The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 413 Do good deeds without leaving a name!

Judging from the brief conversation with the devil before, it seems that the devils are preparing to make some big move in the world recently, and the vampire seems to be an important pawn in their plan. So even if we don't know what their specific purpose is, if vampires are eradicated on a large scale, it should cause some obstacles to them.

Just do it. Richard knocked out a vampire from the company of the "Night Family" website and captured him alive, and first brought him back to the Hydra headquarters. He called Gideon Malik. When the old man received the call from his boss, he jumped out of bed without thinking and rushed back to the headquarters in a hurry.

The Daily Planet has disclosed the existence of vampires before. Vampires are no longer a mythical species to ordinary people. Even without that report, high-level officials in various countries have always known about the existence of vampires. Some high-level countries have even signed an armistice agreement with vampire elders - humans can tolerate vampires preying on humans to a very small extent, and in exchange vampires often have to provide some benefits or do things for the government that are inconvenient for them. Do the dirty work.

Of course, a big man like Gideon Malik, who holds a high position and has the dual identity of Hydra, also knows this part of the agreement, so he was not particularly surprised when he saw his ancestor brought back a vampire.

Mr. Gideon Malik's current admiration for their "Hydra God" is really unbelievable. If the loyalty of a character can be rated from 0 to 100 points, then Malik can at least get it now. An excellent score of 90 points.

Richard didn't need to explain anything to Malik. The old man would most likely comply with whatever orders he gave. He only said that for the future development of Hydra and the bright prospects of conquering the world, vampires must be completely eradicated from the map.

He also proposed the idea of ​​using insights programs to solve problems. As expected, Malik didn't care much about his ancestor's decision. He just frowned and thought about it, then suggested that maybe there is something we can use the genes of these vampires before this? Like super soldier serum and human body enhancement?

This was an expected question. Richard knew that according to Hydra's brain circuit, he would most likely think so.

But of course this proposal was rejected by Richard without even thinking about it. He said: "The genes of the vampires have huge flaws. Although their average physical fitness level is stronger than that of humans, their strength is very limited. Let's not talk about their bloodthirsty impulses and the flaws of being unable to survive without sucking blood. They are naturally weak in light and weak in ultraviolet rays. , even exposure to a tiny bit of ultraviolet rays is enough to cause huge damage, and direct exposure to sunlight will cause immediate death. They are also afraid of silver, and even just scratching a little skin with silver weapons is enough to cause vampires to be killed. Kill instantly."

Malik thought about it and realized the same thing. The vampires are not much stronger than humans, but they have a lot of weaknesses and flaws. To be honest, vampires are actually in a weak position compared to humans. If the two races really went to war, such a huge genetic defect would be enough to directly sentence them to death.

As a member of the World Security Council, it is impossible for Malik not to know some tricks at the top of the government. In fact, it is precisely because the vampires are so easy to target that the human government reached an agreement with them and allowed them to exist. Most senior executives feel that vampires are not a real threat at all. It is impossible to eliminate vampires from the world without effective identification methods. Signing an agreement can not only effectively restrain vampires and compress their living space, but also allow vampires to Doing things for them will accomplish more than one thing.

Now that they are determined to clean up the vampires, it will definitely not work if they just rely on Hydra to go ahead and do it on their own. After all, what we are discussing here is vampires on a global scale. Although Hydra is deeply rooted in the world and powerful, there are only so many combatants that can be mobilized. It is obviously unrealistic to kill all the vampires in the world with only their few people. .

But it doesn't matter, Richard didn't intend to fight this battle on their own.

At this time, Mr. Malik's huge influence in the political world came into play. After the old man went down, he immediately used his personal connections to contact the senior officials of several countries he knew to share the same message, and informed the senior officials of major countries through various channels. They spread the news that vampires have invented a new way of infection. Now they no longer need to bite and suck blood to infect humans. They have invented some kind of solution that can infect humans at close range, and the invention is now almost complete. Past the experimental stage.

According to their words, mankind has now reached an important moment of life and death. If this continues, the vampires will be able to initiate large-scale transformation within a month, and by then there will be millions of people transformed into vampires through airborne transmission!

It has to be said that if Hydra wants to spread rumors, no one can do it better. The credibility of rumors also depends on the source. Hydra has important people with the right to speak at the top of various countries. Anyone who says anything will attract widespread attention from the top.

When high-level officials from various countries received the news, everyone began to seek verification. Major countries have used their spies in other countries to gather information from the superiors of other countries, and the results are of course surprisingly consistent - the news is true and 100% reliable!

All state leaders panicked instantly.

Vampires are not scary, but it would be scary if they really had the means to transform humans on a large scale. The old American president immediately informed SHIELD. When Luodan got the news, he couldn't help but wonder - as the head of the secret service, he seemed to have never heard of such a thing.

But he didn't say anything. Lu Dan had long wanted to get rid of the vampire, but his superiors had always dismissed it, saying it was not necessary. Now that the superiors have finally decided to take action, of course he has no objection, saying that SHIELD will provide all help within its capabilities.

Bureaucracy is extremely inefficient when doing things on a daily basis. Even to reimburse a wealthy person, you have to go through many twists and turns and sign a bunch of documents. However, when it comes to such major events involving the survival of mankind, the top leaders of various countries act quite quickly. In just three days, the united front of all mankind against vampires has been formed. Governments of various countries have spent a large amount of silver on their own pockets to build special weapons, sharpening their swords and preparing to conquer vampires.

Richard thought about it carefully and found that since he took over Hydra, everyone has been resisting aliens and exterminating terrorists, and now they have quietly contributed to the unified front of mankind against vampires. It is clearly a terrorist organization whose mission is to conquer the world. As a result, their journey of conquest has made zero progress so far, and they have not engaged in any terrorist activities. Instead, they are busy saving the world by doing good deeds without leaving a name. If this continues, their Snake Shield branch might as well just change its name to TPC...

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