The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 361 Declaration of war on AIM!

When it comes to scientific research materials, both parties are very resolute and refuse to give in even a step.

Richard originally thought that destroying AIM was just a casual order to eliminate harm for the people (not because they blew up the head of his own statue), so he didn't take it too seriously. The reason why he changed his attitude now is that I came to this meeting in person solely for the research information of the Cosmic Cube, so naturally I couldn't let go in this regard.

The same goes for Baron Strucker. His head was pounding. He had spent countless billions on this illusory project. He should at least get it back to see what they had researched, right?

Previously, he was wary of the name of the "God of Hydra" and the unfathomable backstage behind the opponent. Strack had only given in as much as he could, but on this issue he would not relent no matter what.

Richard even thought about getting rid of Straker directly to prevent him from having sex again, but after careful consideration, he decided not to do it.

In fact, even if Straker didn't nod his head, he could still see the research information if he wanted to, so there was no need to take action over such a trivial matter. Killing Strucker does not mean killing his forces, but will cause a large-scale chaos within Hydra and complicate the originally stable situation. And he himself is very lazy. He only wants to join the Hydra to get benefits from the mixed organization. It is too troublesome to recruit a team to devour other forces, and it cannot bring any substantial benefits. He is too lazy to put in the effort...

Although he didn't know what his leader was targeting, Gideon Malik also saw that this information was crucial. He also stood up to fight for his ancestors. After a long time of arguing, the two sides finally reached an agreement reluctantly - Strucker took away all the scientists from AIM, while Richard took away all paper and electronic materials. research data.

In fact, this was also Strack's helpless compromise. According to Strack's own opinion, he certainly doesn't want to give up researching data. AIM's big-headed leader Murdoch may not have very strong management and command capabilities, but his scientific research acumen is first-rate. In fact, most of AIM's core research projects It was Murdoch himself who was responsible. Therefore, as long as this big head is not surrendered, it may not be useful to tie up other scientists.

But the news of their high-profile war will definitely not be small. All countries in the world and SHIELD are not blind. They just occasionally have small fights and assassinations. It is impossible to hide such a large-scale war from their eyes. And Hydra is now an organization that does not exist on the surface, so the cover for this battle and the follow-up cleanup work must be left to Richard's branch wearing the SHIELD vest.

Since the battlefield is cleaned by them, they must have the final say on supplies, trophies, etc. Regardless of whether Straker nodded or not, they would definitely make a copy of all the research data when cleaning. Whether they would share it or not would depend on the mood of their Serpent Shield branch.

After the agreement was reached, it was time to prepare for war.

As the saying goes, soldiers are valuable and quick, Hydra's mobility and execution efficiency are completely incomparable to Aegis. All the leaders returned to their respective homes. In just one week, manpower was deployed and an army to attack AIM was initially formed.

The amount of effort and number of people from each force is also the result of joint discussion. In principle, everyone should work more if they are able, and send more people if they have more people. When they finally gathered together, the leaders of all parties basically brought the prescribed number. The troops and horses, together barely enough, can be called an army of one hundred thousand, but the quality is another matter.

It is said that peace will kill the spirit of fighting and sharpen the edge of a sharp knife, and this seems to be true for Hydra. After a long period of peace, Hydra's military quality also plummeted. Richard brought out a large number of agents, assassins, killers and other fake soldiers, but it turned out that they were already among the best in combat power.

Looking at the other lineups, headed by Whitehall, there are also several high-level officials from the political and business circles. What they brought here is really a bunch of crooked melons and cracked jujubes. It feels like they were dragged out of the woods. Bandits who robbed homes and homes.

In other words, Baron Strucker's team is eye-catching. Although the Baron was severely exhausted after a year of fighting with Lu Dan, his power is still the first in Hydra except for the Snake Shield branch. The reason lies in the quality of his subordinates. All of his team members were neatly dressed in military uniforms, arranged in a square formation, and all held standard rifles in their hands. They looked very powerful.

But as the saying goes, the first shot is the first. Since his team is so powerful, the task of attacking the enemy will naturally fall on Baron Strucker. The Hydra leaders praised Baron Strucker without hesitation. After the praise, they unanimously voted to let the Baron's team charge head-on. Others responded from different directions...

Although AIM's name is "Pioneer Technology," its territory and heritage are not small at all. Just like Hydra today has penetrated into all aspects of the world, and each leader occupies a territory, AIM also has its own territory. In the Marvel setting, most countries on Earth are actually controlled by a large organization to some extent, and some countries are even so intertwined that they are controlled by more than one organization.

After all, not all countries are as impermeable as some indescribable country, with no dead ends to invade...

The Hydra leaders quickly decided to allocate their respective tasks. The baron was responsible for attacking the enemy from the front, while the others broke through from different directions. Some of them are targeting the enemy's supply lines, and some are responsible for raiding the enemy's bases where weapons and equipment are stored. In the end, everyone will attack the AIM base camp located in the enemy's hinterland from several different directions and completely encircle and suppress it.

Most of the other Hydra leaders became monks on the way, but Zemo and Strucker were both immortals who had actually survived World War II. It was no problem at all to say that they were veterans who had experienced many battles. The tactics devised by the two people are indeed very similar, at least quite reasonable.

AIM is called Pioneer Technology. Although its organization has military capabilities, it is still mainly engaged in scientific research. Their leader, including Murdoch, was born as a scientist. Who knows how to fight a war?

In addition, Hydra took the initiative to seize the opportunity, and the first batch of AIM combatants were still kept in the dark until they were vaporized by the laser cannon. AIM had just been handed over and was retreating steadily. During this period, it was able to resist a little bit only by relying on excellent weapons and equipment and some black technologies that were unheard of by Hydra warriors.

But that doesn't change the outcome. Hydra's 100,000-strong army pushed forward like heavenly soldiers and generals. In just two days, they pushed to the hinterland and surrounded the AIM base where Murdoch himself was located.

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