The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 292 The Origin of Fear

The Hulk, who transformed into the Boundary Breaker, really made this city of vampires go crazy. The big man killed the Buddha and killed the Buddha. No vampire was his enemy. Like a demolition office volunteer, the Hulk smashed all the way from the edge of the town to the castle entrance in the center, frightening a group of vampire elders.

The vampire's weapons were as ineffective against the big green guy as mosquito bites, and the vampire elders quickly realized that a disaster was coming. Dracula ran to recruit a large group of vampires from different factions to help. The ancient vampire families, the new generation of vampire forces, and even Dracula's staunchest opponents. Vampires from various factions and forces came to help. They put aside their differences and prejudices and joined forces to face this difficulty that affects the future of the race.

But that was of no use. The Hulk dismantled all their heavy weapons at the bottom of the box with three strikes, five and two, and beat the large group of vampires to pieces with the Boundary Breaker Hammer. The combined forces of the vampire families were as vulnerable as paper in front of the Hulk. The Hulk easily defeated them, knocked down the city walls and rushed directly into the castle.

In the end, the vampires had to resort to a unique Marvel method of decisive battle - hand-to-hand combat. Dracula showed off a blood-red vampire sword that had been passed down from generation to generation by the big family, and brought with him the elites of the elites of each family. Representing the highest combat power among vampires, everyone charged towards the Hulk who broke the wall... and then the entire army was annihilated.

The elites were badly maimed to death. The divine sword in Dracula's hand was also hit by a hammer and flew away to an unknown place. He himself was hit by the Hulk's hammer and his brains burst out and he died on the spot.

Of course, this guy is indestructible and can be resurrected after a while, but the same cannot be said for other vampires. When all the elders saw that their ancestor A was in vain, they immediately lost their fighting spirit and hurriedly boarded the plane that had been prepared to escape.

Seeing that the Hulk was about to push the entire city of vampires flat, Hulk suddenly woke up on his own. He relied on his own will to suppress the control of the Sky Hammer Boundary Breaker and threw the hammer away angrily. He glanced at the moaning vampires on the ground and the vampires who could no longer moan. He seemed to find them boring, turned around and jumped away.

While the Hulk was causing trouble in the vampire castle, Richard was returning to SHIELD's mothership to seize the time to regain his strength. According to his guess, after all eight sky hammers were killed, the next step would be for Orochi to come forward in person. Although he estimated that Orochi's current strength was far from its peak and it might not be too difficult to defeat the opponent, he was still used to being fully prepared.

Sure enough, when Orochi saw that several of his useless subordinates were all killed, he weighed it a little and then came out of the water to take action himself. The white-haired old man stood on the sea and raised tons of black boulders from the bottom of the water with a wave of his arms. The sky was filled with wind and clouds, and huge whirlpools were stirred up on the sea surface. The water pillars supported a huge dark island like load-bearing pillars.

That was the stronghold of the Orochi, the place that was once ruled by him, his city of fear.

The big snake flew to the island and sat down on his throne, his confidence seemed to have been restored. He waved his hand and shouted: "All the warriors who are loyal to me and fight for me, bring fear to this world!"

This is a procedure that almost all Avengers BOSS must have - recruiting miscellaneous soldiers. In an instant, a flood of soldiers appeared all over the world. A bunch of living dead wearing black armor and holding cold weapons emerged from the bottom of the sea, and each one launched an attack on major cities like zombies.

These miscellaneous soldiers are not strong at all. Regular armies can actually fight against them, but the main reason is that they have strange shapes and ferocious faces, and they exude a gloomy black aura, which naturally brings people a deep sense of fear.

Orochi changed his mind to a route that relied not on quality but on quantity. Relying on this large wave of miscellaneous fish, he regained his strength and regained about 40 to 50% of his divine power.

However, the effect that the miscellaneous soldiers can have is limited, and they are definitely not as effective as his Sky Hammer Lords. Because these things are distributed widely enough, they can harvest a large wave of fear energy from ordinary people without warning. However, when humans took precautions and the army and superheroes began to effectively resist these waves of soldiers, the subsequent fear energy increased at an almost rapid rate.

The incident happened so suddenly that a bunch of old men in the Pentagon were still having a meeting and arguing. The army would not be dispatched to the scene for a while, but both SHIELD and the Avengers had already entered the battle. Purging soldiers has always been the specialty of the Avengers. In the Avengers 1 movie, only a few of them could withstand thousands of Chitauri soldiers, and it was no problem to deal with a group of living dead armed with cold weapons. Aegis also arranged for frontline teams to establish positions to assist in operations, effectively inhibiting the spread of the living dead towards the city.

But it's not over yet. Orochi knew very well how much effect his opponent's miscellaneous soldiers could achieve, and he didn't expect to directly return to full status with a bunch of miscellaneous fish. He stood up from the throne and flew to the edge of his floating city. He took a deep breath and spread his arms. He closed his eyes lightly and then opened them wide.

"Be afraid, be trembling!" His eyes were filled with green light, and his cloak was flying behind him, "Let the world be swallowed up by despair!"

The sky dimmed instantly.

Darkness enveloped the entire world, and dark clouds obscured the sky. The sun was buried deeply behind the darkness, and the sky was filled with billowing black clouds.

The fear spread like it had legs, like a rapidly spreading plague. The entire earth was soon shrouded in unspeakable fear, and the emotion called despair silently took root in the hearts of almost everyone. Some people with weak willpower even went into shock on the spot, and what they saw in their sleep were the deepest nightmares.

This is Orochi's method to press the bottom of the box, and it is also his last trump card. This is his unique ability as the "God of Fear". He can directly arouse the fear of himself in low-level creatures. This is the power that this god status brings to him.

If Orochi was at his peak, he could easily make the world shrouded in fear, but now he is in poor condition, and the effect of his divine power is somewhat limited by the distance factor. The further away from him, the worse the effect.

SHIELD's floating carrier is not too far away from Orochi's City of Fear, and the mental impact it receives is not weak. Many agents on the mothership began to look struggling, and even a determined person like Lu Dan felt a little uncomfortable.

Richard, who was on the mothership, also noticed this mental impact. However, the God of Fear's suppression was only effective for creatures whose life levels were lower than his own, so Richard did not feel any invisible pressure.

On the contrary, he tried it a little bit, and found that he could still follow the trajectory of this spiritual power back to the origin of the serpent.

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