The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 381 The Powerful God

The impact of cosmic energy was like an unsheathed sword piercing Nexus's face. The overbearing cyclone blew away the sand and dust, and the spilled energy filled the space, shattering the earth from a distance of hundreds of meters. The golden light instantly spanned a distance of two miles, and suffocating energy hit him.

Without dodging or flinching, Nexus took a step forward and twirled his palms in reverse. The blue energy like water waves immediately formed a circular vortex in front of him.

The moment the golden beam hit the vortex, it seemed to be drawn into it by the current, spinning along the lines of energy circulation. Nexus' whole body is driven by light energy, and massive amounts of light are output through his palms to maintain the existence of this barrier. At the same time, the Nexus weapons on his arms and wrists were also operating at full strength. Every bit of domineering energy twisted into the center of the vortex was extracted into the weapons on his wrists. Through the special "absorption and transformation" of the Nexus weapons, Function is converted into light energy.

This is a technique that Nexus in the TV series has never used before. It is Richard's own original creation. It is a combination of the two skills of "circular barrier" and "reflective strike". Use the defensive technique of the circular barrier to generate a vortex to buffer the enemy's attack, and then use the wrist weapon to convert energy into light.

With a clear cry, Nexus reversed his arms, and the energy absorbed into the arm blades and the water barrier on his chest gathered into the core of his chest, and then burst out with a golden light! A core pulse with reflected energy was joyfully released from Nexus's chest, absorbing the light energy in the space of Meta's domain to gain further amplification, and then reflected back along the direction of its origin!

The core pulse that was shot back really hit, and it seemed that the god who had just released the ray attack had no time to return to the transparent state. The light of the core pulse washed over a layer of translucent energy iris, and the body of the god behind the iris gradually emerged from invisibility. The tall giant stood on the spot, stretched out a thick finger to maintain the energy barrier in front of him, and curiously looked at the core pulse released by Nexus in his eyes.

The energy of the core pulse was exhausted, and the energy iris used by the god for defense was covered with cracks, but it was not penetrated after all.

But this day the god became more and more interested in the light of Nexus.

What exactly is the body composition of this creature? Can even the energy of the universe be absorbed and transformed by him?

In the god's impression, there seems to be no similar precedent in the records from ancient times to the present. He is extremely convinced that the existence in front of him is the first of the extremely rare special cases - a rare species that can even assimilate the energy of the universe.

Maybe it's a race of gods outside this universe?

Although the tactic was considered a success, the reflected strike combined with the core pulse attack did hit the god unexpectedly, but unfortunately it was not powerful enough to penetrate the god's energy defense.

Nexus was half kneeling on the ground. The weapons on his two arms, especially his wrists, were emitting white smoke, indicating that the attack just now had reached the upper limit of his body's endurance. The crystal on his chest also turned from blue to red and began to flicker and extinguish, and the clear sound of time echoed on the ground of Meta Field.

The god's eyes fell on the twinkling crystal on his chest, and he seemed to think about it for a moment.

What does the flickering of this thing mean? Some kind of danger alert?

Or is this thing his energy for action?

Absorbing reflection does not mean that Nexus does not have to take damage, otherwise he will be directly invincible if he keeps using this move. Both defense and absorption have upper limits. The power of the cosmic rays of the gods is too powerful. Even if the energy vortex is used to offset part of the impact, the damage caused to Nexus's body is still considerable.

The God of the Universe did not miss this opportunity. He raised his hand and fired another cosmic ray. Nexus seemed to get up and try to hide, but his body seemed to be paralyzed by the heavy blow just now, making it difficult for him to move freely. The golden beam hit the armor on his chest heavily, and the flames exploded, causing the red body to fall on its back and fall to the ground with a crash.

There was no barrier or buffer. The impact of this launch line hit directly, blowing Nexus to the ground on his back.

This time, he seemed to have finally lost the strength to get up. He looked as if he was reaching out with all his strength, as if to grab something, but as if this action consumed the last bit of his strength, his arm fell down and stopped moving.

The god looked at the fallen Nexus for a moment and said to himself: "The consciousness is very powerful, and the reversal method is indeed...unexpected, and it may be a pity for you. But I said, you If you can't beat me, this is the gap in strength, and it cannot be made up by strategy."

But at the same time, he was also puzzled - who is this red warrior? What does it have to do with humans?

Is there any reason for humans to fight to this point?

But no matter what, he won, and he defeated this enemy who appeared out of nowhere. As a god, he just needs to remove this obstacle and continue to complete the work.

The god raised his palm again and pointed it at Nexus, who seemed to be unconscious. The energy of the universe condensed in his palm and brewed destructive energy, preparing to give the opponent a final blow.

Nexus lay down on the ground with his head tilted, and the timer on his chest continued to beep and blink rhythmically, but there was still no movement.

This day the god suddenly hesitated.

Just wipe him out like this?

The god couldn't help but think of the scene where Nexus forcibly absorbed the ray he shot and reflected it back. That was a scene he might never forget in his long and endless life.

Their deity group has come into contact with countless gods and mortals, but they have never seen a being like this, and they may not have the chance to see another one in the future. This is a gap in their knowledge system, something that is rare and incomprehensible to their gods.

After careful consideration, the god decided that filling this gap was a higher priority than "removing obstacles."

But even if the opponent is not as strong as himself and has been defeated, this god still behaves very cautiously. He moved his thick fingers, and lines of golden light bound his arms like ropes, lifting the unconscious Nexus into the air. The restraint of the god's energy not only restricted his movements, but also suppressed the energy running in his body. Energy, even if he wakes up, he won't be able to fight back.

With the mentality of "academic inquiry", the god stepped closer and reached out his hand to explore the flickering core of his chest. He wanted to directly contact the source of Ultraman's light and confirm with his own eyes what it was...

It was at this second that he discovered that the head of the unconscious guy in front of him seemed to be moving.

At the same moment, a scorching golden spear stabbed straight into the back of the god with swirling air waves.

Two updates today, I came back too late, I feel like my body has been hollowed out. . .

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