At this point, Richard also understood that the conflict between the two parties was irreconcilable. This has nothing to do with aggression or any personal grudges. This cosmic god is here purely for official business and does not involve any personal feelings. If we let this guy go back like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before the battle deity team led by the judge comes back.

But Richard also knows that the Tianshen Group is a group that pays great attention to efficiency. Their internal division of labor is extremely clear. Those who should fight will fight and those who should engage in scientific research will engage in scientific research. Very few people will get involved in fields outside their own duties. Since the god in front of him claims to be here to detect information, maybe he is a scout? Or a civilian position like an observer? He shouldn't be very good at fighting, right?

If this god could be suppressed on the spot and his body destroyed, humanity might still be able to be saved.

Although Richard can still survive even if the earth is pushed flat, with his current ability to fly to any starry sky and civilization in the Marvel Universe, he is definitely a boss. But of course he still wants to fight for the Earth until the end if possible.

After all, he is still essentially an earthling, and he still has deep feelings for this land. Life form and level of strength are not important. What is important is that he always believes that he is still a human being.

People always have to have a sense of belonging and collective consciousness, which will make it harder for a person to get lost.

However, he still had to confirm some things before both parties rolled up their sleeves and started fighting.

"You said that the accidental triggering of the device attracted you to come to confirm. Does that mean that the original trial time for humans has not yet come?" Richard asked.

"Yes." The god replied in a deep voice.

"So this was your solo act? No other gods were involved?"

Richard felt that he had asked this question quite straightforwardly. It probably meant the same thing as when a spy on Earth is caught and wants to silence him, he would ask, "Who else knows you are here?" If you were faced with a human being and asked this question, they would most likely bluff even if they didn't have a background, but gods wouldn't because they were born without this function.

Sure enough, the god answered honestly: "No, I am only one person."

That's good. Richard breathed a sigh of relief. The scariest thing about the Celestials is not their unreasonable and powerful fighting power, but their shameless spirit of beating up the younger ones and the older ones. One cannot beat the brothers and they all fight together. He was really afraid that if he suppressed this god, then all the eradicators and final creators in the god group would appear, and then he would have no choice but to abandon the earth and run away.

If you only have the one in front of you, you can still give it a try. Richard even had some expectations. After all, this was his first opportunity to compete directly with Marvel's cosmic gods.

"I can see that the energy level in your body is rising rapidly, and the light particles in your body are gradually becoming active. Are you preparing to shape a body suitable for combat?" The god's tone was calm, as if the target he was preparing to attack was not Just like yourself but others, "That is completely unnecessary. There is no reason to fight between us, foreigner. You are not a human being, and there is no conflict between us. I think it should be understandable from your perspective. For the sake of macro-planning , it is normal for races to decline and new things to be born.”

"Maybe that's the case." Richard said calmly, taking out the Evolution Truster, "But unfortunately, we Ultraman just like to meddle in these 'normal' nosy things."

A strong light bloomed, and Nexus transformed, switching directly to the red adult form, and his height grew to fifty meters in one breath. To Richard himself, his size had increased by more than 20 times, but in the eyes of the god who was nearly 700 meters away, he was actually still a little kid. He could only hit the god's knee when he jumped up.

After the transformation, Nexus did not launch a direct attack, but immediately raised his hand and shot golden light into the sky. The huge golden dome encompassed the 700-meter giant and Nexus respectively, and the battlefield was instantly dragged into the realm of the tower.

The god looked around at the land of subspace, and couldn't help but become interested: "Interesting, a subspace? A new realm opened up with energy? I can see the movement of the photons that make up this space... I see, you pass through Can space change to strengthen one's own power? Very interesting..."

The gods of the universe know all the laws in the single universe. Their entire race has its own inheritance. Each god has a knowledge reserve that even top civilizations cannot match. Although the term "omniscience and omnipotence" has always been a relative concept, at least within the single universe, the cosmic god is definitely the creature closest to "omniscience and omnipotence".

It is precisely for this reason that gods are particularly curious when seeing new knowledge, because for them, there is almost nothing surprising since birth.

The purpose of opening the Meita Domain is not only to increase combat power, but more importantly, to trap this god. It would be a big pain if the other party threw some "God's signature" or something like that before they died, so Richard wanted to solve it in the field as much as possible.

If this god is given some time, can he crack the Meta Field? Richard thought he might as well. That's why he couldn't leave this gap for this god.

As soon as Nexus moved his feet, his figure seemed to disappear in an instant. A red afterimage shot out, and he flew upward diagonally, his body accelerating to over Mach 10 in a short moment, and his heavy punch left a fiery red trajectory in the air.


Nexus's powerful and heavy fist slammed into the huge metal palm with all its strength. The huge force of 100,000 tons seemed to be lost in the sea, without causing any waves.

The counterattack came with a faster punch.

The god's giant metal fist, which was more than thirty meters in diameter, hit him head and face. The punch was so fast that it was too fast for his bulky body. Nexus only had time to raise his arm to block it, and the strange force blasted into his arm and penetrated his body.

A brief period of severe pain was followed by a strong sense of numbness, and his arms felt like they were about to lose consciousness after taking this punch. Nexus threw his body back and flew out, dragging a bunch of rolling red dust on the ground. His back firmly smashed a reddish-brown mountain peak in the Meta Domain into two halves, and he fell into a disgraceful place. In a huge pit.

...Okay, it's a little bit different than expected.

Nexus climbed up from the rubble, gradually regaining feeling in his arms. He panted slightly and looked at the tall god in front of him that seemed to reach straight to the sky, reassessing the enemy's strength in his heart.

After all, they are the Celestials, and their strength cannot be limited. How powerful was that punch just now? Two hundred thousand tons? Half a million tons?

He needs to adjust his strategy a bit.

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