The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 293 The devil saves the world!

Orochi's ability is to spread fear rather than mental manipulation. Although he can inspire fear in others and read the thoughts of others with certain restrictions, this is a special power granted by his divine status and not his own ability, so this ability cannot be operated very accurately.

Richard thought about it for a while and figured out the joint. While the big snake spreads fear, it actually connects its spirit with everyone in the world in some way. It is a bit like a spiritual network that covers the entire earth. Each human brain is equivalent to a The receiving terminal of the station was forced to receive the fear information from the Internet.

In other words, as long as the key is mastered, each terminal can in turn transmit messages to the source of the network.

Since his fight with Dark Faust, Richard's understanding of spiritual power has reached a new level. Although he cannot perform sophisticated tasks such as mind reading and mental manipulation that require high-end operations, he can also use mental shock to attack other people's brains or build mental defenses for his own brain. If I must say it, I can barely be considered a half-assed psychic ability user.

It may not be possible to deal with those professional spiritual masters, but Richard thought that he might be able to fight against Orochi, a half-hearted spiritual master.

Richard closed his eyes, and the power of light circulated, urging his mental power to follow the snake's link back. His thoughts flew out of the floating carrier, across continents and oceans, far back to the serpent on the throne of the floating island.

I'm afraid it won't work to attack directly with spiritual power. No matter how weak the divine power is, the snake is still a heavenly god, so it is unrealistic to defeat him directly in the spiritual world. But Richard doesn't need to do this. He only needs to interfere with the fear pressure exerted by the serpent on humans and interrupt the replenishment of the serpent's divine power.

Richard had an impromptu idea, and with a thought, a group of messages was wrapped in his own mental power, and like arrows, it merged with the mental feedback of thousands of humans and rushed toward the big snake.

The big snake was sitting on his throne, happily absorbing the fear feedback from all over the world, when suddenly a strange spiritual message rushed into his brain unexpectedly.

At this time, his spirit was fully open to absorb the energy of fear. In addition, this spiritual power had no malicious intent and was simply carrying a message. The big snake was completely unprepared. The old man's eyes blurred, and he seemed to see a strange image in a trance.

Orochi's mental ability is half-assed, and he can't block it even if he wants to. If he wants this scene to end, he has to cut off all connections directly.

There was no other way, Orochi could only choose to ignore it, and let the little man in black sing and dance in his mind while trying to concentrate and continue to spread fear.

However, he soon discovered that it was impossible to concentrate at all!

He couldn't concentrate at all. It felt like when you wanted to concentrate on your homework and a buddy had to turn the volume up to the maximum to watch funny videos in front of you. You might not be able to fill in a blank even if you hold it in all afternoon.

This wasn't the end yet. After a while, the image in his mind was actually played with tricks. Richard would play it back to him at double speed, then play it at 0.5x speed, and then manually play the video for him in his mind, playing it in various strange ways. Anyway, he had seen a lot of this stuff before, and if he recalled it, he would have a lot of ready-made material. All kinds of funny videos of ghosts and animals were poured into the big snake's head, and he would play it in a loop a hundred times to make sure he didn't go crazy...

The big snake is going to collapse. He tried his best to concentrate on brewing fear, but after holding it in for a long time, not only could he not suppress the fear energy, he even felt like laughing...

Richard was overjoyed.

In the MCU Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Star-Lord defeated the invincible Ronan the Accuser and snatched the Infinity Stones with a single dance. Richard felt that the trick he was using to deal with Orochi was somewhat similar, and he had achieved a lot. The essence of the MCU series...

Of course, the ability of the Orochi God of Fear cannot be broken so easily, but the effect is definitely reduced. Orochi originally expected that this wave of harvesting combined with his army of the living dead would provide at least enough fear energy to restore him to 80% of his divine power. However, it turned out that he had only returned to about 60% of his power and could no longer increase it.

Soon Orochi noticed something was wrong. Although his performance was severely disrupted due to interference, he was the God of Fear after all. How could he receive such little feedback after he exploded with all his strength?

Orochi felt suspicious in his heart. He vaguely felt as if the mortals in Midgard had become tougher than the times he remembered? It seems like humans are not so easily afraid anymore?

With doubts, Orochi followed the mental network and grabbed a random passerby, trying to see the brain of the person to confirm what gave the current human beings the ability to resist fear.

When he entered the spiritual world, he quickly saw several similar pictures - among the reinforced concrete cities, the giant's body stood under the fiery sky, and the setting sun cast a golden light from behind. The light seems to have decorated the giant's body with a shining golden edge...


Orochi caught three or five passers-by at random and got similar feedback. It is because of this existence named Ultraman, a guardian-like guy, that humans may feel that they can rely on them, so his fear effect is greatly reduced.

Orochi studied the posture of "Ultraman" from the perspective of passers-by, and couldn't help but think of the dark giant who dived into the deep sea to liberate himself. He found that the two seemed very similar.

Could it be that this is also a cosmic god?

The big snake hesitated.

He is not in good condition right now. It's okay to bully the humans on Earth, but to bully the Celestials? It seems a little too irrational.

But he didn't hesitate for long before he shook off these thoughts.

who cares! The arrow is on the string and has to be fired. The worst possible outcome is to go back to the bottom of the sea and squat for thousands of years. Don't be cowardly and just do it!

What about the Tenjin group? That old man Odin could fight against the gods when he was young, why can't I, Kull?

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