The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 284 Extremely Deep Sea (Third update!)

To be honest, Richard is actually not the type who is good at dealing with alcohol. Before time travel, he was the kind of noob who would drink three glasses of wine and get drunk. But he has never been drunk after time travel. Perhaps due to the improvement of his physical fitness, his resistance to alcohol has also become much higher.

Although Asgard's strong liquor smells different from ordinary products, Richard now has the confidence that "even if he drinks the alcohol directly, nothing will happen", so he raises his head and does it without thinking.

The men began to shout boldly, and some clapped and booed.

Don't tell me, this wine is really strong, and I don't know if it was mixed with magical energy. Richard drank it in one gulp and his head felt a little dizzy.

However, Mr. Li can even quantize his entire body. How can a mere glass of wine count as an egg? The power of light was directly activated, and the energy quickly flowed through the limbs and bones. Before the drink that had just been consumed had time to dissipate, all the energy contained in it was extracted and assimilated by the light, and the slight discomfort disappeared in an instant.

Relying on the digestion of the power of light, Richard accompanied a group of Asgardian rough guys and drank countless strong drinks without hesitation. One person drank a lot of it. The Asgardian warriors who advocated the wine culture couldn't help but take another high look at this Earth warrior, and gave him a thumbs up and said he was awesome.

Richard was amused. It was not like the Asgardian warriors who fought with him with real swords and guns, but when he drank the wine, all the essence energy was actually consumed and assimilated. He just drank more water to flush his stomach. If I must say it, these drinks should be considered as being poured into the great God Noah. If these rough guys can get this old man drunk, they are indeed capable...

Earth, deep in a certain sea area.

This is a space dominated by darkness, a deep sea realm beyond the current capabilities of human exploration. It is impossible for sunlight to shine down at such a depth. The water is pitch black and turbid, and there is no breath of life in the darkness. It is like an absolute forbidden zone for life.

An old man wearing old armor and a rag-like cloak sat in this dark space. It was clear that he was under water, but his skin was shriveled and cracked, like arid land without moisture all year round. His white hair and beard floated slowly in the deep sea, like a mummy.

He is Kull, a long-forgotten man who was supposed to be the God-King of Asgard.

He is the serpent Jörmungandr.

The long years have worn away his concept of time. Orochi actually has no idea how long he has been in this deep hell. Odin's seal cut off almost all contact between him and the outside world. His eight most powerful lords were also defeated separately, and the hammer was scattered and sealed everywhere.

But there was only one omission from Odin, and that was the Hammer of Skadi.

The last remnant soul of his former subordinate Skadi remained in that heavenly hammer, which was supposed to be his greatest hope of getting out of trouble in this life. The hammer that was sealed in Antarctica decades ago was rediscovered by the Red Skull. Since then, Orochi has restored some contact with Skadi's Hammer. Surprised, the serpent began to carefully use his own divine power to try to restore and guide the power in the hammer. He only had to wait for a suitable host to appear before he could summon the frost goddess Skadi again. At that time, it would be easy with her power. It should be possible to break the seal and let the big snake see the light of day again.

At the same time, the Orochi must guide the remnant soul to repair itself and accumulate strength. At the same time, it must wait patiently for a suitable host to appear. Finally, it must carefully avoid Odin's eyes and ears to avoid being noticed in advance.

Orochi has been cautiously developing for decades. Now, most of the remaining souls have been repaired and most of the hosts have been selected. Seeing that the time to escape is just around the corner, suddenly a weirdo pops out of nowhere and kills Skati with a casual energy blast. The hammer exploded into pieces, shattering the only hope of escape that Orochi had managed for many years.

After being trapped for thousands of years, the snake has never been so angry as now. In the past thousands of years, it was okay to have no hope of getting out of trouble. Now he saw that he was only one step away from success but fell short. How could he take such a breath?

Despair only becomes more profound after the hope that has been extinguished. At this time, Orochi truly realized this.

He was angry, but the old man seemed to have nothing to do except sit in the deep sea and curse at the guy of unknown origin.

The old man just sat there boredly in the dark for an unknown amount of time, when suddenly his eyebrows jumped.

Someone has come here.

"Who?" Orochi asked in a hoarse voice.

A figure quickly emerged from the inky darkness, as if slowly coming from the depths of the pitch-black water. It was a man in a black windbreaker with blue lining, a smile on his face, and the hem of his clothes rising and falling slowly, as if the ultra-high-pressure deep sea environment had no effect on him at all.

Theoretically this is impossible. This is not only an extremely deep sea, but also a restricted area of ​​life sealed by Odin's spell. No living creature can easily enter this area.

Orochi narrowed his eyes, trying to discern reality from this man, but the man's gaze was deep and mysterious, like an abyss shrouded in mist, and he could not get any information from it.

The down-and-out Orochi now had not even 1% of his divine power left. He only had the vision of a god but no ability to match it. He could not even detect the depth of the enemy.

But he sensed at least one thing from this man - darkness.

The purest, deepest and most chilling darkness.

The man walked up to him and stopped.

"Are you really willing for a being like you to be trapped in a place like this all year round?" The man said meaningfully.

Orochi asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

The man did not answer, but continued: "How long have you been here? A hundred years? A thousand years? Or longer?"

Orochi was silent for a while, and seemed to understand the other party's intention of not revealing too much information, so he turned to ask: "What do you want to say?"

"I just want to help." The man said calmly, "I, I respect you. I think you should be born to achieve great things instead of waiting to rot in a place like this."

"What are the conditions?" Orochi was very calm. He was certain that he had never met this man, and he was not arrogant enough to believe that there were still followers of his in the world today. He knew that after his defeat, Odin wiped out all the forces he left behind. To this day, no one probably remembers his true name.

But the other party just smiled: "There are really no conditions. You just need to do what you want. I just hope I can help a little bit. If you still don't believe it, then let me Let me show my sincerity first and help you break this ridiculous prison."

After saying that, he took out a long stick from the inside of his windbreaker. He held the object with both hands and placed it horizontally in front of him. The moment the object was pulled away, it was like the space shattered like glass, and endless darkness was released from it. The red and black giant rose into the sky and stood on the earth under the sea.

His name is Dark Mephistopheles.

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