The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 466 Synthetic Alien Beast

"Yizumi Ru." Richard stood in the conference room of the Aegis Mothership, his eyes slowly sweeping over the participants, "This is the registration code of the alien beast that last appeared in the Dark Realm G. .”

"Let me guess," Stark raised his hand to interrupt, "while we were fighting outside, you were in this room trying to name the alien beast, right? Or was it not you who came up with the name? "

"Don't interrupt, Tony." Captain America interrupted, then turned to Richard, "Don't worry about Mr. Li, please continue."

Richard never stopped to pay attention to what Stark meant. He continued: "Yizumaru is a synthetic alien beast. It is a new individual formed by combining the molecules of multiple alien beasts after they were broken up and reshaped under the control of unknown hands."

"How many alien beasts?" asked the widowed sister, "How many...approximately how many?"

She also asked the question that everyone was most concerned about. Everyone will naturally think that the more synthetic materials there are, the higher the quality of the monster will be, just like combining equipment in the game.

And in this case, they were right.

"We don't know the specific number, because judging from the scanning results of the interior of Dark Realm G, Yizu Mairu was created long before this battle. We can't guess how many alien creatures there were before today. The beast was fused into it." Richard paused and said, "But at least according to the group, Meru should have fused the constituent particles of the six alien beasts in this battle. Pedron, Grugram, No. Sphire, Garubus, Gulantla...and Meguflash who was the first to land in Manhattan."

"So, this fusion... what kind of state is it probably like?" Luodan interjected and asked, "Is it like eating your companions as nourishment so that you can gain stronger strength?"

"It's worse than that." Richard explained calmly, "Yizumaru can not only strengthen its own physique by swallowing other alien beasts, but also obtain weapons, organs and parts from other alien beasts, and even other alien beasts. The power of the beast.”

"Can even abilities be copied?" Dr. Banner adjusted his glasses, "Probably not? I have also studied the abilities and structures of these alien beasts. From the observation results, it seems that their learning ability is indeed very strong. Able to sum up experience and learn skills such as flying, escaping, or energy projection. However, special abilities such as phase transformation that require specific organs to be realized should not be replicated..."

Richard nodded in agreement with Dr. Banner's opinion.

Dr. Bruce Banner is worthy of being an expert in the biological field, and his research on the new species of alien beasts is indeed thorough.

Indeed, the learning ability of ordinary alien beasts should be limited. For example, in the first few episodes of the TV series, Pedron learned to fly, convert the energy in his body into fireballs by imitating the fighting methods of the Night Raid team, and later even learned to take hostages. But these are abilities that it can imitate based on its physical condition. Things like Garubus's illusion and Grugram's phase-changing ability are impossible to imitate.

But Yizu Mairu is no ordinary alien beast.

"The question raised by Dr. Banner is indeed critical. It also involves another terrible fact we discovered on Yizu Mairu." Richard said solemnly, "The moment that guy appeared from the dark realm G, Many of SHIELD's monitoring equipment captured Izumaru's alien beast vibration waves from the Dark Realm G.

Different from the previous vibration waves of alien beasts, the wave curve of Yijimairu is very complicated. After processing it through specific means, it can be seen that it is composed of many different vibration waves of alien beasts.

And when we tried to remove those messy fluctuations, leaving only the core part of the vibration waves, we found that the main component of Yizumaru actually had a match in the alien beast database... it was this guy. "

He said and tapped twice on the control panel of the conference table.

The projected image on the screen changed. A long curve of the alien beast's vibration wave appeared at the bottom of the screen, and above it was the match found after cross-comparing the curves.

Everyone present recognized that guy.

The huge black wings, the ferocious face, the huge body, the bloody fangs exposed in the big mouth, and the face seemed to be sneering ferociously.

That was the original alien beast and the source of everything.

The One, the ancestor of the alien beast.

Luodan looked at Richard suspiciously: "Isn't this guy dead?"

The implication is, didn’t you promise me that it would never die again? How could he still pop out and cause trouble?

"Yes, it is indeed completely dead. Ultraman's light has indeed broken it into molecular-level particles." Richard said, "But it is obvious that its remains were destroyed by someone who is very powerful and has superb skills." The technical people captured it. Someone collected the scattered molecules of The One and designed the Yizu Mailu based on it. Because of The One's strong adaptability as the ancestor of the alien beast, the Yizu Mailu Only then can we be compatible with the abilities of all alien beasts.”

Dr. Banner found this incredible: "Collecting molecular-level particles to design new alien beasts... Is this possible?"

"This is not a question of whether it is possible, Dr. Banner." Richard said expressionlessly, "Someone did it. This is a fact we must face now."

Richard didn't want to discuss this with them too much, there was no point in that.

Dark Zaki's skills are beyond their imagination. As Diablo, Zaki is not just good at fighting. Zaki can create so many alien beasts with the remaining alien beast factors of The One, and can design puppets with power comparable to Ultraman like Dark Faust and Dark Mephistopheles. His level of knowledge must also be high. Not bad.

The conference room fell into a brief silence.

Everyone quickly realized the seriousness of the problem. The power of The One is obvious to all. In fact, many people have personally participated in that battle. The ancestral alien beast's hard-resistant nuclear bomb plus a shot of Ultraman's ultimate beam, brute force to break through the Metafield, and a series of other The strong performance is really impressive.

Fusing The One with a bunch of other alien beasts?

Something like this makes it almost impossible to imagine the possibility of victory.

"But there's nothing to be nervous about, right?" Hawkeye suddenly broke the silence, "Isn't there also Ultraman here? Everyone has seen it. He knocked down five alien beasts all by himself, just like for fun. Simple. So whether he combines ten or twenty alien beasts, he will only be able to do it in seconds, right?"

In fact, not only Hawkeye, but also many people in the room thought so. In fact, Nexus's performance today was so impressive that people couldn't help but have the illusion that "he can defeat anything."

Even the braised egg cast a questioning look. He also wanted to ask, can't you beat this Yimai or something in seconds?

But Richard shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity, but we can't be too optimistic this time." He said, "Preparing for the worst... Ultraman may not be able to win this battle."

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