The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 285 Regaining Freedom (Subscribe, brothers! Four updates!)

The dark giant suddenly materialized in the dark undercurrent, standing like a tall mountain peak in this underwater space. The big snake looked at the dark red body and couldn't help but froze in place. He frowned and carefully searched his memory to see if there was anything similar to the gods in the Nine Realms.

The miscellaneous giants in the Nine Realms were eliminated first. Although the old man is half dead now, after all, the Father's vision is still there. The large group of giants look tall and mighty, but in fact they are just paper tigers. In front of this former great god, no one in the entire clan can defeat them. But the dark giant in front of him was obviously different. Orochi didn't need to be in a good state to see that the giant in front of him had extraordinary combat power.

Since it is not in the Nine Realms, could it be outside the Nine Realms?

Could it be's the group of cosmic gods?

Orochi and Odin are indeed brothers, even their brain circuits are very similar. Just like Odin came to the same conclusion when he saw Nexus, Orochi's thought when he saw Dark Mephistopheles was also the cosmic god group.

If it is the group of gods, then there is nothing surprising. If these gods of the universe want to break the barrier and release the big snake, it will definitely be easy. Even Odin himself may not be able to stop it here.

But why?

Orochi only felt more puzzled. Could it be that his irritable brother got into trouble with the gods again, and the gods decided to support him in overthrowing his brother?

It's really possible. Especially when it comes to getting in trouble with the gods, if I think about it carefully, it does seem like something my brother could do...

Sensing someone intruding, several sea snakes that Odin set up here emerged from the depths of the deep water, twisting their long bodies in the deep sea, with weak and dim fluorescence in their eyes, with a vicious look. His eyes were locked on Dark Mephistopheles.

Mephistopheles stood motionless, as if he didn't notice the opponent's attack. He didn't take action suddenly until the first sea snake rushed towards him with a long trail of water trailing behind it.

The pitch-black fist blasted out like a thunderbolt, turning the water into turbidity the moment the arm struck out. The water pressure suddenly changed, and the water waves seemed to form a spiral tornado that wrapped around the punch, hitting the sea snake's charging head squarely.

A terrifying impact erupted on the bottom of the sea. Thousands of tons of seawater were pushed away in all directions. Stones and dust settled on the bottom of the sea spread everywhere to form a huge dust curtain. The sea snake took this terrifying punch head-on, and the huge force of the punch blew its head to pieces at the moment of contact. Pei Ran's divine power penetrated its head like a spear, smashing its body into pieces and blowing it apart from the inside out. The fragments of its internal organs and blood dispersed into the water and floated away.

Seeing that their companions were instantly killed with one blow, the remaining sea snakes all let out shrill screams that ranged between anger and fear. But they cannot retreat due to their mission, and the constraints of Odin's spell will not allow them to leave their posts without permission. The huge sea snakes spread out, forming a double flank from different directions. Their long tails stirred up the chaotic water, and they showed their sharp fangs and bit Mephistopheles.

It seems that these sea snakes still have a certain amount of wisdom and tactical literacy. They are quite good at positioning, formation and division of labor, and their cooperation is quite tacit.

Unfortunately, under the suppression of absolute strength, these are irrelevant.

Mephistopheles stretched out two silver-white "devil's claws" from his right wrist. He thrust his right hand into the head of one of the sea snakes and pierced its brain. The sea snake died on the spot.

Mephisto raised his hand and flicked it, and the sea snake's huge body drew a long wave in the water, slamming into his companion beside him. The bodies of the two sea snakes were twisted into a ball and fell to the bottom of the sea, stirring up thousands of feet of dust.

Another sea serpent took the opportunity to pounce from behind, but Mephisto turned around and grabbed its throat. He pushed the sea snake to the ground, ignoring its long tail that was struggling desperately. He held the upper and lower jaws with both hands and tore the beast's mouth apart. Blood spurted out from the wound at the corner of its mouth like a spring. The sea snake's tail slapped on the ground for ten times and then slowly stopped, its eyes gradually losing life.

In the blink of an eye, several sea serpents acting as guards were killed by Mephistopheles. After taking care of the guards, Mephistopheles slowly turned around, his dark gaze resting on the barrier that sealed the serpent.

He raised his right hand, and the devil's claw poured out a strong dark red light stream, which struck the surface of the defensive barrier with dark lightning. This barrier is far from impregnable. Skadi, who retrieved the Sky Hammer in the original work, could easily destroy it, and Mephistopheles was not under any pressure. The beam of "Super Mephisto Shot" easily penetrated the barrier, and a looming light green shield was quickly lifted.

The old man stood up tremblingly and staggered down from the big stone where he was standing.

Finally free.

He looked up at Mephistopheles, and the giant just seemed to give a low sneer.

"Okay, now you are free." The cold voice sounded directly in the snake's mind, "Now, let go and do what you want to do. I'm looking forward to your performance."

After saying that, Mephisto took two steps back, a dark green light appeared on his body, and disappeared out of thin air.

Orochi looked at the direction in which he disappeared, his brows furrowed in thought for a short while.

Before, he originally thought of occupying Midgard immediately after escaping, massacring mortals, and letting fear reverberate throughout the world to replenish his divine power. Then when his divine power was restored, he immediately killed Asgard, punched Odin and stepped on the son of Odin mentioned in the prophecy, and regained his own divine throne.

But now he is a little hesitant, because he found that after being trapped for so many years, the external situation may not be as simple as he thought.

But he only hesitated for three to five seconds.

Even if he is trapped for a long time, Takull is still a native Asgardian, and it is not the style of their nation to look forward and backward.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Odin or the Gods, if they all just get over it, it’s all over?

As Odin got older, he had to worry about his country and his son. As a person grows older and has more things to worry about, his edges will naturally be smoothed out by time. But Takuer is different. He is alone without a wife or children, and he has no nine kingdoms to worry about. He is now a bit like Odin's mentality when he was young and yelled at the gods to fight and kill, highlighting the vastness of the world. I am the biggest, even if the God of Creation comes, I will fight back for you!

Without much hesitation, the big snake stood on the bottom of the sea, his palms facing the sky, and a ball of golden light was released from his dry palms. The ball of light contained the only remaining part of his pure spiritual power. It was like a signal bomb that rushed out of the sea and submerged into the sky, penetrating the atmosphere and flying into the depths of the universe.

After a moment, there were responses from all directions in the deep universe. The seven heavenly hammers sealed by Odin woke up one after another after being summoned by their master, and all flew towards the earth.

The old man put down his hand and looked at the distant sea with a cold smile.

The great snake Jörmungandr has made a comeback.

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