The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 360 Working together

Of course, everyone knew before coming to the meeting that the purpose of this meeting was to work together to overthrow AIM. After all, there is indeed money to be made in this matter, otherwise a group of Hydra leaders would not be full and come here to talk nonsense.

Everyone has heard about Baron Strucker, and all the leaders know that he was tricked by AIM. Everyone intended to watch his joke, but at this time, Baron Heinrich Zemo, who was no longer sure how old he was, spoke in a weird voice: "Actually, to be honest, it was because someone actually believed in what AIM was saying." The nonsense of the universal wishing machine, pouring a lot of money into it, and a lot of years have passed on to the dog. If it was the period when Schmidt was still around, I am afraid that the person who made such a major mistake would have lost his head. ”

Baron Strucker has been tortured by Aegis recently and has been deceived and lost all his money. He is very angry. As a result, Zemo, the old man, refuses to open and lift certain pots, and it is clear that he wants to fight with him. Straker suddenly couldn't bear it any longer, and he twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile, and said slowly: "I don't know who had his face covered with his own glue during the war, and more than sixty years later, he still looks like this He looks like a human but not a ghost."

Baron Zemo took action. This is also a taboo that this boss must not mention, that is, the eerie purple mask on his face is actually glued on.

Yes, that's right, it's glue. During World War II, Hydra was unparalleled in science and technology. Scientific research departments in various branches were blooming everywhere, and they had all kinds of black technologies. However, while other branches are working hard to study aircraft, cannons, energy weapons, and strategic weapons, Baron Zemo is behind closed doors and studying the most powerful strong glue in history...

The most interesting thing is that his glue development den was taken over by Captain America. After a duel between the two sides, Captain America covered Baron Zemo's face with glue, and his funny mask and tights were covered with him. , don’t even think about taking it off in this lifetime. Baron Zemo was so humiliated that he regarded Captain America as his lifelong enemy.

The two exposed each other's shortcomings, each looking at the other displeased, as if they were ready to roll up their sleeves and get started at any time. Baron Strucker also stood up from the table, and he and the old guy were almost nose to nose, staring at each other with their eyes open. As a result, he soon discovered... NND, only one eye could not stare at this old guy!

Just when the two sides were on the verge of firing at each other, the old Hydra god next to him slowly spoke in a calm and convincing tone: "Don't make any moves, please listen to me first. …”

Strucker and Zemo glanced at each other one last time, then each grunted and sat back. After all, the ancestor of Hydra now has the most men and guns. The key to whether Hydra can continue to grow in the future is also in the hands of their Snake Shield branch. The face that should be given must still be given.

Unexpectedly, everyone then heard the old god slowly say: "You will not die if you continue to stare like this. Otherwise, the two barons happen to be old-school people and like the tradition of the SS. We will use the traditional method to determine victory or defeat. Now you two go out and fight in the traditional method, and whoever defeats the other party will have the final say..."

The leaders couldn't help but look at each other.

Why do I always seem to think that this ancestor is a bit just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously...

Strucker glanced at him with some displeasure and said: "My Sokovia branch was raided before, and the entire base was razed to the ground without any information. I haven't had the chance to ask about this... …Is there something in my base that 'that adult' likes?"

"I haven't heard of it at all." Richard began to pretend to be stupid with an expressionless face, "But I think it's Baron that you are too worried. 'That lord' has his eyes on the stars and the sea, and he doesn't have the leisure to talk to Xiao Xiao. The idea of ​​a branch base.”

Baron Strucker frowned and said nothing more.

However, this shows how bad the relationship between Hydra's internal forces is. Although everyone is gathered in front of a table, they all have different plans. Anyone who gets the opportunity will not hesitate to bite his teammates. If you want to It’s just so hard to really work together.

But they actually don't have such high expectations for their teammates. As long as everyone nods and agrees to send troops, the purpose of this meeting will be achieved.

Having dealt with AIM the most, Baron Strucker became responsible for introducing the enemy's situation. He turned on the projector, and a super-large head more than three meters long appeared on the projection screen. It was stuffed squarely in a huge container, and its short limbs were placed feebly around the head, making it look like something out of a funny cartoon. cartoon character.

Strack banged the screen with a stick, looking like a math teacher wielding a pointer.

"This is Murdoch, the current leader of AIM, a guy with a plain appearance and no actual ability. It is not difficult to bring him down..."

Richard wanted to complain that the Baron was really good at telling lies. With such a big head over three meters high, how can you point at him and say "he looks ugly"? I'm thinking that you, Straker, can't be more distinctive than him, right?

"In addition, AIM itself is a traitor to our Hydra, and eradicating it is something we should have done long ago. This is an important step towards our goal of world domination."

Although the world structure has been as it is today, no one has really taken the words "world domination" seriously, but the slogans that should be shouted still have to be shouted. The leaders reviewed each other's spirit and teachings of Hydra, and then discussed the issue of post-war distribution.

The distribution of benefits from all wars has been an important issue since ancient times. Everyone wants to get the biggest piece of cake after the war.

Baron Zemo said that he wanted territory and manpower, and that defeating AIM would inevitably capture a large number of agents and combatants, and he wanted to recruit two-thirds of them. This was not a particularly excessive request, but the two Hydra leaders bargained with him and finally agreed to let him take away one-third of the people plus some of the captured conventional firearms.

Baron Strucker actually attacked AIM mainly to vent his anger, not because he really wanted anything. But since they all decided to fight him, they definitely couldn't suffer a loss, so they proposed to take one-third of AIM's territory.

This request is a bit excessive. Territory is much more valuable than people. With so many Hydra leaders present, he alone seems to occupy one-third of the territory. Others cannot agree to anything they say. After some bargaining, Straker won one-fifth of the territory, and the other territories were divided among other forces.

The discussions among the other leaders were quite harmonious, and most of them only reached an agreement with a few words of lip service. Richard also received a lot of benefits. Although he didn't get much land and guns, a bunch of messy companies under AIM took over a lot.

Among them, shipyards, steel mills and material companies are all considered normal, and there is actually a large ice cream processing plant among them. It seems that AIM's business scope is really wide...

But in the end, something went wrong when it came to scientific research materials.

Richard had already decided to obtain the Cosmic Cube research data, but Struck was unwilling to let go of this issue. This old man felt that even if he was cheated, after all he had invested so much money, even if AIM only developed a bunch of Xiang, he would still cry and eat it...

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