Kama Taj Shrine.

Master Gu Yi was sitting alone in the inner hall, sitting upright and meditating with his eyes closed. There was a cup of brewed tea on the table in front of her, and another cup of brewed tea on the table not far away. There was an empty chair in front of the table, as if it was waiting for someone to arrive.

There was a golden ripple in the middle of the room, and the next second, Richard came out holding the unconscious Scarlet Witch. Master Gu Yi opened his eyelids and gestured to the bed that had already been made aside. Richard gently put the witch on the bed, then casually walked to the empty chair and sat down, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

After slowly putting down the teacup, he turned his head and asked, "So, Master, you already know everything?"

Master Gu Yi nodded calmly. This person didn't seem to want to hide her intention of paddling at all. She meant "Yes, I do know, but I just want to be lazy at home."

Richard didn't mind either. He knew that Gu Yi had been using magic for hundreds of years, and the high price had long since made her body unable to bear it. In addition, she had to fight against the erosion of her spirit by dark magic. Now every time she fought, her life would be shortened. , it is understandable to let her paddle into the water.

Ancient One asked: "Where is that book with you?"

Richard knew what she was referring to and immediately took out the "Book of Darkness". It was a large, thick book with the title written in gold letters on the cover. It looked unremarkable on the surface, but when Richard tried to use light and mental power to detect it, he only found that the book seemed not to exist at all.

It cannot be seen by any means other than with the naked eye, not by any clever means.

Of course Richard didn't even open it. Although he felt that he should not go crazy like other people reading this book, it was always a good idea to err on the side of caution. He had just formed a deadly feud with Sithorn, and the common characteristic of such demon gods who have lived for tens of thousands of years is that they are particularly vengeful. Who knows if that guy will curse himself through this book?

Ancient One took the big book and explained calmly: "The Book of Darkness may be the most evil magic book in the world, but no one can deny that it is also one of the most powerful magic books. It's a pity. This book is also very restrictive and has strict requirements on the reader’s talent.”

She said, turning her eyes to the unconscious red-haired girl on the bed.

"Today, she should be the only one who can understand the knowledge recorded in this book without being affected."

"But from what I've seen, even she was affected by this book." Richard said, "She was in a strange state when I met her. She felt like a puppet manipulated by the book."

"Because Sithorn is trying to use her body as a medium to invade our world, but that should not happen in the first place." Ancient One said, "The culprit of this result is my mistake and my former disciple. ——Mage Casillas.

I've told all the mages under me not to try to find the Dark Book, but it seems like he didn't listen. Casillas left us because he couldn't agree with something, and it looks like he found the Dark Book after all. But he remembered that I had said that this book was dangerous, so instead of reading it himself, he found a substitute who could read the book. "

Richard glanced at the sleeping little witch suddenly: "So that person is Scarlet?"

Gudian nodded: "Casillas cast a hypnotic spell on her, hoping to turn her into his puppet and indirectly apply the powerful magic in the "Dark Book of Darkness" through her. But he was self-defeating, and his spell inhibited The evil god took advantage of the suppressed girl's consciousness and controlled her body through the passage of the "Dark God Book", triggering the rampage of chaotic magic. That’s why what happened to you before happened.”

Now he roughly figured out how it happened. After leaving Baron Strucker's base, Scarlet Witch somehow ran into Casillas, who had betrayed the Templar. It may be that the mage who devoted himself to darkness sensed the natural chaos magic in her and realized that this girl might be the key to controlling chaos magic, so he captured her.

Unfortunately, the power of Chaos Magic was beyond their imagination. The Scarlet Witch holding the Dark Book went berserk on the spot and beat the group of dark mages until they didn't even recognize them. In the end, Casillas had to give up treatment, abandoned Wanda and fled with his henchmen, even losing the "Book of Darkness" that he had worked so hard to find.

Casillas's plan failed, so he thought of another plan and decided to come back to capture Richard and take him back as his pawn. Then...and then nothing more...

Now that you know the crux, the next thing is easy. The reason why Wanda lost control was entirely because of Casillas's fooling around and using hypnosis to suppress her autonomous consciousness, so Sithorne got the chance. Gu Da easily solved the spell, and Sithorn would no longer be able to occupy her body from now on.

Then finally it comes to how to deal with this problem.

"So, there is still a chance that something like this will happen to her in the future, right?" Richard asked, "As long as she is still there, Sithorn will always have the opportunity to use her as an entry point for invasion?"

"That's the truth, but I can't get rid of her." Gu Yi said lightly, "She is not only an entrance, but also the key to the chaos magic of our world. Without her, this powerful magic will be out of control. , and then affect the entire reality and cause more serious problems."

After a pause, she added: "Furthermore, this child may play a vital role in the future, and she will make a huge contribution to the world. She should not be treated as a problem in public or private matters."

Richard nodded. He just asked. To be honest, he really didn't expect Ancient One to kill the Scarlet Witch as a potential threat.

Although he easily won the projection battle with Sithorn this time by relying on his strength, he also discovered that he really knew nothing about magic. And Wanda happens to be one of the most potential mages in the world. If possible, he actually hopes to have a good relationship in the future, at least to have a closer expert in magic, so as not to bump into Doma next time. When Msisoen or something, his eyes darkened and he didn’t understand anything...

"Then do you plan to accept her as an apprentice at Karma Taj?" Richard asked again.

This seems to be a common routine in various novels and comics. A protagonist born with powerful evil power becomes a disciple of an upright master, and eventually the good and evil practitioners become famous all over the world...

"It's not impossible." Gu Yi smiled slightly, "But why don't we let the parties involved make their own choices?"

She said, glancing to the side. Richard followed her gaze and found that the red-haired little witch had woken up at some point, sitting on the bed stupidly, blinking cutely.

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