The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 382 Within the plan!

Even with the wisdom and super computing power of the gods, he could not immediately react to what was going on.

Nexus was clearly still bound by the energy rope in front of him, but at that moment, another Nexus appeared behind him - the same red body, golden eyes, and chest. The crystal red light at the front energy core flashes with the same frequency.

A doppelganger?

But when did he get his avatar? Where have you been hiding all this time? With his senses as a god, how could he not notice it until the moment it took action?

Yes, this is a clone of Nexus, and it is also a new trick that Richard has learned after upgrading more than once.

The clone skill can be regarded as one of the common skills among many Ultraman. The earliest generation of Ultraman used similar skills. Later, the more famous Gauss and Max in the Heisei series used the clone technique flexibly and freely.

For Ultraman, this move is actually very simple in principle. After all, Ultraman's body is originally composed of light particles. Since Ultraman can control the changes of his own light particles to achieve enlargement and miniaturization, in theory, it is not difficult to control the light particles to reshape a body that is the same as his own.

The difficulty actually lies in control and control.

Unfortunately, although our Mr. Li basically has a full set of Ultraman skills, without the lack of systematic guidance from an instructor, he is crossing the river by feeling the stones every step of the way. He has to rely entirely on himself. After many tests and training, he can now only release one clone at a time, and the maximum time does not exceed thirty seconds.

The clone's combat power is not as good as the original one. If you throw away the clone and use it as a two-on-one, the effect will definitely be limited, so the key point is to catch the enemy by surprise.

The God's practice of disappearing using spatial tricks before gave him some inspiration. Although Richard is not very good at playing with the rules of space, subspace is his home field! He took advantage of the moment when he reflected the God's attack and released the core pulse to release his clone, and immediately ejected his clone outside the Meta Field, waiting for the God to launch a thunderous strike at the moment when he thought he had been defeated and relaxed his guard.

The golden light condensed into a spear-shaped entity in the hands of the Nexus clone, and the tip of the spear thrust toward the god with a golden whirlpool. Although this is not a real eternal gun, it copies the original attack mode, and it also has the attributes of hitting everything in one hit and penetrating everything!


A crisp sound echoed in the space, and the spear hit the god's chest hard. The tall body of the God swayed, and the ultra-high-intensity energy was highly concentrated at the tip of the spear, causing a slight crack to appear on the God's indestructible armor.

And at this moment, he was surprised to find that Nexus, who had just lost consciousness and was hanging in the air, also raised his head again... Not only that, the energy around him seemed to have suddenly increased sharply, surpassing the previous level!

The god reacted immediately.

It's not that the other party has become stronger, but that the other party has been deliberately showing weakness before.

The attributes are completely suppressed and the energy is insufficient. These are the appearances that Nexus deliberately showed to the gods. The purpose is to give the opponent a prerequisite impression of "a huge gap in strength" and expand the opportunities for the clone's sneak attack.

Even being beaten unconscious was the result of his deliberate disguise. He reduced the operation of the power of light in the body to a minimum, suppressed the activity of light particles, and artificially created the illusion of losing consciousness.

Well, he also gave this trick a name, called "Ultra Pretending to Die"...

The counterattack of energy absorption reflection and core pulse just now seemed like a pity surprise attack, but in fact it was also part of Richard's plan. In fact, he deliberately suppressed the power of the core pulse release, creating the illusion that he was "unable to cause effective damage to the god due to insufficient output", which interfered with the god's judgment on the strength comparison between the two sides.

Then he deliberately used the power of light to absorb the cosmic rays that reflected the gods, because he knew that this would 100% arouse the curiosity of the gods - no cosmic god could resist the temptation of this new knowledge.

Will it hurt if I'm hit directly by the god's ray? Of course it hurts, but in fact, for Nexus at this stage, it is not to the point where he will fall down immediately after taking one shot. Thinking back to the time when Mr. Odin was wearing the Destroyer Armor, he had taken more than ten rounds and was still alive. In fact, it was not impossible for Richard to withstand a few rounds.

When Richard pretended to lose the ability to resist and deliberately withstood a cosmic ray and was knocked down, he was 100% sure that the god would take the risk and get close to him to try to see the secret of light.

Curiosity and desire for knowledge, this is not a weakness of the god, and it is also the only condition he can think of to take advantage of in a short period of time.

From the beginning of the fight with the god, except for the initial mutual testing, it can be said that every move and step until now was within Richard's calculation. And this series of arrangements and designs ultimately led to the current situation and created this fleeting opportunity.

The cosmic god's huge slap came with his backhand, and Nexus' clone waved the Eternal Spear and faced it, which gave him an excellent opportunity. In a thought, Nexus's body suddenly shrank in the golden light, shrinking to the size of an ant in an instant - almost just a speck of dust compared to the nearly 700-meter-long god.

Exploding at full speed, the mini version of Nexus turned into an afterimage and flew straight towards the crack opened by the Eternal Spear. At the same time, he quickly completed the starting position and formed a cross with his hands.

Cross storm!

Under his current body shape, the light of the cross storm is also compressed to the extreme, as thin as a golden thread, but its power is not reduced at all. The cross storm violently bombarded the cracks in the god's armor, forcibly delaying the armor's self-recovery. Nexus took this opportunity to dive through the crack and rush into the god's body.

A violent flow of energy suddenly rushed towards his face, and a scorching storm swept Nexus' body into it, trying to repel him as an uninvited guest. The terrifying high temperature burned his body, and the powerful energy continuously impacted his skin. Not even Ultraman could sustain this environment for long.

That meant he had to get it done quickly.

There is no body made of flesh and blood under the god's armor, nor is it a pure energy life like Ultraman. What appeared in front of Nexus were countless criss-crossing mechanical parts, complexly connected with energy bodies one after another, forming parts similar to human internal organs.

In short, the bodies of gods seem to be a perfect fusion of machinery and energy. Half of them are composed of energy particles and the other half are machines.

But exploring the physiology of gods was not the purpose of Richard's trip. He increased his speed, almost disappearing, and nimbly bypassed all the mechanical and energy obstacles in front of him, heading straight for the core of the god.

In the Avengers 1 movie, Iron Man paid tribute to the classic story of "Jonah being swallowed into the belly of a fish" when facing the Chitauri transport ship, but he seems to be not the only protagonist who likes to do this. I don’t know if it’s inspired by the Bible, but it seems that when encountering opponents who are big and hard-shelled, various protagonists always like to get inside and wreak havoc, and the effect generally seems to be quite good.

But Richard's purpose was not to cause havoc.

His target is the cosmic energy of this god.

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