When Jessica Jones brought all her wealth to her boss's house, she was a little surprised. According to her original imagination, she had expected to see a typical bachelor's apartment - messy, with garbage baskets filled with takeaway packages, and a musty smell filling the living room.

But unexpectedly, she walked in and saw only a clean, bright and tidy living room. She saw that the windows had been wiped clean, the floor was spotless, and the furniture was arranged in an orderly manner, which made her wonder if she had entered the wrong door.

Richard walked in as if nothing had happened and looked at her strange expression: "What, what is this reaction?"

"No, I just thought your place would be messier." Jessica said, "Because I think single men's houses are usually like that."

"I prefer to keep things tidy, which allows me to find what I'm looking for faster when I need it." Richard shrugged, "Besides, not all single men are what you said. On the contrary. Come here and say, as a girl, is your room always spotless?"

Jessica recalled the bedroom she had lived in before she was kicked out by her landlord. For a brief moment, the image of clothes all over the floor, messy sheets, and overflowing trash baskets popped into her mind.

"That makes sense." She was immediately convinced.

Richard then showed Jessica her room. Jessica also had to admit that her boss really took good care of her when it came to renting a house. The room he vacated was quite spacious and had plenty of light. The most important thing is that the price is really low. Jessica knows that if she wants to rent such a bedroom in a nearby area, the rent will be at least twice as much - assuming the owner is willing to rent it.

In this way, the two of them can barely be considered roommates. Richard thought this was good for him. He would be bored living alone in such a big apartment anyway, so it would be nice to have someone to talk to every day. And although Jessica never pays attention to image and is a bit sloppy, she can't stand it because she is good-looking and looks good on the eyes.

But now that they are roommates, they have to discuss some practical issues. Just like

"Can you cook?" Richard asked.

Jessica shook her head like a rattle: "No."

"Then what did you eat when you lived alone for so long?"


"anything else?"

"Pizza, nachos, something like that."


Is it true that superheroes are busy saving the world and have no time to worry about trivial matters like daily necessities?

So Richard had to cook himself and prepare dinner for two. Fortunately, he had already maxed out his cooking skills before traveling through time. After traveling through time, he immediately bought himself a complete set of Chinese kitchen utensils when he had the conditions. Although he got used to the taste of the old and the United States not long after traveling, he still felt that the taste was a little worse than that of his hometown. As expected, you still have to do it yourself to eat this piece.

Tonight’s recipe is sweet and sour pork ribs and scrambled eggs with tomatoes, accompanied by a pot of seaweed and egg soup.

When Jessica saw two plates of food and hot rice placed in front of her, she couldn't help but be stunned: "Chinese food?"

"Hmm." Richard sat down across the table, "Can't you get used to it?"

Jessica shook her head: "It's okay."

If you still owe the rent, you will take advantage of the landlord. No matter how picky you are, you will feel embarrassed even if you "can't afford to offend" the lady.

It wasn't until dinner started that Richard realized he had missed a small problem.

That means Jessica can't use chopsticks.

But the girl didn’t say anything either. She watched Richard skillfully pick up the chopsticks and start picking up the food. After studying for a moment, she bravely tried to pick up the chopsticks and imitate him.

I picked up a chopstick and dropped the ribs.

Picked up another piece of egg and dropped it again.

She didn't speak, and Richard didn't mention it. He was happy to watch her trying hard while eating. He saw Jessica staring at the tip of her chopsticks with her beautiful big black eyes without blinking, and slowly tried to pick up a piece of ribs again. Then she dropped it back on the plate.

Seeing this girl stubbornly failing several times, Richard finally felt that it was a bit too cruel to continue like this, so he smiled and said: "Forget it, I'll get you a spoon."

"don't want!"

Jessica quit. I can even lift a truck with my bare hands, why am I afraid of just two sticks like yours?

She doesn't believe this is evil.

Richard shrugged and said no more. But he still went to the kitchen to find a spoon and put it next to Jessica. But Jessica ignored it completely and continued to practice hard and try with concentration. Her emotions were being tormented by these two chopsticks and she was getting more and more out of control. Her anger surged and she subconsciously exerted more force on her fingertips.


She, Jessica Jones, is so powerful that she can stop a car with just one hand. How can such strength be endured by just two chopsticks? Then with a crisp sound, Brother Chopsticks was overwhelmed and neatly broke into two pieces.

Jessica blinked her beautiful big eyes blankly, and then asked a little guiltily: "This shouldn't be very expensive, right?"

Richard's face was expressionless: "Your bonus for next month is gone too."

Jessica's eyes widened.

It’s not that I don’t study well, don’t lie to me. Although I have never used this thing, but aren’t they just two sticks and can they be worth so much?

It's over, it's over, if this continues, won't she really get more debt the more she works? She suddenly felt that one day she would be in debt to the point where she could not afford to sell herself off.

"Just kidding." Richard smiled, "That's not worth a lot of money. But seriously, you'd better just use a spoon."


This time Jessica was obedient.

Humph, if adults don't remember the faults of villains, I won't be as knowledgeable as a little chopstick like you.

After struggling for so long, Jessica finally had her first bite of sweet and sour pork ribs in a long time. She nodded and said seriously: "It's delicious."

Richard said it was very helpful to be praised by the beautiful woman. He smiled and nodded: "As long as it tastes good, eat more, and the food expenses will be deducted from your salary in the future."

Jessica stopped moving again, her teeth that had just bitten a piece of ribs stopped, and she looked at Richard with big bright eyes, as if she didn't know whether she should take this bite or not.

It's a shame that she thought her boss was actually a pretty good person just now, but now it seems that she is still too naive. How can there be a good boss? Sure enough, all capitalists have the same ugly face!

Actually, after thinking about it for a moment, she felt that this was actually quite reasonable. After all, she doesn't know how to cook, and renting a house at such a low price is already a special consideration from the boss. It's really unreasonable to eat and drink every day.

Forget it, just pay the money, she doesn't care anymore.

It’s just that Jessica Jones feels vaguely that she seems to be drifting away on the road of “selling herself”.

(Thanks to the book friend brother for sharing three or five bottles, Tokyo is not too hot 16, and 170124130218282 for the reward!)

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