Black tentacles bound his body like ropes. Nexus tried to exert force twice, but with his arm strength of over 100,000 tons, he was unable to shake the tentacles at all.

Richard speculated that this might have nothing to do with power at all. It should be a superior magic from a higher god, similar to the famous "Cettorak's Scarlet Belt" trick used by the Supreme Mage. The binding effect of this type of skill involves the realization of some rules and has nothing to do with strength. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to break free.

Through this tentacle, Richard can clearly feel something called "chaos magic" with his body. The cold magic power seeped into his body through the tentacles. The touch felt a bit like the dark energy controlled by the dark giant, but the nature of its source was completely different.

If I must say it, it is "evil".

Yes, it was evil, that's what he felt from this magic. Sithorn, the god of the underworld, is synonymous with "evil" in the entire Marvel magical world. He is the embodiment of the highest evil in the world, and he hopes to dye all dimensions and all worlds into his own image.

But unfortunately, the person he has chosen now is almost the person least likely to be infected on the entire planet...

With a clear drink, Nexus' whole body began to emit golden light. Blooming golden lights shot out from the tentacles that bound him. The high-heat energy instantly swept away the darkness that had invaded his body, and burned off the tentacles with a single turn of the attack.

Core Flash, an explosive skill that instantly releases energy from the entire body.

After all, no matter what kind of magic it is, it is just another form of using energy, and its essence is still the use of energy. Although Richard still doesn't understand how the spell works, any spell can be broken as long as you have enough energy to completely suppress the opponent's magic.

Thousands of golden lights burst out in the sky, and Nexus, covered in shining light, hung in the air, his palms intertwined at his sides, and the light energy released affected the rapid airflow, transforming into a sky-high Tornado storm!

Hurricane Nexus!

The strong wind carried frightening light energy and swept towards West Thorne. The high-pressure airflow caused chaos in the neighborhood. The building was shattered, glass shards were scattered everywhere, and the violent current of energy swallowed the black giant instantly.

Of course, a little storm cannot defeat a demon of his level, but the light contained in it is different. With only one projection in the material world, he was subject to too many restrictions. The light energy mixed in the hurricane was like thousands of long whips whipping his body in turn, causing a considerable burden on his barely transformed entity.

The dark magic emitted from his body one after another, and the girl at his heart who had been completely hidden by the darkness was now vaguely visible again, but she was still unconscious with her head hanging down.

Perhaps he found that the opponent in front of him was invincible, or perhaps he realized that the invasion had failed. Sithorn roared angrily and unwillingly, and gathered unprecedented powerful magic power, as if he was going to make a last ditch effort.

Nexus floated diagonally above him, his arms rotating clockwise, and countless light particles quickly gathered towards the energy core on his chest.

Core pulse!

Sithorn broke out in a desperate move, and the surging chaotic magic power was like a screaming dragon, revealing its sharp claws towards the sky. The golden light of the core pulse pierced through the sky and earth like a sword, rushing directly to hit the dark magic power, completely suppressing it at the moment of contact. The core pulse tore apart the impact of Chaos Magic like a torrent, and pushed back onto the body of the hundred-meter-tall giant.

Richard sneered inwardly. Hey, want to fight with me? Didn’t you realize that I occupied the high ground on the right?

Do you still want to win against Ultraman standing on the right? Do you think labor and management are Dynasties?

Sithorn himself glared at Nexus through this projected body, and asked in an annoyed and incomprehensible voice: "Who...are you?"

It's a pity that his body is no longer strong enough to sustain him until he hears the answer.

The chaotic magic completely dissipated, and the light emitted from the energy core struck the giant without any hindrance. The entity Sithorn hastily condensed quickly disintegrated and dissipated. The deep darkness was completely invisible under the purest light, and even the last fragment was crushed to pieces.

The girl imprisoned in the deepest part of the darkness moved her head slightly, and seemed to have regained some consciousness. She opened her eyes in confusion, only to see pure golden light dispelling the darkness and pouring in, so warm and comfortable...

A minute later, Richard appeared on the real street holding the unconscious Scarlet Witch.

The block is still the same block as before, and the surrounding buildings are exactly the same as before. Their battle in the mirror space almost reduced this place and several nearby streets to complete ruins, but there was no impact at all outside.

The two girls who were kicked out by Richard in advance really stayed there and didn't leave. Before the two of them were pushed out of the mirror space, they both felt the oppression of the little witch who was so strong that she seemed to be inhuman. Richard was somewhat worried about them when they were left alone in that space.

However, they soon discovered that this worry was unnecessary.

In fact, it only took Richard nearly a minute to fuck Sithorne. After the two of them waited for a while, a burst of golden ripples appeared on the empty street. Richard held the fainting girl in his arms. The little witch walked out slowly.

Jessica was quite worried about her boss at first, but her expression suddenly became weird when she saw this scene. She asked with empty eyes: "Boss, what did you do after you kicked us out?"

I didn't pay attention to it just now, but now I took a closer look at the unconscious little girl held in the boss's hands. She looked quite pretty, and her figure under the robe seemed to be very good. So the boss must not have kicked them out just for convenience, right?

Jessica asked herself in her heart, would the boss be such a person and do such a thing?

...It seems that he really knows how to do it!

Richard rolled his eyes at Jessica, not even bothering to answer the question.

Gwen came closer and looked at the unconscious Wanda curiously: "Who is she? Do you know her?"

"It doesn't count as acquaintance, it can only be said that we have met." Richard said.

"So she was like this when you last met?" Jessica asked.

"No, it was more normal last time." Richard thought for a moment, "You go back first. I have to take her to a place first, and there are some things that need to be confirmed."

Gwen nodded obediently and said "Oh", while Jessica reflexively asked: "Where? A hotel?"

Richard looked at her expressionlessly.

Jessica closed her mouth knowingly and tugged on the corner of Gwen's clothes: "Oh, let's go then."

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