The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 472 New York again?

"Ultraman and the alien beasts are moving away from the mothership and are currently fighting over the Atlantic Ocean." SHIELD's correspondent continued to report, "According to their moving direction and speed... they will arrive at the seaside of New York within a minute!"

"New York again?" Even the braised eggs couldn't help complaining this time. Why are you there again? Does this broken city have a grudge against monsters and aliens?

Without saying a word, Stark closed his visor and turned around to go out.

"Wait, Tony," Captain America stopped him, "Where are you going?"

"Needless to say?" Stark said, "Someone has to do something, at least it's better than just watching here."

Luo Dan crossed his arms and asked, "Do you have a plan?"

"Yes." Stark said without hesitation, "The plan is to attack."

"Ha, I like this plan." Thor smiled, picked up the hammer and walked up, "I'll go with you."

In fact, Thor couldn't stand still and wanted to go out and fight. For Brother Hammer, whether he can beat him or not has never been the first thing to consider. He is only responsible for swinging the hammer and never thinks much about other things.

Captain America took a deep breath and said, "Tony..."

"Don't try to stop me, Captain." Stark interrupted him rudely, "I know he said we should wait here, but that's impossible. I can't just watch here and let him People fight on our behalf..."

"I didn't say I was going to stop you, Tony," the captain said, "I said you might need to bring a few teammates with you."

Stark froze.

"Very surprised?"

"Unexpected." Stark said, "I thought you would say that this is completely irrational, and then make a long speech about tactics and strategies."

"I said that the Avengers never abandon anyone, and I'm not just saying that." Captain America smiled, then turned his head solemnly, "Avengers assemble! We are going to support our comrades."

At this moment, the Atlantic Ocean.

A super punch at a speed of Mach 10 releases a powerful force that is enough to kill a conventional alien beast in an instant. Shining golden light surrounded Yizumaru's body, and the alien beast's huge body seemed to have turned into a burning meteor. Ultraman and the alien beasts struggled together and fell into the sea while wrestling. When they fell, they stirred up a water curtain more than 100 meters high.

The two sides were moving at extremely high speeds, and by this time they were only more than a mile away from the New York coast. Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the city. Countless cameras were focused on the location where both parties fell into the water. Everyone was anxiously waiting for the result.

About ten seconds later, what they waited for was a disaster appearing from under the blue sea.

There was a loud noise, and the calm sea stirred up thousands of waves. The alien beasts broke out of the water like a world-destroying demon, and landed in New York City with endless pressure.

Yes, it's in troubled New York again, and it's outside the blockade. Ten minutes ago, everyone was thankful that twenty alien beasts appeared in one breath. They were running around in New York City and didn't hit any of them. However, ten minutes later, the most terrifying one came to their side...

It was a complete disaster. Immediately after landing, Yizumaru began to do his job conscientiously. Electricity, light, and fireballs were all blasted out without reservation, and a large part of the house was knocked down like dominoes. .

The tentacles of the alien beast waved, and the long whip-like tentacles whipped the street into pieces, and the building was cut off in the middle. The broken buildings fell crookedly and shattered into pieces on the street.

At this moment, Yizu Mairu is still getting stronger.

Richard speculated that this might be the purpose of the person behind the scenes. In fact, this approach was similar to Jormungandr's original approach. The purpose of the alien beasts sent around the world is to spread fear and bring a nightmare to the world, and to strengthen Izumaru by absorbing these fear energies.

Therefore, as the battle progresses, Izumiru can continue to become stronger.

And he had to stop it.

Ripples arose on the sea level, and the golden light kept approaching like a sun sunk beneath the water.

There was an explosion, and the red body broke out of the water right after the alien beast. It made a series of gorgeous tumblings in the air, drawing a long golden curve, and locked on the direction of Yizu Mairu like a tracking missile. Come.

When Izumaru turned his head, Nexus was already close at hand. His right foot seemed to be burning with golden flames, and he hit Izumaru in the head with a flying kick!

The powerful impact shook the body of the alien beast, sending it flying out. The ground shattered with a rumble and the land sank.

Yizu Mairu's head was severely injured, and the hit area seemed to be burned with a scorch mark by light energy.

It must be resolved quickly. Nexus' body swayed, and he was about to bully him again, but he saw Yizu Mairu's venomous scorpion-like tail suddenly bounced up, sweeping towards him with a strong wind. Nexus drew his feet back to avoid it, but after just a moment, Yizumaru had readjusted and came forward to attack while screaming strangely and waving his claws.

It attacks very quickly, and its claws swing out so fast that they almost disappear. Nexus took two steps to avoid it, but then he ran into a tentacle head-on. With a thought in his mind, the energy flowed into the Nexus weapon on his left arm, and the arm blade cut a golden arc, cutting off the tentacle in half.

Nexus's right palm held one of Yizumaru's claws. Their arms collided, and their bodies shook each other. The road beneath their feet collapsed slightly, and there was no obvious difference between them.

Yizu Mairu followed closely with another claw. Nexus ducked his shoulders and avoided it, and his arm blade sliced ​​through the part of the alien beast that the carapace could not protect. The sharp arm blade cut through the rough skin of the alien beast, and blood dripped, but unfortunately the wound was not deep. This injury could be recovered quickly even if it was hindered by the power of light.

But it's not over yet. Nexus kept attacking. He took two steps diagonally along the left wing of the alien beast, dodged a claw, cut off a tentacle with a swing of his arm, and then blasted the alien beast's jaw with a powerful punch!

This punch seemed to have damaged an organ in Izumaru's mouth. Yizu Mairu roared angrily and used two claws in succession, almost invisible, but Nexus sidestepped both of them. He raised his right foot sharply and whipped his leg. The powerful leg force hit the side of the alien beast, and severe pain penetrated directly into its internal organs.

Nexus reached out with his left hand to grab its left shoulder, and charged up his right fist. The golden light stirred up the airflow and attached it to his fist in a spiral shape. He was about to throw a punch, but unexpectedly, the air valve in Mai Ruzheng's chest suddenly opened unexpectedly, and the meteor light bullet was fired from zero distance without any warning, hitting the armor on Nexus' chest.

A strong burning pain ran through his body, bringing a suffocating feeling like his breathing was blocked. The powerful impact sent him flying three to five hundred meters, and the ground cracked when he landed.

Although the author really wanted to add more chapters, he had a cold, fever, and a splitting headache, so he struggled to write two chapters. . . No more talking, I have to go to bed and have sex~~

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