The alert in downtown Manhattan has not been lifted, the army is still blocking the core area, and the battered streets are still empty without a ghost.

But people are no longer as panicked as before.

Previously, the government had taken such drastic measures, including evacuation and deployment of defense lines. The whole situation was like an apocalyptic situation, which made the citizens panic and feel like pills.

And after Ultraman appeared, everything seemed to be solved instantly. The six alien beasts were easily defeated, but the Ultraman was still able to do so with ease, as if it was effortless.

That power deeply shocked everyone, making those who were not even interested in the unknown figure of Ultraman feel an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

It is the feeling of knowing that the world is under absolute safety protection, which makes people believe that no matter what happens, this giant of light can resolve it with ease.

So what else do you have to worry about?

Just do whatever you have to do. Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up. Even if the gods come, they may not be able to defeat our Autuman, so why bother worrying about it?

There is no shortage of weird things anywhere in the world. A group of young people who have grown up under the influence of popular culture and smoked and permed their hair, which is not mainstream, suddenly appeared on the streets everywhere, holding up signs that read something like "Go down from government" and "Ten thousand people have blooded their books to ask for help." Terman rules mankind" and the like.

The West is especially rich in this kind of neurosis. They either look forward to the end of the world or aliens to rule the world all day long, as if this can express their political aspirations and appear cool.

In fact, a few days ago, the slogans of the young men and women had written slogans such as "Alien beasts destroy mankind" and "The end is coming". However, no one expected that Ultraman was so powerful, so powerful that... Man feels that as long as he exists, the end of the world will never come to him. Therefore, the two young people had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. After repeated meetings and consultations, they unanimously agreed that Ultraman should drive away the government and take over the earth...

Not to mention that no one cares about the opinions of these lunatics, even Ultraman himself, as written on their slogan, has no trouble in his heart.

Richard wanted to laugh when he saw the funny slogans.

Oh, leading mankind? Do you pay my salary?

There are a lot of messes in human society, which have never been clarified from ancient times to the present. It is better for me to meddle in such nosy things when I am full, than to lie on the sofa and watch TV dramas...

The general public has no sense of urgency, but high-level government officials do. Those old men and women have never had a peaceful sleep. Even when they go to bed every night, they want to talk in their sleep, "There are always some unscrupulous people who want to harm me." There is never a time when they are not nervous.

It's just that the old men are nervous now not because they are worried about the upcoming alien beast Izumi Ru, but because they are worried that Ultraman wants to take the position under their butts...

Richard described to Lu Dan that the threat factor of Yizu Mairu had increased tenfold, and Luo Dan went to the World Security Council to report the situation and even increased this factor ten times more. He said that what we are about to face is an unprecedented alien beast. Even Ultraman is no match for it. We must take it seriously...

However, it may be that the council said too many things like braised eggs that the council didn’t believe it. An old man asked: "Director Fury, you are not deliberately exaggerating the seriousness, just because you want our funding, are you?"

Luo Dan is indeed the king of agents. When faced with the questioning from his superiors, he not only looked calm, but even looked upright: "I can vouch for my personality, sir, that what I just said is true. The establishment of SHIELD is legitimate." It is for this reason, and the reason why I am in this position is to fulfill my responsibility. This may be the greatest crisis that mankind has ever faced, and we must use all the resources at our disposal..."

"But the last time you applied for the 'Ghatanjie Plan', we had already allocated a huge amount of funds to you, but there was no doomsday-level crisis as you described..."

spiced corned egg:"……"

MD, this bad old man has a really good memory.

But Lu Dan remained calm: "As you just mentioned, that was just a plan, a preparation for a possibility in the future. But it is different now. Now we are at the crossroads where we need to make a choice. We need to Fight for the future of mankind..."

"But you don't have conclusive evidence this time, do you?" a female council member said, crossing her fingers, "In addition, judging from the actual battles before, the combat power of those alien beasts and Ultraman is actually very different. In fact, he is not a match for Ultraman at all. This forces us to re-evaluate the reports you submitted on fighting alien beasts in the past, Director Fury. We suspect that you may have deliberately exaggerated the threat of alien beasts every time. Just to take more operational funds from us..."

spiced corned egg:"……"

Although Director Fury seems to be calm now, in fact, he is really worried.

Has he deliberately exaggerated the facts before to defraud the council of money? Of course there is, and it’s not just a day or two, but in fact this is a tacit fact that everyone knows.

But this time...he really didn't lie!

Even Ultraman himself said that he might not be able to do what he did this time. Do you think the matter is serious?

The current situation of Braised Egg is a bit like the shepherd boy crying wolf, and the council is starting to not buy it...

Not only that, another old man also put forward a new point of view: "I think that what we should worry about more than the alien beast is Ultraman. We were helpless with him before, but from the current situation, it seems that his The strength even far exceeds our expectations.”

Another member also nodded in agreement: "Indeed, this is a completely unrestrained force. Moreover, Ultraman's voice among ordinary people is getting louder and louder. Some people even think that he should be responsible for it personally." Replacing the political power is a very dangerous trend.”

"Maybe this was his conspiracy from the beginning." The female member also echoed, "Maybe his initial purpose was to win people's hearts and lay an ideological foundation for subsequent plans. Maybe his purpose from the beginning was to rule mankind. , or even worse..."

Seeing several council members piecing together Ultraman's "evil plan" word by word, Luodan stood speechless.

He wants to say that you all should stop making blind guesses. The plan you have imagined is too complicated, and they don't even bother to waste their brain cells.

Besides, if people really want to drive you out of office, then it’s useless for you to think about what you have and what you don’t have...

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