The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 470 Are you Ultraman?

One day later, the alien beast made a comeback.

Only this time it's not one, nor five... but twenty alien beasts!

The dark realm G opened without warning, and its scope spread all over the world! Pedron, Bagbazun, Nofisir... A total of twenty alien beasts of different types were dropped from the dark whirlpool one after another and landed in major cities around the world.

They had no plan, no clear purpose, and began to destroy indiscriminately from the moment they landed, as if destruction itself was the meaning of being thrown down.

This was a completely unexpected development for everyone, and no one expected such a situation to occur. Governments were completely unprepared for this situation and everyone was caught off guard.

Countless houses were blown up, and countless people died under the claws and light of the alien beasts without even having a chance to react. In just a few minutes, the total number of casualties around the world has climbed into four figures.

People quickly began to respond urgently. The city was evacuated and troops were quickly dispatched. The top-shelf aces such as imitation Iron Man armors and mecha combat units secretly developed by several major powers have been revealed, but they have had little effect.

Without in-depth research and understanding of the alien beasts and technical support, it is basically impossible to defeat the alien beasts with conventional firepower.

Intercontinental missiles can damage the skin of alien beasts, but alien beasts can heal themselves in the blink of an eye. Nuclear weapons can hope to destroy the bodies of ordinary alien beasts, but they cannot prevent the alien beasts from recovering themselves.

Without Ultraman's light suppression, even if there is only one Cell Alien Beast left after being blown up, it can still recover to its original state.

It wasn't until disaster truly struck everyone that people became completely panicked. The top government officials also temporarily put aside the issue of "how to defeat Ultraman" and began to deal with the crisis of the alien beasts.

Luodan's previous warning was regarded as alarmist by everyone, but now that disaster has struck, everyone immediately turned to SHIELD. A large number of calls were made to SHIELD's dedicated line, and high-level officials at all levels of governments began to frantically request support from SHIELD and the Avengers. The old men and women on the council also changed their attitude, and they all said that Director Fury, you can ask for whatever money you want, as long as you can get rid of these twenty alien beasts, you can ask us to find a way to sell the White House...

Do you want funding for Braised Eggs? Of course he wants to.

It's a pity that Lu Dan is also very busy right now, and Aegis isn't free either.

Because just one minute after news of the invasion of alien beasts came from twenty major cities around the world, the world's largest and most violent dark field G vibration wave appeared.

The altitude is nine thousand meters, and the coordinates happen to be less than one mile in front of their floating carrier.

"The vibration wave reaction of strong alien beasts was detected in the dark field G!"

Fitz, the young scientist who was transferred to the command room to participate in the operation, turned pale. His throat felt dry and his tongue was almost knotted.

"It's... the ultimate synthetic alien beast, Yizu Mairu!"

The faces of everyone on the ship changed.

There was no doubt, no luck, the other party was obviously coming for their mothership.

The agents' eyes quickly turned to Commander Lu Dan, obviously waiting for him to give orders. Luo Dan remained silent, only silently casting his gaze at Richard in the command room.

Richard returned the look without saying a word, just silently turned around and exited the command room.

What to do? What else can be done?

The technological content of this floating carrier may be decades ahead of the Earth's, and the missiles and energy weapons it carries are indeed powerful, but so what?

In front of Yizumaru, these were no more than children's building blocks and were of no use.

Richard left the command room and walked quickly down the empty corridor. With a thought, the Evolutionary Trustee had appeared in his hand.

This is his fight and he can only rely on himself.

But then someone suddenly called out to him: "Wait a minute."

Richard paused. He turned his head half-way to look, only to find Captain America behind him, followed by Stark in armor.

It seems that they also changed into the equipment immediately after learning about the situation the mothership was facing, and were preparing to go out to fight.

But Richard didn't think the Avengers could be of much help. If they went out so hastily, they would put themselves in danger. So he said calmly: "You can't beat it, captain. If I were you, I would not lead the team to fight a battle with no chance of winning."

"Then at least we can lose together." Captain America said seriously, "We are Avengers, and we never give up."

Richard had already expected that Captain America would not be someone who could be persuaded so easily, so he just said it casually. He shook his head without saying anything more, turned around and prepared to continue walking away.

But Captain America spoke again: "So your plan is to go up and fight alone, Mr. Li? Or...Ultraman?"

Richard stopped again.

"What?" Stark looked at the captain with a shocked expression, "Captain, what are you talking about? I told you that Ultraman's body is made of light particles and is a life form beyond our understanding. He can't be human, let alone this guy. And... well, just wait."

As he spoke, the visor in front of him closed with a click, and various detectors in the armor began to scan Richard from head to toe.

", this is impossible." Stark kept saying to himself, "There must be an error in the data somewhere..."

"The vibration wave released by the object in Mr. Li's hand is exactly the same as Ultraman's waveform, sir, and that thing is obviously interacting with and repelling the vibration wave of the alien beast." Jarvis said, "According to reasonable Calculated, the probability that Mr. Richard Lee is Ultraman is..."

"Shut up Jarvis," Stark said, confused, "I need some peace and quiet."

Richard slowly turned his head and looked at Captain America calmly: "Thor told you? Or Fury?"

Stark became even more confused: "Thor also knows?"

Captain America shook his head: "No, no one told me. But... maybe it's intuition, I've noticed it to some extent. Living a long time can sometimes really make you gain a lot of knowledge."

Richard nodded in understanding: "Indeed. But there is nothing that cannot be said. I have never tried to hide it. So yes, captain, I am Ultraman."

Stark begins to doubt life...

"So you said before that even Ultraman may not be the opponent of the alien beast this time... Are you serious?"

"Yizumaru is indeed a strong enemy, and even if we defeat it, it won't be over yet. This is obviously a trap, a trap aimed at me." Richard did not answer directly, but said lightly, "But what is the result? It’s not important, what’s important is that I can’t escape this battle.”

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