The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 441 Symbiote Dragon

"This is not just the first time that the symbiote has visited the Earth." Odin continued, "Many, many years ago, long before humans developed such technology, this evil creature had already visited the Earth. And at that time, it appeared It is Thor who rises to the challenge."

Richard also had an impression of this allusion. It was also a story told in the comics. Many years ago, a creature called the "Dragon of Symbiotes" came to Earth. From the outside, it was a giant dragon made of symbiotes that was as sticky as venom. It had a huge body like a monster and sharp white fangs. , powerful and extremely evil.

Richard vaguely remembered that the comic mentioned that this thing was defeated by Thortenk. Because the symbiote is afraid of noise and light, Brother Hammer's thunder and lightning are the natural enemies of the symbiote, so that awesome evil dragon was pressed by him on the spot...

This symbiote dragon is not an ordinary symbiote. It is said to be a monster that has direct contact with the symbiote god whose body is located on the alien planet and is remotely controlled by the boss. When Richard saw this dragon being knocked down by Thor in an understatement, he subconsciously thought, Oh, this god of symbiote is nothing more than that...

But the version Odin said is different: "The evil dragon is extremely powerful, and even Thor is not its opponent. But fortunately, Thor's ability has a restraining effect on the symbiote itself. He exerted all his strength The freeing blow broke the bond between the evil dragon and its terrible master, and temporarily defeated it."

Odin sighed softly: "He never mentioned it after he came back, but I know the ins and outs of the whole thing. Thor said that he easily defeated his opponent and solved the hidden danger once and for all, but I know that things are not that simple. Sooner or later, there will be One day this will bring greater disaster to Midgard."

Richard was stunned.

What the old man means is that in fact, Thor couldn't defeat the symbiote dragon at all. Things like beating the opponent so hard that he called him daddy and winning easily were all nonsense he boasted to his brothers when he came back to drink. He was just lucky enough to electrocute Gnar with a hammer, otherwise he would definitely lose in the end.

"So, the god of symbiote is coming?" Richard asked.

Otherwise, why would the old man mention this matter after so many years?

The old man shook his head slightly.

"Although Thor defeated the symbiote dragon, he did not die. His body remained on the earth, buried deep in a corner that no one knew about...until humans discovered it and tried as always To take control of what you don’t understand.”

Richard suddenly seemed to know what was going on.

This seems to be what human governments like to do in all movies, TV shows and animations. They dig up something that is extremely dangerous and beyond their understanding, and then use it to do scientific research, try to weaponize it, etc., and the end result is always that they create some uncontrollable monster in the laboratory , and then the world ends.

"I don't know why, but I know you care about Midgard." Odin said, "Nar himself is also the prey of the gods, but he has temporarily escaped from the sight of the gods. I think maybe you will know about him. interested."

oh? But if the Celestials want to kill the symbiote, what does it have to do with me, Otoman?

But it would be really troublesome for the God of Symbiote to be lured to Earth. Richard continued: "So that evil dragon you mentioned, where is it now? Has it revived?"

"Almost." Odin waved his hand, "As for more detailed information, I'm afraid you have to find it yourself."

Knowing that he could get no more information from Odin, Richard returned to Earth with questions.

He never paid attention to symbiotes or anything like that, but their leader's combat power was completely unknown, so it was still worth being wary of.

Richard recalled. Remember in the original work, it was mentioned that the symbiote dragon that was killed by Thor was dug up by SHIELD? Later, it seems that SHIELD also conducted human experiments with symbiotes to try to create Venom agents, but the results were not very satisfactory...

SHIELD's business is his own business, and now Richard has automatically regarded SHIELD as his own backyard. After he came back, he immediately changed his vest and arranged for Agent Sitwell, the bald man, to investigate the relevant records in the SHIELD files.

Although the bald man is a bit timid and his character is not very good, his ability as a confidant left behind by Minister Lao Pi is still online. Soon he brought back the results, saying that there was indeed such a thing in SHIELD's internal files!

The matter was classified as highly confidential, but it was not classified to the level of "accessible only to the director," so the bald brother downloaded the file without much effort. It did mention that SHIELD dug up the remains of the Symbiote Dragon, and also mentioned that SHIELD used symbiotes for human experiments in an attempt to create super soldiers.

That was all in the 1960s. After Captain America disappeared, the whole world started a craze for super soldiers like crazy, especially the United States, which tried almost every means to copy something similar. Agent Venom was one of those projects.

It's just that the record finally shows that all the symbiote agents eventually lost control, and the experimental camp at that time spent a huge price to subdue the soldiers. SHIELD's superiors subsequently labeled the project a failure. They believed that the thing was too unstable, and the project was immediately discontinued.

The recorded contents so far are consistent with Mr. Odin’s popular science. So the question now is - where did the symbiote go?

It just so happens that this most critical part of the file does not contain even a single word of record, as if this part of the content is completely missing.

The bald man does his job conscientiously. He found that important content in the files he found was missing, and he took the initiative to find out the reasons without waiting for orders from his leaders.

After several days of unremitting efforts by the bald brother, he finally found some clues. The bald brother reported that before Richard, there were other leaders in Hydra who also expressed interest in the symbiote project. The other party specifically contacted the then head of the Snake Shield Bureau, Mr. Pierce, and used money and some aliens to discuss the matter. In exchange, the capable person took away this part of the data and all its copies from their snake shields.

And that Hydra leader is Dr. Whitehall.

Richard couldn't help but murmur in his heart when he heard this.

Isn’t that old immortal in Whitehall studying aliens like a maniac all day long? Why are you suddenly interested in symbiotes?

Hydra is also a master at seeking death, and Whitehall is the leader among them. If the symbiote dragon is really in his hands, it will really make people uneasy.

With nothing to say, Richard immediately arranged a meeting with Dr. Whitehall. He wanted to talk to the old immortal face to face.

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