Eternal Fire's overall improvement in the power of light is not high, but the fusion of this part of the energy enhances Richard's attributes in terms of fire. Through the absorption of this flame energy and the analysis of its principles, Richard's use of flames and resistance to fire-type attacks have also improved.

Don't underestimate the role of "fire resistance". There are many masters of fire in the Marvel world, and fire resistance is still a very important passive skill.

After all, this is not a game. There are no rare characteristics such as "fire immunity". All so-called immunity actually has an upper limit. The Human Torch of the Fantastic Four is basically the top master of playing with fire on Earth. However, he is only immune to flames below his own temperature. In the original work, the Flame King, one of the four messengers of Galactus, would also be burned to death when he met him. lie.

So, as one of the four ambassadors under the Swallowing Constellation, the Flame Emperor is a master of playing with fire and has Heavenly Father-level combat power. Is he completely immune to fire?

Of course not. Even the multiverse-level god Phoenix Boss can burn him to ashes.

The same goes for Ultraman. No matter how high your skin resistance is or how strong your strength is, you can't be completely immune to flames. The quality of eternal fire as fire energy is not low. After Richard has assimilated this part of the energy, at least he should be able to ignore all fire attacks of a lower level than it in the future.

Knowing that this gift was not cheap, Richard solemnly thanked Odin. The old man waved his hand casually, roughly meaning that we in Asgard have such a vast resource and there is no shortage of such artifacts.

Richard lost no time in complimenting him, and then smiled and showed off an enchanted hammer from heaven.

Richard said that this hammer has a name, called "Eight-edged Purple Gold Hammer". It is also a rare magic weapon. I think it is also very destined to you Asgard. Don't miss it when you pass by...

Odin: "..."

Okay, anyway, you can exchange one item for two items, so it’s better to stick to it as a favor.

This time the old man took out a gorgeous necklace, which shone dazzlingly as soon as it was revealed, and the brilliance almost filled the entire room.

He explained that this was Brichgarman's necklace, and the magic contained in it would increase the charm of the wearer and increase the favor of others. Richard estimated that the effect of this thing might be similar to the layers of gorgeous light effects worn by Archangel Gabriel. The effect is similar to a beauty filter...

Although it has nothing to do with fighting, this thing is indeed good and a good deal. Richard also exchanged it with Odin.

Then he slowly drew out a brilliant long sword...

Odin: "..."

You're not done yet, are you?

After handling the stolen goods... ah, no, they were trophies. Richard was quite satisfied with the harvest. He thanked him and was about to say goodbye when he was stopped by Odin.

"Young god, our world is about to welcome an ancient being. A strong man who once challenged the authority of the gods, but ended up being forgotten by the world." Odin said, "Do you remember this person?"

Richard was confused.

He wants to say that you always describe it so abstractly, without even a name or a photo, who knows who you are referring to?

However, the opening remarks of the old man's words sounded like the kind of hidden mission in the game. The trigger of such a mission is usually a mysterious and awesome NPC saying a series of strange words to you that make people confused.

Odin waved his hand, and images appeared in the space, surrounding them like a three-dimensional image.

What happened in the picture took place in a very ancient era. It was a dark space ruled by darkness, and even the light of stars could not shine in. It was a rare dark world even in the entire universe.

An extremely powerful being lives in this dark space. He is the ruler of this space and the only rule in the darkness. All life living here must obey his orders.

Until that group of unreasonable cosmic gods came to this space.

The Celestials like to form groups and travel around the universe, and the earth is certainly not the only place they have been. They take the construction and planning of the entire universe as their own responsibility, eradicate the life races that they think are detrimental to the universe as a whole, spread life, and protect the biological groups they are optimistic about.

Unfortunately, this place filled with darkness is on the God's blacklist. The Universe God Group decided to take action after observation and judgment, determined to wipe out everything in this place and rebuild this space.

Just like when the gods came to the earth and encountered the joint resistance of the local heavenly fathers and gods, it was naturally impossible for the ruler of the darkness to allow the foreign gods to attack their own territory.

So he rose up and waved his sword towards the God of the Universe. And he also accomplished a feat that shocked all the gods in the universe at that time - he killed one of the gods while surrounded by them, and chopped off the head of the god.

However, it is well known that the gods of the universe are connected with each other, and if you press one, more will always emerge. No matter how awesome a powerful person in the universe is, he cannot defeat them all. Therefore, it is not surprising that the strong man finally died of exhaustion under the siege of a large group of gods. His home was captured and recast by the gods, and his body was left to other corners of the universe.

But what the gods didn't expect was that hundreds of thousands of years later, the corpse would be reborn and come to life again. But the trauma of his death was so severe that he couldn't even move his body. So he unleashed his own darkness to infect the surrounding environment, turning more and more things around him into some kind of parasite.

Yes, that was the origin of those later symbiotes, including Venom.

Then the identity of this big boss is about to be revealed.

"Nar." Richard said the name of this former strong man lightly, "The God of Symbiote, the Lord of the Symbiote Planet."

This is a real boss. Odin said that he once "battled" a group of gods, but that was just an old man's boasting. In fact, he was pinned down by a group of gods in a few seconds and couldn't get up. However, Nar, the god of symbionts, seriously took off the head of a god in the midst of thousands of troops. He was beaten by a large group of gods and survived for a while before dying.

Oh, he could even bring himself back to life hundreds of thousands of years after he died. This magical skill is absolutely S-level rare in the entire Marvel multiverse...

Odin's mention of this figure immediately caught Richard's attention. Is this symbiote god eyeing the earth?

If that's the case, this would be a bit difficult. The resurrected God of Symbiote has regained some strength. If it is at full strength, Richard estimates that even with all the power of the earth, it may be difficult to defeat the opponent.

"No, he himself is not in Midgard yet." As if he could see through his mind, Odin quickly continued, "But his minions are different."

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