The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 467 What does it mean?

This is not an alarmist statement by Richard to scare these superheroes. He is really unsure whether he, the original Ultraman, can defeat Izumaru.

In the original TV series, Mairu Izumi showed his ability to completely suppress Rana, and was top-notch in terms of attack, defense, and agility. Coupled with the fact that it combines the abilities of multiple alien beasts, has a bunch of messy and very difficult abilities, and the super self-healing ability inherited from The One, it is simply unsolvable.

The end of the original work relies on the super-level performance of the explosive seed of Blue Nexus, coupled with the only ultimate secret that Lan Nai has opened, which overdraws the vitality of the fittest, like an ultimate blow like a burning phoenix. The ultimate light arrow, storm, finally defeated Izumaru.

But if it's just against the Yizu Mairu in the TV work, Richard actually feels that he has a pretty good grasp. Although his level of evolution as Ultraman is not yet at Lanna's level, he has been promoted so many levels through other opportunities and ways, and his combat power has already exceeded the limits of Nexus in the original work. It might still be a long shot to fight Dark Zaki, but he felt that it would only take a little more effort to deal with an Izumaru.

But that is based on the fact that Izumaru's combat power is only limited to his TV performance.

From the sudden glimpse through the Dark Realm G, Richard saw with certainty that the main body of Izumaru came from The One that he once defeated. The degree of evolution of The One has already exceeded the level in the original work, not to mention that it has the possibility of unlimited evolution.

Preparing for the worst, maybe this Izumaru fused with The One also inherits the ability to evolve infinitely. Then only God knows how strong this Izumaru will be when it jumps out of the black hole.

In any case, this alien beast is already considered a near-god-level opponent, if not a god-level opponent. To be honest, neither SHIELD nor Avengers nor Richard really think they can do much more to help. It was only because he considered that the Avengers, as the protagonists of Marvel's local side, each had several hidden secrets, so Richard only explained it to them until now.

If Thor's ancestral divine power awakens and directly enters the Rune King state, or if Stark is suddenly inspired by an alien to create the legendary God Eater armor, one cannon and a group of gods, then he can I laughed as I watched the Avengers beating up the alien beasts, while I lay back and paddled comfortably.

Of course that's not realistic.

The reality is that there is a tough battle ahead, and there is a high probability that he will need to fight this battle himself.

"So are there any countermeasures?" Captain America asked Richard. "Does this alien beast have any weaknesses that can be exploited? Are there any tactics that can be deployed? Or any suggestions."

Everyone's eyes also turned towards him.

The previous tactics to deal with Meguflash were also designed by Richard. Although there were some mistakes in the execution at the last minute, everyone still recognized his deployment ability and acquiesced that he was the best tactic against alien beasts among everyone present. expert.

But this time Richard said nothing, only shook his head.

Develop tactics? How to formulate?

Yiju Mairu has no shortcomings or weaknesses. He is not afraid of sea battles, land battles, air battles, and space battles. There is no weak spot that makes him easily injured. Even if we take all the existing nuclear warheads of mankind and hit it in the head - not to mention that mankind has no capital to do so, I am afraid that at best it will only scratch off a layer of its skin.

Originally, auxiliary weapons such as concussion bombs, flash bombs, and ultrasonic bombs might be useful, but this trick has been used on The One before. It is impossible for the same tricks to be effective against alien beasts for the second time. Izumaru who absorbed The One must also be immune to these methods.

He has clearly explained all the details that need to be explained. Whether they can come up with any clever tricks depends on the performance of the Avengers.

Thinking that there was nothing he could do, Richard then took his leave and left the mothership temporarily.

There were too many things to do next, and he had to go back home to explain some things.

After arriving home, the little witch was the first to greet him excitedly, her eyes seemed to light up when she looked at him (although her eyes seemed to light up when she looked at him normally). She said that Ultraman won the battle just now so beautifully. He casually raised his hand and killed five alien beasts in seconds. He was so handsome.

Richard coughed twice to interrupt Wanda's girl-obsessed behavior. He asked about the whereabouts of the other two people at home, and the result was as expected. Comrade Jessica, a conscientious and good reporter, went to the blockade to take photos and collect information. At this time, she might have found a way to sneak into the blockade. And Spider-Woman, the neighborhood superhero who is used to doing good deeds anonymously, went out to rescue disasters and save people again, and both of them are not at home now.

Richard waved his hand and said: "Don't be too eager to be happy. The alert has not been lifted yet, and the battle is not over yet. The alien beasts before were just appetizers, and more terrifying enemies will appear next."

"Ah?" Wanda was a little frightened, but quickly said, "But you can defeat them, right?"

"I will try my best. But before that, I am back to explain something else."

Richard paused and said solemnly to Wanda, "Listen, I have a very important task for you next."

As a result, before he could finish speaking, the little witch immediately looked solemn and turned back to the room without saying a word, leaving Richard there with a blank look on his face.

If you're not a girl, wait a minute. I haven't told you what I want you to do yet. Why are you so active?

Could it be that the Book of Darkness taught her how to read minds? She knew what I was going to say before I even opened my mouth?

After a while, the little witch came out and put on a "fancy dress". She was wearing a red leather jacket with a low-cut black lining inside, a mysterious ravine vaguely exposed in the middle, and a pair of long legs covered with exquisite black silk.

The holy water from heaven that Richard gave her was enchanted with crimson chaotic magic, and transformed into a sharp dagger in her hand. In her other hand, she was holding the dark and thick Book of Darkness, and she was ready to go, with "Who are you going to do?" written all over her face.

Richard was speechless: "What are you going to do?"

"Go and help you." Wanda opened her big, watery eyes, "Don't you want my help?"

"So this is your battle suit?"

"Yes, I made it myself." The little witch turned around proudly, "Does it look good?"

Richard: "."

So your combat uniform... why do you wear black silk?

When he saw the Scarlet Witch dressed like this in the movie, he thought it was very satisfying and eye-catching, but now that he saw the little witch dressed like this with his own eyes, he just felt like making fun of her. You are going out to fight, not for a talent show. Why do you want to wear stockings?

There was another thing that Richard couldn't say, but he couldn't help but glance at the little witch's chest several times.

Just wear stockings. But what do you mean by this hemisphere?

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