if Richard, who was the MVP of this game, was not here, their celebration would be less interesting.

"Don't worry." Thor comforted, "Just wait for a week, just treat it as a trip to Asgard. The serpent has been sealed for thousands of years, what can go wrong in just this week? Besides, we have Heim. Dahl monitors everything that happens in the nine realms at all times. Heimdall is the guardian of Asgard. He has an omnipotent 'all-seeing eye', and no one can escape his eyes."

Richard thought about Heimdall, who seemed to be a pretty reliable guardian. However, he failed to guard when the Frost Giants came, he failed to guard when the Dark Elves came, and he even failed to guard when Hela came. It was really... People can't help but want to ask, "Look what you are protecting?"

But what Thor said is not unreasonable. It has been sealed for thousands of years and Jörmungandr has not moved at all. There is no way that he has only been gone for less than a week and the big snake has come out to rule the world, right?

If it was such a coincidence, then Richard suspected that he might be an African chief from Ultraman, with a face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

So Richard agreed and decided to stay in their palace for a week and wait for the old man to wake up before asking questions.

Asgardian banquets don't have so many complicated etiquette and preparations, and the banquet is relatively simple to host. All the tables in the house are filled with big fish and meat, and a few tanks of wine are dragged over and it's done. Many people didn't even bother to change their clothes, and just went to the table in their shiny armor, and no one thought there was anything wrong with it.

But the same thing as the banquet on earth is that the theme of the banquet is also about eating and drinking. The Asgardian brothers feasted on fish and meat, and some even drank wine from a large vat, full of the bold atmosphere of ancient knights.

At first, Richard was not used to the fish, chicken legs, etc. that were cut into big pieces on the table, but once he accepted this setting, he found that the cooking skills of the barbarians seemed to be quite good. Some of the food has special Asgardian sauces added to it, which gives it a unique taste.

Richard felt that some of the sauces would be delicious when he took them home for cooking. He also wanted to take such good things back for his two tenants to try, so he casually asked Thor if he could bring two bottles back for him. After hearing this, Thor waved his hand generously and said, no problem. I will have someone pack it up and send a carriage back for you in a few days...

Richard was also mentally prepared. Since he came to Asgard for dinner, he would definitely not be able to escape the wine aspect no matter what. Sure enough, not long before the banquet started, the big man Volstagg, who had met once before, toasted to him: "To the warrior from Midgard, the warrior with the power of the interstellar giant!"

All the Asgardian warriors cheered together. Soon someone filled a glass of wine and handed it to him. The smell was quite strong.

Richard glanced at the wine glass, thought about it, and then reached out to take it.

What a joke, can I be knocked down by a mere glass of wine?


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