Gods are different from those big fools in other stories. Breaking into the body of a God is not an easy task. Even Nexus couldn't last long in it, and he wasn't naive enough to think that he could kill a god by just throwing a few rays of light in there.

However, he can try to steal the opponent's cosmic energy from within.

This is something only Ultraman can do. If anyone else breaks into the body of a god, 90% of the time they will die due to the harsh environment. If the remaining lucky ones try to absorb the energy of the universe without overestimating their own capabilities, they will most likely explode and die. .

Avoiding the impact of torrents one after another and bypassing complex metal structural components, Nexus quickly found the opponent's core. It was a ball of light that was too dazzling even for him. It was a collection of extremely pure and abundant cosmic energy that even Nexus' Ultra sight could not see through.

The moment he reached out, his instinct told him that this was not a good idea. He could clearly feel the ultra-high intensity of that ball of energy. Forcibly absorbing such powerful energy would definitely cause harm to his body. But he didn't stop because he had no choice now.

He had no chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation with the gods. This was something Richard understood after the first round of testing between the two sides. Taking away the opponent's cosmic energy, strengthening himself while weakening the opponent, this has been the ultimate goal of his plan from the beginning, and it is also his best opportunity.

Without hesitation, Nexus directly pressed both palms onto the huge ball of light.

The god's body quickly launched a counterattack, and the powerful energy in the light ball stung his palms and flowed back towards his body along his arms. The strong impact made Richard's head sink for the first time and his eyes were dizzy. The overbearing energy flow stirred up the energy in his body, as if there were countless undercurrents running around.

The Nexus weapon on his wrist buffered some of the damage. Richard tried his best to ignore the pain and discomfort. The power of light was running at full speed, absorbing all the energy that was constantly attacking him and converting it into light as quickly as possible.

He absorbed it extremely quickly, so fast that it even exceeded the upper limit of his body's endurance. Energy conversion actually has a process, and this process takes time, and he obviously doesn't have that much time to digest it now. The surrounding environment was becoming increasingly bad, and powerful energy streams kept roaring towards him. He speculated that it might be something similar to the immune system of a god. Nexus had to distract himself and create an energy barrier to resist the attack, but visually it could not last long.

When he felt that he had barely absorbed one-sixth of the total energy, his body seemed to have reached its upper limit.

After all, cosmic energy is high-level energy. If too much of this energy is accumulated in the body and cannot be digested in time, it will become a burden to the body. In addition, the energy barrier released by Nexus was on the verge of being broken, so although it was a pity, he had to give up the idea of ​​continuing to absorb it.

But just because he can't absorb it, doesn't mean there's nothing else he can do.

Nexus crossed his arms, spread them apart, and pointed upward diagonally from left to right, all in one movement. He quickly completed the charge, formed an L shape with his arms, and a stream of blue light rushed out!

The ultimate light!

The impact of the ultimate light penetrated the ball of light without any hindrance. The golden light trembled violently, as if it was about to burst at any moment. The cosmic energy in the god's body spontaneously released beams of light to resist, and the golden and blue rays of light violently impacted one place. The golden light quickly decomposed under the bombardment of the ultimate light at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into tiny particles that scattered in all directions.

If Nexus's previous absorption behavior was compared to the "Star Absorption Technique", then what he is doing now is equivalent to the "Gong Transformation Technique". The former is to absorb the other party's internal energy for one's own use, while the latter is to consume one's own internal energy and turn it into the other party's internal energy, which is a disgusting behavior that harms others and does not benefit oneself...

But don't tell me, this ultimate light has achieved quite good results. As soon as it shines down, it decomposes nearly one-sixth of the cosmic energy in the god's body. After this operation, the god had consumed a third of his original divine power, and he had already lost X...

Such behavior, of course, also caused a crazy counterattack from the mechanism in the god's body. It was as if all the parts of the God's body reacted violently, and a powerful energy storm set off in his body. The energy flow was like countless long whips whipping out like crazy, and the defensive barrier that had not much left was on the verge of being shattered in an instant. edge.

There is no room for hesitation, and if you delay any longer, you may not be able to leave. Nexus retreated quickly, rushing out at full speed against the violent current of energy, and flew out of the god's body along the way.

Flying out of the god's body, Nexus quickly returned to a size of fifty meters, squatting heavily and falling back to the ground in the Meta Domain. He turned around and saw the huge god staggering, and even his lightbulb-like eyes seemed to dim a bit.

It had an effect, he seemed to be weakened.

Nexus' energy has been replenished, and the crystal on his chest has turned back to blue, but his current condition cannot be said to be intact.

The cosmic energy I just absorbed in one breath was a bit too much. After all, cosmic energy is a foreign object and is rejected by his body before it is converted into light. Richard overestimated the upper limit of what his body could hold. It would take him longer to digest such strong energy.

But there is another way to speed up absorption.

That is to speed up consumption and consume it as quickly as possible. The rapid release of energy will naturally speed up the power of light in Nexus' body. This new cosmic energy will be drawn into the vortex of energy operation, which should also speed up the melting process.

As for speeding up energy consumption...that's not Richard's boast, it's too simple for Ultraman.

Nexus stood up, clenched his right fist and pointed at the sky, making a giant gesture.

The next moment, it seemed that all the energy permeating the entire Meita field had gathered. The photons condensed into rainbow-colored ripples visible to the naked eye, and merged into Nexus' body one after another. The body of the red giant continues to grow and expand on the red-brown earth. One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, five hundred meters... He quickly caught up with the opponent's height in the astonished eyes of the gods, and he still didn't even stop. Ultraman's body was like a needle standing between heaven and earth. , the body shape reaches the sky!

The golden light dissipated, and when Nexus finally stopped growing, the huge god had changed from one who looked down to one who looked up.

Nexus Red Adult - 999m level!

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