Luo Dan supports the eradication of vampires, but he doesn't seem to take it too seriously. I don't know whether it's because he doesn't believe in the "mass infection" theory or because he doesn't think vampires can pose much of a threat. Anyway, Luo Dan It is clear that he does not intend to take charge of the command personally.

Agent Garrett stood up at this perfect time and volunteered to express his willingness to accept this glorious mission of fighting for the future of mankind. Luodan thought about it and felt that Old John was a suitable candidate because he had senior qualifications and rich combat experience. He had been responsible for leading external battles against aliens many times, so he nodded and left the matter entirely to him.

However, he still hesitated when he heard Garrett mention the battle plan.

"Insight Plan?" Lu Dan looked at him with one eye suspiciously, "Are you going to use Insight Plan to eliminate vampires?"

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., of course I have heard of the "Insight Project". However, although this was actually a plan to eliminate dissidents for Hydra, Lu Dan always thought that the purpose of the plan was to remotely eliminate terrorists and potential threats.

But Lu Dan's intuition was really accurate. Although he had unreserved trust in his former superior, Pierce, he never let up on the insight into the plan. Although Pierce has repeatedly mentioned the need to promote the implementation of this project, Lu Dan always shirks it, saying that the plan "remains to be seen."

Garrett said confidently: "Yes. I heard that the plan has been shelved before because of the consideration of 'whether it is appropriate to give the power to pull the trigger to the computer', but now our target is a vampire, I think not There is that problem. Those beasts and humans are incompatible with each other. Either we destroy them or we become their food."

Lu Dan thought about it and felt that this was the truth. He previously terminated the Insight Project because the targets to be eliminated in the plan were completely determined by computers. The algorithm that executed the program judged which person might be harmful and might become a public threat, and then that target had to be eliminated immediately - even if the other person actually had nothing else. Didn't do it.

But since the other party is a vampire, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there is no such thing as accidental injury or accidental killing against vampires. So after specifically emphasizing that civilians should not be accidentally injured, Lu Dan agreed to the proposal.

The Insight Project requires the use of a floating carrier, and currently only Aegis has this thing in the world. It's okay to build one or two secret bases and hide a few nuclear warheads with Luo Dan on his back, but if Hydra swaggers and drives away the floating carrier without Luo Dan seeing it, the other eye that might be his will also be Fat Orange was blinded.

As for how to distinguish vampires from ordinary people, this part is left to Mr. Reed Richards of Backus Tower.

In the original work, Mr. Richards can even crack the shape-shifting ability of the Skrulls, one of the three great empires in the universe, and it is easy to distinguish vampires from others.

Richard arranged for several high-level SHIELD agents to contact Mr. Richards and told him that the world was now forming a united front to eliminate vampires. They described the current situation as a "critical moment that determines the fate of mankind" and asked Mr. Richards to help mankind in this battle.

As the backbone of the Fantastic Four, Mr. Fantastic also has a strong sense of responsibility. When topics related to saving mankind are mentioned, he immediately becomes serious. The technological level of this thing is really nothing to say. The problem that has troubled generations of vampire hunters for countless years was solved by Mr. Fantastic in just three days...

After research, Mr. Fantastic found a specific spectral filtering method. Using that specific spectrum to process and scan the image can tell whether the target in the picture is a human or a vampire. This recognition technology was immediately applied to Aegis' floating mothership, so that the mothership could filter the satellite aerial photography and lock the locations of all vampires in the picture at one go.

After the preparations were completed, at dawn two days later, the armies of all major countries were engaged in the extermination of vampires.

Aegis's floating carrier took the lead, and the long-prepared Insight Plan was launched. The map on the big screen in the command room was suddenly filled with countless red dots, each dot representing a living vampire.

Seeing such a dense concentration of agents all over the room, they couldn't help but take a breath.

They knew there were vampires hidden among humans, but they never thought there would be so many!

Everyone felt chills running down their spines when they thought that the passers-by they met on the street or on the subway at night might be vampires.

Without any hesitation, Agent Garrett gave the order and opened fire!

The algorithm of the Insight Project has been processed on the original basis. The targets of the weapons avoid downtown and densely populated areas. All targets are lone vampires and large gathering places of vampires, such as their family businesses. , nightclubs, blood banks, and blood processing plants.

The vampires had no chance to resist at all, and most of them did not even realize that the disaster was coming until they died. The floating carrier fired all its bombs, and SHIELD fully demonstrated to all countries the advancement of their weapon systems and long-range strike technology. After the first round of bombing, half of the densely packed vampires on the map were immediately evaporated, and many vampires were still screaming in bed. As soon as he was sleeping, he and the whole house were blown up to the sky.

Of course, due to the issue of collateral damage, the targets of long-range attacks are only lone vampires and vampires living in groups, so a large number of fish are bound to slip through the net, and this is where the military is required to intervene.

The military and SHIELD cooperated again and temporarily established a new force specially established to exterminate vampires, with teams in various states and regions. Immediately after the missile bombing, a large number of soldiers rushed into the vampire's hiding place. A string of ultraviolet grenades opened the way. The soldiers didn't even see the silver bullets clearly and just shot them as if they were free. The vampires are using modern hot weapons. Under the firepower, there was no room to fight back.

Of course, some vampires reacted and quickly organized a counterattack, but their hasty response was completely meaningless, it was just a desperate struggle. The physique and bloodline that the vampires are proud of have no room for use in a firefight with hot weapons. Their weapons are not as advanced as humans, and their armor is inferior. Their military quality and accuracy of firearms are incomparable to those of well-trained soldiers. . Coupled with the fact that human soldiers are not necessarily fatal if they take a bullet, but vampires are at an absolute disadvantage if their skin is scratched by a silver bullet and they burp on the spot. There is almost no suspense in this battle from the beginning.

The history of vampires has reached its final page.

In a few days, this race will be a thing of the past.

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