Director George Stacey is a typical good person, upright and very principled. He was strict with himself and others. It may be lucky for the people of New York to have such a police chief, but the same cannot be said for the people around him. You will find it difficult to adapt to being with such a rigid guy all day long.

But as far as Richard himself was concerned, he didn't hate the director. He himself is not the kind of upright person, and he doesn't like to get along with such people, but this does not prevent him from admiring such people. The city needs people like Chief Stacey to have a chance of getting better.

After seeing off the director and his entourage, there was basically nothing else to do for the rest of the day. When it was time to get off work, Richard found Jessica: "Let's go, pack your things, and I'll take you to see the house."

Jessica was stunned for a moment: "But do I have anything else to do?"

Richard waved his hand: "Hodge, can you help Jessica with the remaining tasks? We have to go."

Hotch's face twitched: "No problem, boss."

Inner OS: MMP

S.H.I.E.L.D., Tri-Wing Building.

Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD in black, sat upright behind his desk, resting his elbows on the table and supporting his chin with his hands alternately.

"Are you sure?" he confirmed again.

"He didn't directly show me his special abilities, but he did know about the Bakers Water Plant yesterday morning, and he did admit it to me personally." Colson said, "I don't think there should be anything wrong. Now - Richard Lee is the giant codenamed 'Ultraman'."

Fury's one eye narrowed.

So the giant was indeed transformed from a human, and Fury was not sure whether things had become simpler or more complicated. Since the other party is a human being, this makes communication between the two parties much simpler. But it is also more difficult because the other party is a human being - a human being with power beyond any country or organization.

"He said that this power may be a kind of inheritance from other worlds, and it exists to resist things called 'alien beasts'." Coulson continued, "He also told me that SHIELD must do Be prepared, because the alien beast that was defeated before was actually a relatively weak one."

"Weaker?" Fury's only eyeball almost stared straight, "Are you sure that's what he meant?"

Coulson understood the commander's reaction. After all, he had the same reaction when he heard this from Richard. You can describe that thing in the early hours of yesterday morning as disgusting, ugly, and as terrifying as a nightmare. But in any case, it has nothing to do with the word "weak", right?

If this is the case, then the problem is serious. Will there be monsters more powerful than that tentacle monster in the future? It sounds like there is more than one.

Faced with that kind of thing, do humans really have a chance to win now?

"Can I express my personal opinion, sir?" Coulson asked.

Fury raised his eyelids: "Go ahead."

"I think whether what the other person says is true or not, if that kind of creature does appear again in the future, then the power possessed by Richard Lee is our best chance."

"So you think he can be trusted?"

Coulson pondered for a moment.

"From a SHIELD agent's perspective, it's a little bit too casual to say trust right now," Coulson said. "But from a personal perspective, yes, I think so."

Fury nodded thoughtfully and said nothing.

As the director, of course he couldn't make any conclusions based solely on Coulson's words, but there was definitely some reference value.

Coulson hesitated for a while and then said: "I have another question I don't know whether I should ask, sir."

Furillo gave him a strange look. Coulson has a lot of experience in SHIELD. He has always understood that as an agent, he must do his job well and do not need to ask too many unnecessary questions. SHIELD agents are only told what they need to know, and anything no one tells them is something they don't need to know. This is a rule that even entry-level rookie agents know.

Today, Coulson expressed his opinions and asked questions, and it seemed that he was indeed very concerned about this matter.


"The council, the government, and the military. What measures might they take against Ultraman, sir?"

Fury frowned.

Of course he knew how those people would react. No government of any country would be happy to see something exist on this planet that can ignore their power and completely override the country with its personal strength.

It's hard to say how violent those people's reactions will be, but what is certain is that they will never award Ultraman a Medal of Honor or the title of "Guardian of the Earth" or anything like that.

On the bright side, at least the tyrannical strength shown by Ultraman is still an effective check and balance. The army should not act rashly until they are sure that they can defeat the opponent. At least Nick Fury hopes so. He couldn't stand the behavior of many bureaucrats above him, but he felt that those old men should at least be smart and wouldn't do anything too outrageous.

"Don't think about these things, we just do our job." Fury finally said.

"Understood, sir."

The mission report was over, but Coulson thought of something before leaving and added: "By the way, sir, there is one more thing, although I don't know if it is important, but I think you should still know."


"Before I left the newspaper, Mr. Lee reminded me that a storm was coming. He said we should worry about our own backyard, and that sometimes our worst enemy is not others but ourselves."

Fury raised his thick eyebrows: "Is that what he said?"

"As it is." Colson paused and asked, "But do you know what this means?"

"I don't know." Although Fury said it, he clearly looked thoughtful. He thought for a while, "Did he say anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Okay, I understand. You go back first."

"Yes, sir."

After Coulson left, Nick Fury sat alone in the office, resting his chin and thinking for a long time.

Sometimes for a spy, especially a spy king like Fury, what he needs is not conclusive evidence, or even tangible clues. All he needed was a reminder, a seed of doubt, nothing more.

(Thanks to book friends Bing Wusheng and Lan Tiankongswas for their tips!)

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