Of course, the god does not speak English. This cosmic god speaks directly into Richard's mind through a spiritual-like ability. The special powers of the gods of the universe may not be able to write on a blank piece of printing paper. It is only natural that they know how to use their mental power.

Since the other party has taken the initiative to ask questions, Richard responded directly with his spiritual power: "Dear God, I wonder what you expect to talk to me about?"

The god lowered his head, and his huge golden eyes looked directly at Richard from more than six hundred meters away like two light bulbs.

"You make me curious." The god said frankly, "We have visited countless worlds and galaxies. We have created many races and destroyed many races. We also know everything about all the transcendent existences in this universe. .”

He paused, and his eyes seemed to become a little strange.

"But I have never seen a being like you." His tone sounded like he was sizing up a new species that emerged from the sky. "I can feel a blazing and powerful energy from your body, but it is also very similar to yours." The energy of the universe is different... no, it is purer than the energy of the universe.

This is not your true face, right? You are some kind of life that exists in the form of energy and particles. The entity can change according to your thoughts. The variability and uncertainty are extremely strong..."

As expected of the God of the Universe, he could see so much at a glance through the human body. Although ordinary individual gods may not be as powerful as Odin, as gods of the universe, their vision is much higher than that of Odin, a small local god born in a remote country.

Although Odin obtained the power to rival the gods by relying on the secret recipe passed down from his ancestors, his level of life was not enough after all. No matter how strong he was, he could not reach the realm of this god. So Odin can't see through Ultraman's essence, but this god can. This is the gap in realm.

As for the god saying "this is not your true face", Richard said he was really not sure about this.

To be honest, he was becoming increasingly confused about who he was. At first, he felt that he was a human being who had gained the power of light. He was the carrier of light, and the light resided in him in the form of possession and lent him Ultraman's body. But as time went by, he found that it seemed that Not so.

As the power develops, the connection between the light and Richard himself is becoming closer and closer. To use the simplest analogy, most Ultraman in the Ultraman series can separate from the human body in time with just a thought when their energy is exhausted and they are about to die, and release the human body in time to prevent the other party from dying together with them. , but not Richard.

If Richard hits the bottom of the blue bar and runs out of oil, he will definitely have to burp on the spot, and there is no such thing as separation or separation. Now the light and him are a whole, and they cannot be separated even if he wants to.

But he actually doesn't care whether he is human or Ultraman. Richard felt that as long as he knew who he was, it was enough.

The god continued to look at him curiously: "You are not a creature in this universe, right? There shouldn't be a existence like you here."

Others can fool them at will, but the single universe is equivalent to the Celestial Group's own compound. They have clearly recorded how many planets and races there are in the entire universe. So Richard didn't hide it: "Yes, I don't originate from this universe. People on this planet call me 'Ultraman'... but it doesn't matter."

He looked up at the god and changed the subject: "That machine that was sent to Earth before was your masterpiece, right?"

The gods sent him a message similar to "yes" in spirit.

"Why?" he asked.

"In order to collect necessary information to help the 'judge' make a judgment." The god said slowly.


Richard was secretly shocked. Of course he has heard of the judge in the Celestial Gods. He is not just any ordinary Celestial Gods group. If the Celestial Gods group is compared to the largest gang in the universe, then the judge is visually one of the top cadres. His job is to review and judge whether a certain race on a certain planet has the value and significance to continue to survive and develop. And once your race is labeled "erased" by a judge, unless your background is AAO, you will definitely be hopeless.

Richard remained calm: "The 'Judge' has also come to Earth?"

"No." The god shook his head, "I am the only one here, and I am only responsible for things here for the time being. This is not a formal inspection, but the device we left on the earth in the past was triggered by someone, and I just came to check the situation. "

Richard felt relieved. Fortunately, the judge is not here, and it seems that this god is alone.

This is also a good habit of the cosmic gods - these cosmic gods have no concept of "lying". They say one is one and two is two, and are never as complex as humans and other ordinary creatures.

"However, according to the time unit of people on earth, a thousand years have passed since our last visit, and it is almost time to make a judgment." God continued to say calmly that day, "Although I am not a judge, it is From what I've gathered, the results are unsatisfactory."

"What?" Richard asked.

"Humanity's current development does not meet our expectations and does not meet the current value standards of the universe. The data shows that they will not bring benefits to the future."

"So you think humans should be wiped out?"

"I just say that the data is not satisfactory. As for the decision-making, that is the job of the judge." Tianshen said.

"So you destroy humanity, and then what? Plant new life on the barren land and observe again? Just like you have done on countless planets?"

"You seem to know our work very well." The god said calmly, "If the judge makes a verdict, then yes. Human beings will be wiped out, and all their influence on the earth will be cleared, and the earth will be reset. The initial state will be reset. New life will be sown, and we will start observing again and decide whether the new race is valuable."

The description of this god was so simple and direct, and the understatement in his conversation conveyed the lives of seven billion human beings on the earth. It sounds like it's a heinous crime to take human life lightly, but in fact, from his perspective, it's not good or evil at all.

The gods of the universe look at problems from the perspective of the universe. In their eyes, they only see the planning and development of the entire universe. A mere race or planet is not something worth caring about.

If we insist on making an analogy, just like human beings never care about how many microorganisms their actions will determine the life and death of, human beings are almost the same existence to the gods of the universe. In their eyes, all intelligent creatures are probably bacteria in the universe. The only difference is whether they are beneficial to the universe or not.

Judging from the trend revealed by this god, humans may soon be classified as "germs".

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