The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 363 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

A wave of attacks was repelled, and the Hydra army had to temporarily withdraw due to fierce resistance from the AIM headquarters. The Hydra leaders had to gather again to discuss the follow-up combat strategy - and also share the blame for the defeat just now.

When it comes to dividing the pot, it's important to strike first. As long as you take the blame first and throw the blame away, even if it was originally your fault, it won't be your turn to take the blame.

The Hydra leaders seem to know this. Everyone was rude when they got together. Zemo first started to blame Strucker for giving nothing, Strucker began to blame Whitehall's subordinates for being too good, and Whitehall began to blame Viper's subordinates for being chaotic and disobedient...

To sum up, everyone has the same meaning - the failure of this team fight is all your fault, I have no problem at all, you should reflect on it and write a review or something...

A quarrel is a quarrel, but everyone has to come up with a plan in the end. We can't just wait around outside and wait for AIM base camp to run out of food and water and starve them alive, right?

Theoretically, this approach doesn't seem to be impossible, but everyone present is a big shot with a lot of things to do and wants to make millions of dollars a minute. It's not cost-effective to spend ten days and a half with them here, so this plan was rejected at first.

Naturally, tactical missile bombing was also proposed.

It doesn’t matter what high-tech weapons or energy shields he has, a bombardment of saturation missiles still doesn’t end the game?

However, this plan was quickly rejected. The overwhelming missiles will definitely be able to break through this base, but they might even blow up everything inside. Isn't it that everyone has been fighting so hard just for AIM's equipment information and scientists? Tactical missiles are not smart, so once they are bombed, the battle will be in vain.

Baron Zemo looked at Strucker coldly: "I remember that Baron Strucker should have a lot of strange people under his command, right? It seems that I didn't see any of them this time? I think there must be someone among them who can break this situation. Only people with super powers, right? What? Are you reluctant to take it out?"

Baron Strucker looked pained: "If the 'Witch' is still there, she should be able to easily break the situation with her ability. However, the Sokovia base was attacked, and those super prisoners were either killed on the spot or disappeared... …”

As the baron spoke, he glanced at Richard intentionally or unintentionally, as if to silently express his protest and dissatisfaction. Richard only pretended to be looking around at the scenery and thinking about what to eat tonight...

Strucker glanced at Whitehall: "I remember that there are many superpowers in Dr. Whitehall's branch base, right? I remember they were called...'Aliens'?"

Whitehall pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Indeed, there are, but there are no ability users suitable for this kind of frontal battlefield. Their abilities are mostly focused on single combat or auxiliary capabilities, and they lack the necessary attack power."

Everyone was silent for a while.

This is true. Despite the proliferation of superpowers in this era, it seems that you can bump into a superpower within a few steps. However, in fact, only a small number of them are suitable for combat. Many of them have abilities that you cannot imagine even if you rack your brains. What.

So in this situation, what everyone lacks is actually a heavy firepower that can handle everything...

Richard thought for a while: "In that case, wouldn't it be great if we evacuated first and spread the news so that the Avengers could lay down this base for us?"

All the Hydra leaders looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.

Yes, what they lack now is a person with superpowers who can defeat a hundred people on a frontal battlefield... Doesn't the Avengers happen to meet this condition?

Anyone who can infiltrate the Hydra leader is not a fool, and everyone quickly began to think about the feasibility of this plan. Stark is now at loggerheads with AIM, which is obvious to the whole world. As long as a little bit of news is leaked, Stark won't be afraid of not coming. In addition, they also have channels for SHIELD. There is still a lot of cooperation between SHIELD and the Avengers at this stage. It is not difficult to fool the Avengers to build this base for them with a little operation.

Besides, this can’t be considered cheating. AIM is originally a terrorist, and fighting against terrorists is not the job of a righteous person...

As we all know, the Avengers do not have the habit of cleaning the battlefield. The AIM base, which is hidden in the mountains and forests, is obviously not under the jurisdiction of Stark's Disaster Control Bureau, so after they finish the battle, the follow-up cleaning work will definitely still be done. Gotta leave it to S.H.I.E.L.D. When the Avengers left, Richard led a group of Hydras who all put on SHIELD uniforms, and the result was the same...

The various Hydra leaders collectively felt that this plan seemed feasible, so everyone took action immediately.

The Avengers are not a bureaucracy. They do not need to ask for instructions from their superiors and do not need to go through procedures to allocate manpower. They can set off immediately after a phone call and arrive at the battlefield within three to five hours at most.

Before that, the other shady Hydra forces must have withdrawn first, leaving only a bunch of pseudo-S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from the Serpentine and Shield branch to continue to surround the base.

Before leaving, Baron Strucker repeatedly emphasized that the spoils must be distributed according to the agreed upon agreement, and everyone must follow the rules. You Snake Shield cannot take all the spoils for yourself.

Richard readily agreed. He sent the baron away with a smile and said don't worry! Your things will definitely be safe if you leave them here. Our Snake and Shield Bureau is the most trustworthy...

Things developed just as Richard expected. Stark's former bodyguard and friend Happy was injured in the desperate bombing in New York. Since then, Stark publicly declared war on the Mandarin on TV, and later Eric Savin personally drove an armed direct attack. A fighter jet attacked Stark's residence, and the conflict between the two parties had already reached an irreconcilable point.

When Hydra arranged for a senior agent to contact Stark, Stark happened to find Killian's name and was about to settle accounts with this old acquaintance. Then the agent duly told him that you were too short-sighted. Killian is just a clown, a puppet. Even if you defeat him, you won't be able to change anything. It will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause and will not stop the spread of the Extremis virus.

The agent mysteriously stated that in order to completely solve the Extremis virus explosion, you have to uproot the entire huge organization behind Killian.

Seeing that "SHIELD" helped him find out all the information - including the organizational background of AIM, the research team of Extremis virus, the roles played by Killian and the fake Manchurian... and even the location of the enemy's base camp The Aegis has been packaged and delivered to you, so why not take action?

Stark did not hesitate and immediately summoned the Avengers who were now free. A group of superheroes attacked AIM aggressively...

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