The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 364 The Strongest League of Heroes

The AIM scientists must be in a bad mood right now. Without any warning, they were pushed back to their hometown by Hydra's massive army of 100,000 people. After struggling for so long in the base, they finally began to withdraw sparsely on the other side. The scientists had not had time to cheer for victory. Then, I saw a Quinjet fighter with a bright "A" logo flying over from a distance...

Scientists: "@#%¥\u0026*"

Experts know what's going on as soon as they take action. The Avengers, known as "Earth's Mightiest Heroes", immediately achieved outstanding results as soon as they took action. Iron Man quickly analyzed the principle of AIM's energy shield, scanned the frequency to search for the center of energy generation and calculated the weakest node of the shield.

Within half a minute, he adjusted the frequency of the recoil laser to the opposite frequency of the energy shield. Iron Man and Thor took action at the same time, and a cluster energy cannon shot into the soul, seriously interfering with the stability of the energy shield. The shining thunder streaked down from the sky, taking the opportunity to destroy the energy shell in one go. The energy layer that made the 100,000-headed Hydra army helpless was shattered in front of the Avengers in less than a minute.

The Hydra leaders who had already retreated to the rear couldn't help but think deeply when they saw this scene.

Nick Fury has long predicted that if the next arms race breaks out, then the competition between countries will definitely be super weapons, because he thinks this is the future direction of the world. The wave of superpowers is sweeping the entire world. Although the role of the military is still indispensable, Fury feels that having super generals is also an important part of the form of future warfare.

At this time, everyone in Hydra felt it intuitively. Even their huge army could not break the situation, but only two Avengers could easily do it. This is enough to prove how important a powerful superpower attacker is.

Baron Strucker couldn't help but think of the twin brothers and sisters who were kidnapped from the Sokovia base. Those two originally had potential that was no less than that of the Avengers, but it was a pity that they were kidnapped by some shameless guy. Already...

The shield was breached, and AIM had to face the brave Avengers.

After the Battle of New York, the Avengers' reputation was really loud. Just the phrase "confronting the alien army head-on" is enough to scare 90% of the people in the world. The terrorists of AIM are no exception. They were not afraid of the hundreds of thousands of Hydra troops before. Now when they heard that they were facing the rumored Avengers, the timid soldiers were so frightened that they even drew their guns quickly. I couldn't hold it any longer, and my hand that pulled the trigger was trembling.

AIM still used the black technology weapons it used to deal with Hydra before. It's a pity that those things are very powerful when used as AOE in group fights, and their effect against the Avengers is very limited.

Iron Man's armor can promptly calculate and handle attacks from almost any form of weapon, and Captain America's small shield with special properties is enough to withstand most damage. Thor and Hulk rushed past in a straight line, as if they didn't feel anything hitting them, opening a bloody path for their teammates behind them.

War machines provide continuous firepower from the air, and Widow Sister and Hawkeye pilot Stark's specially modified "Avenger" to assist him.

The Avengers are truly like heavenly soldiers and generals in front of AIM, and they are unstoppable along the way. AIM's outer defense line was pushed layer by layer, and the defense circle continued to shrink. The big-brained Murdoch looked so gloomy in the base that he was almost dripping with water. He kept yelling something, which scared the subordinates nearby who didn't dare to raise their heads.

The Avengers encountered the Extremis Warriors at the third line of defense. This front was set up in a residential area, with accommodation buildings everywhere. The Desperate Warriors took advantage of the buildings and terrain to launch a surprise attack, using high temperatures and superior physical fitness to catch the Avengers off guard.

But in Iron Man 3, Tony himself could handle all the Extremis fighters. Now that the heavyweights in the Avengers are present, there is no reason to overturn. It just takes a lot more effort.

"Everyone, be careful!" Tony raised his hand and fired a recoil light cannon, which accurately blew off the head of a desperate soldier. He shouted as he passed through the air, "Everyone, be careful. They can release a body temperature of more than 3,000 degrees. The super self-healing power and the mobility of a super soldier require a fatal injury such as a headshot or a heart attack..."

The second half of his words were drowned out by a thunderous sound that shook the sky. The lightning that pierced the clouds crashed down, and the blue lightning fell straight between a group of desperate warriors. The impact of the explosion blew away seven or eight people around them, and the three desperate warriors in the center were blown to ashes on the spot.

Brother Hammer landed from the air with his hammer and looked at Stark blankly: "Ah? What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly because of the thunder."

Tony: "...Forget it, it's nothing."

Pushing not far inside, Tony soon ran into the fierce enemy he would encounter in the original movie-Aldrich Killian.

Although it was different from the revenge scene he had expected, Killian was still quite excited to seek revenge from Stark. He confessed to all his accomplices, "Stark is mine," and then rushed towards Iron Man in a hurry.

Killian is really not a big problem for the current Iron Man. As the leader of this project, his enhancements are definitely not at the same level as those of other cats and dogs, and even if they are bundled together, the bunch of nameless stand-in extremis warriors will probably not be as good as Killian.

His physical abilities completely suppressed the performance of Iron Man's regular suit, and the high temperature released exceeded the upper limit of Iron Man's outer shell. Iron Man was completely unprepared for the sudden attack, and was knocked away by Killian's sudden punch, leaving a small red-hot punch pit on his chest armor.

After Tony stood up, he hurriedly raised his hand without looking, and the recoil light cannon fired directly with both palms alternately! But Killian's movements were too flexible. He dodged left and right like a star dribbling the ball. He easily dodged all the energy beams and landed in front of Iron Man. A set of gorgeous combination punches left Tony breathless and covered his body. There wasn't even a chance to use the weapon.

The gap in reaction force made Tony unable to keep up with Killian's speed. After being caught off guard and being pulled closer, the advantages of the steel armor could not be used at all. The steel suit was beaten like a sandbag by Killian. The outer shell of the suit turned red under the continuous high temperature impact, and the computer system was forced to restart due to the excessive temperature.

Looking at the beaten Iron Man in front of him, Killian smiled triumphantly: "What a pity, Tony, we couldn't get to the roof after all."

Tony frowned and tried to buy time for the armor to restart with him: "I'm sorry, but your name is...Killian, right? We have met before?"

Killian smiled instead of getting angry: "Of course, a big man like Tony Stark definitely has no intention of remembering an insignificant character like me. But you see, this is the most ironic part... You are about to die for this little person. It’s in hand.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand knife, and the entire palm was burned red from the inside out, like a branding iron that had just come out of the oven.

"Think of your last words, Stark." He said sinisterly, "Consider them my last kindness to you."

"Last words? Let me think about it..." Tony really tilted his head and started thinking seriously.

"Then why not just...'Beware the Hulk'?"


A big green fist fell from the sky and pressed Killian into the ground like a meat pie.

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