On the third day after Richard left the earth, Ultraman's new movie was released simultaneously around the world.

Although there are differences among different audiences around the world, the movie adapted from Ultraman Tiga's classic series still received a lot of praise on the first day. The creativity of the script is not bad in the first place. In addition, a senior Hollywood screenwriter expanded and adapted the original story. The old director who has collaborated with Planet Pictures many times controlled the rhythm and look and feel. The story was extended to two Not only did the hour-long film not seem too long, it actually made the plot and characters richer and fuller.

Facts have proved that no matter which country in the world you are from, the pursuit of light and hope is always the common desire deep in the hearts of all human beings. "The Trial of the Devil" is just such a story that can resonate and arouse people's inner light. It emphasizes that sometimes it is not Ultraman who brings light to mankind, but mankind himself.

As the leading actor, Captain America interprets his role as the savior in the film to the extreme. In the setting of the story, he is the second capable person of Ultraman, and the story closely follows the previous movie. Compared to Agent Ward, who was not famous for his acting skills last time, Captain America's well-known face is obviously easier for people to buy. This is easy to see from the box office hit on the first day.

However, this time Mr. Li's face may be really a little bad. It was only the second day that his new movie was released, and the storm was quietly coming.

When the long string of meteors penetrated the atmosphere and entered the Earth's airspace, SHIELD and satellites from many countries detected it. It came very quickly and seemed to have a clear purpose. The fiery trajectory penetrated the atmosphere and flew straight towards New York, aiming squarely at the landmark Avengers Building.

It happened so suddenly. While most national organizations were still busy reporting the situation in accordance with their regulations, the meteor had already landed from the balcony, blasted through the top floor of the building and landed in the room below.

Most members of the Avengers are busy people, running around all day long. At this moment, only Dr. Bruce Banner is left meditating in his room to regulate his emotions. The roaring meteor exploded unexpectedly through the roof and into his floor. A searing impact flipped Dr. Banner on his back while he was trying to explore the realm of "the unity of man and nature". He rolled several times and was hit hard in the back. on the wall.

If it had been before, the doctor would have grown bigger and green on the spot, but now he practices hard and pays attention to restraint, and his restraint on impulse has reached a very strong level. Dr. Banner leaned against the wall and took two deep breaths, trying his best to think of the daily tips for regulating his heart rate. After a few seconds, he tried to calm down his breathing.

Banner was still frightened. It's such a risk, if Hulk goes on a rampage here and sells me to Stark, he won't even be able to afford the compensation...

Then when he opened his eyes and looked up, he found that the balcony outside the ceiling had been blasted through, and there was a big crater on the floor in front of him. He suddenly felt bad.

When Stark comes back and explains to him that I didn't do this, I wonder if he will believe it...

After calming down, Dr. Banner had time to look at what exactly fell. He took a closer look and was a little puzzled to find a large hammer standing in the huge hole on the floor in front of him. A large gray hammer more than two meters long. The size did not look like it could be wielded by ordinary people. moveable.

Banner was a little stunned.

What's going on? Are people sitting at home sitting on hammers coming from heaven?

Although this was obviously different from the one in Brother Hammer's hand, Banner's first reaction when he saw the hammer falling from the sky was that of Brother Hammer.

Maybe this is a relative of his Meow Hammer, who came here specially to visit?

Banner walked up curiously, slowly stretched out his hand and touched the handle of the hammer.

Suddenly, the hammer lit up as if it had come to life. The strong light blinded Banner for a moment, and the moment his five fingers came into contact, he was tightly grasped as if attracted by a magnet. A terrifying energy spread along his arms and throughout his body, violently stimulating another personality in his body.

Dr. Banner's consciousness was instantly swallowed up by a violent tide, as if a completely different person was inserted into his mind. His weak body quickly expanded and burst his coat. The Hulk he transformed into pulled out the Sky Hammer and pointed his arm directly at the sky. A ball of dazzling light erupted with his body as the center, condensing into a substantial beam of light rising into the sky, and poking a thicker and larger hole in the ceiling.

At this moment, he is no longer Bruce Banner, or even the Hulk.

He is Lord Skyhammer, Nur the Boundary Breaker, and one of the most loyal servants of the serpent Jörmungandr.

Under the influence of the Sky Hammer, anger quickly took over the main theme of the Hulk's brain. He raised his hand and hit the hammer on the floor. The strange force collapsed the ground of this floor on the spot. Several load-bearing columns fractured one after another under the impact of the strange force, and the entire balcony collapsed, shattering into pieces on the foundation of the lower floor.

The giant green shadow jumped out from the Avengers Tower, like a cannonball falling in a long arc on the street below. When he landed with both feet, he trampled the street that had just been paved last week to pieces. The impact wave spread along the block, shattering the glass of the buildings and vehicles along the street into thousands of pieces.

The Hulk jumped up from the deep pit, smashed the front of a car on the side of the road to pieces with a hammer, spun in the air and flew out, with half of the car body inserted into the building next to it. Passers-by fled in panic, and the whole street fell into complete chaos in an instant.

In fact, as Lord Sky Hammer, he doesn't have many complicated tasks. The order issued by Orochi is just one word - smash! Smash whatever you see, go up and fuck whoever you see, until you are beaten to the ground.

As the god of fear, Orochi is actually somewhat similar to the alien beast. He also becomes stronger by absorbing fear. This is what Lord Skyhammer is all about, creating destruction and death to spread fear. As long as the fear energy permeating the world is stronger, his divine power will recover faster. As long as the fear is spread in place, he will soon be able to return to his peak state, which is equivalent to Odin's divine power.

News of the incident in the Avengers Tower was naturally passed on to the Avengers scattered throughout the country as soon as possible. Iron Man was the first to come back. As soon as he landed from the air, he saw the Hulk making a scene in the block below the building... and the roof of his building that was demolished.

Tony raised his hand and fired a recoil light cannon to attract Hulk's attention, and then landed behind him.

"Banner? Calm down." He tried to reason, "Put down that thing in your hand and don't get excited."

The Hulk turned his head and glared at him fiercely, looked down at the hammer in his hand and then looked up at Iron Man, seemingly lost in thought.

Tony felt relieved. Fortunately, he seems to be able to listen to the conversation, and maybe it can be resolved peacefully.

So he tried to take a step forward: "Give me the hammer, okay? Tell me what happened, and we can..."

Before he finished speaking, Hulk suddenly swung his hammer and sent Iron Man flying hundreds of meters away, before falling into a pile of rubble with a loud bang.

…Well, the negotiation failed.

Tony raised his dizzy head from the pile of masonry and steel bars and connected to the Avengers channel communication.

"The Avengers assemble, we have a 'Hulk situation' here...it's pretty urgent."

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